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Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by *Mollie*:

Yes he is another pampered indoors pet. Big Grin

My memory hasn't completly (sp?) failed me yet then Laugh

nothing wrong with your memory Suzy...

no more mention of the daughters return yet ?

That's good then I'm beginning to wonder about my sanity at the mo

No she seems to have the rosy coloured glasses on again Laugh
Let's take a closer look at the brand NEW housemates!
Posted on Friday 17 Jul 2009

Ooh, we do love a new housemate...or five! Nothing builds up the excitement like a few new faces being thrown into the mix, and the housemates were certainly excited, weren't they? Aren't BB sneaky putting Karly's boyfriend in there? And are we the only ones who are REALLY surprised that those two are even together?! It was a bit cruel separating them so quickly, but at least now Kenneth will be able to be himself 100 per cent. So, we now have five new people to get to know; hippy chick Bea, self-titled "Playboy" and Karly's rich boyfriend Kenneth, fashion fan David, the one we keep calling Shakira, Hira, who never stops talking, and Tom, who we think will soon be battling with Alpha-male Marcus to become top dog. What do you think of them? Do you love them? Loathe them? Do you even care? We know you're simply dying to spew your thought juices out through every orifice, but instead you could just use the comments boxes below...

Update: Davina's just announced there's a surprise coming up after the break... This is news to us. Stay here for all the details.

OK, so Hira and her fellow new housemates must ensure that Halfwit and Noirin are nominated for eviction next week. Poor Halfwit. We couldn't believe it when his ball came out, so to speak. Bad luck just follows that boy around. Although we're not even sure if Hira understood what the hell Big Brother was on about. The next few days should be very amusing. We can't wait!
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by Tatty:
yahahaah OMG how funny is that .... with the noms Laugh Laugh

not funny which names she got, but how dim was she?
I think she is worse than Sreee?
Is it his Sree's sister by any chance? Laugh

Hopefully she will mess up the mission so Freddie and Noirin aren't up.

i KNOW she forgot the flipping hamper.... she forgot her brain was in her head really Laugh
Originally posted by Tatty:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Well Hira hadn't a clue what BB was talking about, she thinks those 2 have been nominated and didn't take the hamper of drink and food out of the DR.

Me thinks BB will have to call one of the others in to explain as she doesn't get the secret mission at all.

Laugh i bet they dont!!

I hope they dont. I want Freddie and Noirin to stay, they are interesting HM's. But wish it was Lisa who was up.
Originally posted by King Kev:
No way will it be just 2 HM's up this week.
Rodrigo definately, Marcus, Noirin and with maybe Freddie and Charlie is my prediction or perhaps all five but this week I think it's going to be very close.

Well according to what was said, if it isn't Freddie & Noirin then the 5 new ones are up next week.
Originally posted by King Kev:
No way will it be just 2 HM's up this week.
Rodrigo definately, Marcus, Noirin and with maybe Freddie and Charlie is my prediction or perhaps all five but this week I think it's going to be very close.

it has to be Freddie and Noirin now it was thier names pulled. or the 5 new ones up, is how I understood it.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by Tatty:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Well Hira hadn't a clue what BB was talking about, she thinks those 2 have been nominated and didn't take the hamper of drink and food out of the DR.

Me thinks BB will have to call one of the others in to explain as she doesn't get the secret mission at all.

Laugh i bet they dont!!

I hope they dont. I want Freddie and Noirin to stay, they are interesting HM's. But wish it was Lisa who was up.

i seriously dislike that ... i cant even call lisa a woman Sick what is wrong with her?? has she any friends on the outside???? Laugh
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
No she seems to have the rosy coloured glasses on again Laugh

Oh well, I guess she is still young.

Maybe she'll grow out of it, I hope she does anyway as she could do alot better that that Roll Eyes

Is that dissatisfaction of the BF lol.
Could be worse, could be me lol. Big Grin
Or mike in his youth. Eeker
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by King Kev:
No way will it be just 2 HM's up this week.
Rodrigo definately, Marcus, Noirin and with maybe Freddie and Charlie is my prediction or perhaps all five but this week I think it's going to be very close.

Well according to what was said, if it isn't Freddie & Noirin then the 5 new ones are up next week.

yes the 5 newbies, no way will hira get that task right Laugh
Originally posted by King Kev:
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
No she seems to have the rosy coloured glasses on again Laugh

Oh well, I guess she is still young.

