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What was said in the BB house last night, Day 49/50.
03.09 Siavash is talking to Noirin and Bea at the bus stop.

03.08 Rodrigo has moved his bedcovers to the bed next to Charlie.

03.05 It looks like Kenny and Siavash are going to leave the room as soon as Marcus walks in!

03.04 Marcus joins Siavash and Kenny.

02.52 Kenny is sitting on his own in the sitting room. Siavash joins him.

02.46 Kenny is back from the Diary Room and said the housemates are going to have a surprise but he won't tell them what it is.

"It must benefit all," says Kenny.

02.43 Bea is talking about the rich people she met at school.

02.40 Charlie says he would never want to go out with someone as rich as Kenny, "I would hate it."

Noirin says she would be intimidated.

02.37 Housemates are still wondering why Kenny has dressed up and gone to the Diary Room.

02.33 Kenny is not telling the housemates why he has dressed up so nicely.

Kenny goes to the Diary Room.

02.32 Charlie says he came close to leaving the house last night after all the arguments with Rodrigo.

02.29 "You're not gonna walk away are you?" asks Siavash.

"Nah, nah, I never walk," Kenny replies.

02.28 Kenny has dressed up all nice and the housemates want to know why.

"You'll soon find out, you'll soon find out," he says.

02.18 Bea says about Lisa, "I don't find her that accessible."

02.10 Noirin tells Bea she has been involved in the house and "banter-ish".

02.09 Charlie doesn't think Hira will be evicted because she hasn't done anything.

He would rather have Sophie stay than Hira.

02.08 Rodrigo has called Charlie to the bedroom.

02.06 Charlie thinks he will be evicted because of the argument he had with Kenny and Tom.

Marcus thinks one of the new housemates will be evicted.

02.02 Freddie is off to bed.

01.56 Kenny is having a shower.

Freddie says he is "less and less misunderstood as time goes on".

01.54 The housemates are discussing the weather.

Typical Brits.

01.39 Housemates reckon that Kenny's letter was planted.

01.35 "I think if I ate sensibly I would be seriously thin," says Bea.

01.34 "Does anyone's stomach feel a bit weird," says Siavash.

You shouldn't have eaten the kebab hut food!

01.30 Bea is pouting in front of a camera.

01.29 Kenny and Bea are talking about champagne and wine.

Bea says 1984 was a very good year.

Kenny says 1964 and 1945 are the most expensive years.

01.27 Housemates failed the task.

01.24 Bea says Lisa "doesn't seem to be a very happy person".

01.23 All the letter says is:

"Hi, it's me. Hope you're ok. Karly."

The housemates think something is up.

01.22 Kenny got a letter from Karly which apparently was in the house before she left.

The housemates are wondering if she knew Kenny was coming in.

01.18 Freddie is eating garlic mayonnaise on toast.

01.16 It looks like Kenny is sitting all by himself in the living room.

He looks deep in thought.

01.15 "I think it's crazy, them taking the food of us. I think it's absolutely fine," says Bea.

However, she reckons the tomatoes were the way to fermenting.

01.13 "I bet you'll all be sick tomorrow," says Charlie.

01.11 Bea says, "People are far too conscious of health and hygiene."

Marcus says, "I drink puddle water if I'm thirsty. That's why I never get ill. When I eat I hardly ever chew."


01.05 Noirin comes back from the Diary Room explains that the food could be off because it has been in fluctuating temperatures and if they eat the food they could have food poisoning

01.04 They're trying the food to see what is edible and what isn't.

01.02 Big Brother says that, "Housemates are not permitted to eat food from the kebab hut."

The housemates don't care and take the food anyway.

01.01 The housemates are raiding the kebab shop for food.

There are a lot of flies around the shop but there's a lot of food which is still fresh.

01.00 The housemates are discussing food.

00.58 Marcus says it would be funny if burgers went missing. Then there would be a "hamburgler" in the house.

I'm crying with laughter.

00.57 It sounds like the housemates have failed this week's shopping task.

00.55 Housemates are talking about which toilets they poo in.

00.51 Siavash says he hate everything Kenny says but respects him for saying things straight.
Start Here.
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Hidden romance between Siavash & Noirin?

SIAVASH seems to be Irish beauty Noirin's next love-interest in the Big Brother house.

In a late night chat, the pair had an awkward discussion about romances in the house.

Noirin said that she thought new housemate Hira fancied Siavash, to which he replied, "Let me deal with one situation at a time."

The pair then discussed conversations between the two of them, which Noirin described as "talking in code."

Noirin added that Marcus did not think anything was happening between the two because he is "more concerned with Tom."

Siavash looked awkward as he delayed his next sentence, but Noirin left the room, saying," I don't want to get in trouble."

But on her way out, Siavash quietly said, "Could you see us together in five years time."

Noirin did not reply and a worried looking Siavash immediately regretted his words, saying to himself, "We did not just have this conversation. It's probably time for me to leave the house now."
Good morning all wavey

Hickey.. thanks for the BB news. Smiler I found that conversation between Noirin and Siavash rather confusing last night , so that last post explains a little.
Hope the nurse turned up ok. How is your elbow?
what time did you get to work?

Suzy ..hope your day at work is not too tiring.

Mike..hope you enjoy your day at the gym.

Emptybox...hope it is dry today, so you can catch up a little.
Housemates puzzled by Kenneth's letter

While Kenneth was in the Diary Room in the early hours of this morning, housemates discussed the letter he claimed to have received from Karly.

Charlie said he'd seen the letter but Noirin and Bea weren’t convinced that it was genuine.

"If she didn’t know he was coming into the house how could she have left him a letter?" asked Noirin. "There's something fishy about this."

They then discussed how easy it was to leave the Big Brother house. Siavash and Marcus said Big Brother always asks housemates to "sleep on it" if they ask to leave the house. Charlie pointed out it seemed quite easy to leave last year. Noirin replied that it was because "Maysoon was boring so they wouldn’t have wanted to keep her in".

The group speculated that Kenneth was asking Big Brother to send Karly back into the house.

"Even if you had all the tea in China how could you negotiate to bring someone back?" asked Bea.

"Is that how he made his money? Tea?" asked Charlie.

Later in the night Bea confronted Kenneth about the letter. "You’re making it up," she said. "You’ll struggle with me with your little stories. I’m onto you."

Kenneth replied he admired Bea’s "powers of deduction." And that "this house is all about interweaving fact and fiction in the name of entertainment."

An hour later and Kenneth escaped from the Big Brother house.
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BB eviction cancelled

TOMMORROW'S eviction has been cancelled after Kenneth Tong escaped from the house.

Almost the entire house had been up for the public vote with playboy Kenneth being the hot tip for the chop before he quit the show.

Kenneth escaped over the Big Brother house's roof this morning at 5am.

The walk out came after he was asked by Big Brother to find his girlfriend, evicted Karly Ashworth's, contraceptive pills.

When he could not find them he burst into tears in the Diary Room thinking his Scottish girlfriend was cheating on him.

Leaving the show the 24-year-old said: "I knew a girl would be my downfall... It's like an unfaithful husband asking his wife to fetch his condoms."

All five new housemates were up for eviction after they failed in their secret task to make sure Freddie Fisher and Noirin Kelly received the most nominations from housemates.

Almost all of the rest of the housemates found themselves at risk of the axe as a punishment for talking about nominations with only Lisa Wallace and Rodrigo Lopes remaining safe.

Show bosses confirmed this afternoon the live eviction had been cancelled and any callers who voted can log onto the show's website for a refund.

Kenneth will be talking to Davina McCall about his decision to quit the show in the second Big Brother instalment tomorrow night on Channel 4.
Quick Post.

Rodrigo is angry because his fellow 'Big Brother housemates spent ÂĢ17 on milk from this week's shopping budget.

Rodrigo is fuming because the housemates spent ÂĢ17 on milk.

The bisexual Brazilian got more and more upset as Noirin, Tom, Marcus, Feddie (Halfwit) and Charlie decided the 'Big Brother' house needed gallons of the dairy drink while compiling the shopping list today (23.07.09).

Rodrigo complained to Sophie (Dogface) in the bedroom: "They want to spend ÂĢ17 on milk. I don't even drink milk! I want something else."

The disgruntled pair then marched into the garden to moan about the milk situation to Lisa.

Rodrigo whinged: "Noirin thinks she is the boss."

To which Lisa replied: "I know. It's terrible isn't it? We know what's right and wrong. As you can see, I'm hanging back."

Sophie (Dogface) then chipped in, accusing some housemates of changing now there is an influx of new contestants.

She said: "You can see people's personalities change now there are new people here."

After airing his grievances in private, Rodrigo then decided to confront Noirin for milking the shopping budget.

He moaned, "We all have to sit and decide together," to which Noirin replied, "We did, you were there."

Rodrigo blasted back: "It was not a group decision."

All the housemates were left reeling today (23.07.09) after waking up to discover new boy Kenneth had escaped.

The self-styled playboy left in the early hours of Thursday morning after deciding he didn't want to be separated from his girlfriend Karly, who was evicted last week, any longer.

23 July 2009 16:25:29
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Hiya Suzie.wavey

Can't reply with your quote so have to do it another way.

What have you been smashing up then?

I had a reasonable day.
Had to have the Cannula moved again because it started leaking.
Went to work after the Nurse came and was back before she came again.
I'm free now till 10pm tonight when they visit again.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Quick Post
Hiya Suzie.wavey

Can't reply with your quote so have to do it another way.

What have you been smashing up then?

I had a reasonable day.
Had to have the Cannula moved again because it started leaking.
Went to work after the Nurse came and was back before she came again.
I'm free now till 10pm tonight when they visit again.

Hiya Hicky Hug

I've been smashing up old handsets, reclaiming bits that can be re-used and ditching/recording what can't. Big Grin
Hope your elbow is getting better though and that work wasn't too much for you today Hug
Oh and thanks for the updates Big Grin I haven't got around to reading them yet Laugh I see we've had an escapee Big Grin
Originally posted by Hicky:
Quick Post.
Hi Suzie.wavey:

Elbow still swollen but it's getting easier, didn't stay long at work, was busy while I was there though.