Maybe she'll grow out of it, I hope she does anyway as she could do alot better that that Roll Eyes

Is that dissatisfaction of the BF lol.
Could be worse, could be me lol. Big Grin
Or mike in his youth. Eeker

Eeker Eeker OMG suzieee move!!! quick!!
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
BF has no job has just been kicked out of college and has absolutely no prospects so If my daughter said she was dating you Kev I would be very happy Big Grin

Anyway peeps that's my lot for tonight Hug

Night Night Sweet Dreams HugLaugh

See you all tomorrow Wave

nightnight sweetie see you tomorrow on the farm Laugh
no really sweet dreams Hug Valentine
Well, I'm sad that Karly has gone. Frowner
But she got the best reception of the series so far.
And she came over very well in her interview, so I'm not too unhappy.

Usually I don't like that behaviourist woman, but she was spot on tonight. Big Grin
A lot of the dislike for Karly was because of the expressions on her face, and the looks she gave, rather than for anything she actually said.

Also she outed Freddie as an arch schemer. Smiler

Well if that newbie in the diaryroom is anything to go by, then it is the newbies who will be up next week, cos she hadn't got a clue. Big Grin
hey Kev ...

I had a few bad dos tonight , seein GP /drug dealer in morn .......
Thumbs Up
Oi .....kebab chili face
get off face book after your last warning to me
I banned meself from it ,an talk email mate Wink

I wanna believe folk here like me ...?

Are they cooking Right ?????? Wink

I have a touch of the OCDs so I would be a good lodger if ...Im allowed ..?
Mike Strutter
Good Morning Peeps Hug

Hope you all have a great day today Big Grin

Mike Valentine
The more the merrier Big Grin
It looks like you have a full day of activities today I hope you have lots of fun Big Grin

Emptybox Hug
Sounds like you have a busy week ahead of you and I hope you have lots of fun. I love riding on steam trains and my Dad loves telling me all about the engineering side of it Big Grin

Tatty Valentine
Will see you about and will watch out for you or your twin on the farm Big Grin

Mollie Hug
Hope you have a lovely breakfast in Asda Big Grin Ikea Eeker you'll end up pennyless if you go in there if your anything like me with that shop Laugh

Hicky Hug

Hope you have plenty to write up on with those new housemates Big Grin
Have a great day today, will you have any little person company while you're gardening or typing today Big Grin
Good Afternoon Everyone.Wave

My last post was lost last night.

Sorry I'm late, my Elbow was swelling up something awful, so took myself to A&E at Arrow Park Hospital at 12.00 last night, didn't see a Doctor till 3am, but had to stay as elbow was getting bigger all the time.

They gave me 2 lots of different Penicillin.
Got home at 3.45, took some of the tablets, it's gone down some now but didn't wake.

Going back to the A&E clinic Monday to check how it is.

Will go and get any info to post.
I'm a bit slower as I can't move my elbow much.

Last night in the BB house, Day 44/45.
03:22 Charlie's come into the garden. He's saying he thinks David fancies Tom. Personally, he's not into muscles.

03:06 David's talking to Charlie about being promiscuous. He says he's had married men begging him for sex. Now the sounds cut out - I'd love to know what they're saying now.

03:03 Lisa's telling Tom that she doesn't look at the female housemates in a sexual way. They're more like sisters.

02:57 Siavash and Sophie are having a deep discussion about Kris and whether he really likes her - then Sophie farts. Typical of her, when Siavash is pouring his heart out.

02:52 David and the housemates are talking about how difficult it must have been for Karly, to see her boyfriend come into the house, and then be told she was evicted.

02:40 Siavash and Hira are having a SENSIBLE conversation - about how Pakistani women are misrepresented.

02:36 Tom's telling Sophie (who's quite drunk) that you can get drunk on pork pies. She's not that drunk, Tom.

02:20 Old and new housemates are all chatting about where to put things. Charlie is called to the diary room.

02:05 Siavash is telling Hira how f****** brilliant it is that she's in the house. He doesn't know the f-word is the one she hates most in the world. Oops!

01:56 Tom was about to start talking about something secret with Hira, but Charlie disturbed them.

01:54 Marcus is just lying on the bed perving at Noirin. It's a bit nasty.

01:50 Noirin is telling Marcus how maternal she is. He says she's perfect wife and mother material - and she's got a great bum, tummy and knockers.