It a bit awkward doing the news etc when I can't use the normal Reply buttons, don't know what is up.

Yep, hard man Kenny has scarpered.

No worries Hug
I'm sure the admin will be trying to sort it out as quickly as possible Big Grin
Glad to hear your elbow is a bit better Hug
I saw on BBLB what happened and read Darloboy's link Laugh

Quiet in here tonight isn't it?
Quick Post.
Davina "annoyed" by Kenneth's escape

Davina McCall has expressed her annoyance at Kenneth escaping from the house.

After hearing the news that the self-described playboy left the Big Brother compound, McCall branded him a "quitter" on her Twitter account.

"I’m up! OMG Ken’s gone over the wall! I’m annoyed," she wrote this morning. "Hate it when housemates walk, it’s quitting. I didn’t have him down as a quitter."

She also said that "judging by the tweets", he would have been evicted on Friday.
Originally posted by Angel of the North:
Hello Smiler

I keep wanting to come in here but whenever I pop in someone is talking about BB and I dont watch it Laugh so I slink away till next time Ninja

Hiya Angel Hug

You can come in here any time and talk about what you want we usually have several different conversations on the go Laugh

Nice to see you in here by the way Big Grin
Good evening all wavey

Hicky ... glad to hear the elbow feels a bit better. What a nuisance the canallula came out again. How much longer do you think they will be doing this for? Hope you aren't too tired with coping with work and the nurse visits. Hug

Suzy .. that sounds an unusual day involving you smashing things. Big Grin I hope today wasn't so boring as yesterday for you.

Mikey wavey how did you get on at the gym? What did you make in ceramics? Glad to hear you found it interesting. Smiler

thanks for the BB news Hicky. Smiler
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Wave, i'm happy Kens gone another week of Marcus and Noirin to look forward to plus Freddie and Siavash of course my fab 4 Smiler. Hopefully Lisa goes next week, Bea i'm starting to see through now but she's ok.

Hi Darloboy wavey

Yes I too am looking forward to watching another week of Marcus and Noirin, and I also like Freddie , Sylvash, and Bea. Smiler

Hope you are having a fun summer break. Smiler
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Good evening all wavey

Hicky ... glad to hear the elbow feels a bit better. What a nuisance the canallula came out again. How much longer do you think they will be doing this for? Hope you aren't too tired with coping with work and the nurse visits. Hug

Suzy .. that sounds an unusual day involving you smashing things. Big Grin I hope today wasn't so boring as yesterday for you.

Mikey wavey how did you get on at the gym? What did you make in ceramics? Glad to hear you found it interesting. Smiler

thanks for the BB news Hicky. Smiler

Hiya Mollie Hug

It's a necessity as we have to recycle everything these day Big Grin also it's a great stress reliever Laugh

How was your day Big Grin
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Hiya Mollie Hug

It's a necessity as we have to recycle everything these day Big Grin also it's a great stress reliever Laugh

How was your day Big Grin

wavey Suzy Hug
Laugh Yes sounds like a good way to help the stress.

Had a good day thanks.
Been shopping in Asda and took the dog a walk tonight, it was quite a nice night, not too hot, but dry.
Originally posted by Angel of the North:
Oh stoppit you'll set me off Red Face

I am an emotional wreck this evening.

But thanks ladies Valentine

It's not our intention we just want you to feel free to pop in for a chat Hug
Sorry you are feeling so down though, I hope it's nothing too disasterous Frowner and I hope you'll soon be feeling better soon Hug
Originally posted by *Mollie*:

wavey Suzy Hug
Laugh Yes sounds like a good way to help the stress.

Had a good day thanks.
Been shopping in Asda and took the dog a walk tonight, it was quite a nice night, not too hot, but dry.

Glad you had a good day Big Grin
It's been raining on and off down here but it's getting hot again so we can expect storms soon no doubt Big Grin
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by *Mollie*:

wavey Suzy Hug
Laugh Yes sounds like a good way to help the stress.

Had a good day thanks.
Been shopping in Asda and took the dog a walk tonight, it was quite a nice night, not too hot, but dry.

Glad you had a good day Big Grin
It's been raining on and off down here but it's getting hot again so we can expect storms soon no doubt Big Grin

Yes, I heard it was going to get hotter over the weekend. Not too hot I hope though , i hate that hot steamy weather, so tiring.

I am watching a wedding programme, and one of the guests has my new skirt on. Laugh
I wore it out shopping for the first time tonight, but it was very windy, and I had to cling to it, to stop the embarressment of nicker flashing. Blush Laugh OH said to me, "trust you to chose the windiest day to wear that new short skirt" Laugh
Originally posted by Angel of the North:
I just started a new job and it's really started to hit me Eeker

I have 3 weeks off coming up though and that's going to help.

Angel... starting a new job is always stressful and tiring. It is hard not only to get to learn the work, but to suss all the people out too.
Good job you have a break from it coming up. Hug

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