01:45 Marcus is telling Noirin that Tom is 'fake'. 'You can tell everything about a man by the way he walks. His walk, apparently, is 'fake'.

01:42 Bea (new girl) is telling Sophie how gorgeous Kris was.
Start Here, doesn't seem much.
Rodrigo lays the house laws down to Hira
Day 45, 10:02 BST

After being confused by the secret task given to her by Big Brother, Hira's bafflement about the basics of the house continued into the night.

While unpacking her suitcase she asked Rodrigo if Big Brother provided "products, like lotions" on demand. A surprised Rodrigo laughed and told her that items had to be bought from the shopping list, which required the housemates to pass tasks.

She later made friends with Siavash, discussing how the general public perceives their cultures. "People ask me why I don’t wear a hijab or if I live in the same place as the Taliban." Siavash agreed and said that people always associate Iran with wars.

"It’s brave of us to come on here to represent our countries," said Hira. She added that she was very impressed as she hadn’t experienced any racism while auditioning for the show.

"The people in here aren’t angels," said Siavash, "but I promise you there’s no racism or judging of people."
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Hicky Hug

So sorry your elbow has been a nightmare for you, you must be feeling absolutely shattered being up that late. I hope the penicillin is working it's magic for you and it will be deflating soon. Your elbow that is Big Grin

Thanks for the overnight news and you rest easy Hug

Thanks Suzie.wavey

It has gone down a lot, it's just a bit tight, so hard to bend much, no pain though so that's a bonus.
It's still pretty hot though which probably means infection.
Sophie suspicious about Tom
Day 45, 10:08 BST

A worried Sophie confided her suspicions that Big Brother had sent Tom into the house as a replacement for Kris.

"They’ve just put him in here to make people think I fancy him," she said, while wearing Kris’s old hoodie. "It pisses me off, because what if Kris sees it?"

She later asked Siavash for his opinions, who told her that she should watch recordings of the show to ascertain Kris’s real feelings towards her.
Housemates react to Karly’s eviction
Day 45, 10:15 BST

Lisa revealed her feelings about Karly's eviction to the new housemates last night.

She told Karly’s boyfriend Kenneth how much her friendship with Karly had meant to her during her time in the house, and said that she’d miss her. "We became very close," she said. "We supported each other."

New arrival Bea replied that she would have liked to got to know Karly.

Later, Sophie told Kenneth that she and Karly were planning to do a topless shoot once they were both out of the house and that Karly would be getting a boob job. Kenneth asked for some advice about the best place for Karly to have surgery and then speculated about how much they would get for the shoot, thinking ÂĢ100,000 sounded reasonable.

Sophie suggested that to be a sensible figure, as she thought that a previous housemate had got ÂĢ70,000 for topless modelling work.
Tom’s pecs divide opinion
Day 45, 10:25 BST

As housemates prepared for bed, Tom took his top off and walked around the bedroom, giving housemates ample time to look at his physique.

"You train hard, that’s all I can say," said a bemused Kenneth.

A stunned Bea went to the garden to tell Lisa, Freddie, Charlie and Siavash that she’d "never seen anything like it in my life. I’ve never seen anyone so toned".

Charlie said that he wouldn’t want to be so big, that it was "too much", but that he suspected David fancied Tom.

Siavash was more impressed, saying "If I had a body like that..." before adding that if he was gay he wouldn’t want to have sex with Tom as he’d be too intimidated.

Marcus took a more critical view of the new arrival, telling Noirin that you can judge a man by his walk and that Tom has a "fake walk".
David and Lisa make friends
Day 45, 10:39 BST

David and Lisa bonded while smoking cigarettes on the bench. David revealed that he’d had a hard life, as his father died when David was 16, and that he lives in a council house. Lisa empathised and said: "I’ve never had anything and I still don’t."

He added that all his family would be "in tears", as they knew how much getting into the house meant to him. Lisa agreed, saying that she’d applied to take part in several series in the past.

He also hit it off with Charlie, discussing their mutual experiences of coming out as gay. David revealed to his fellow housemate that "hundreds of married men have begged me for sex".
Originally posted by Hicky:

Thanks Suzie.wavey

It has gone down a lot, it's just a bit tight, so hard to bend much, no pain though so that's a bonus.
It's still pretty hot though which probably means infection.

I hope you'll get help with your gardening then over the next few days Hug You don't want to aggrivate it, I'm glad it's not painful though, that would be awful.
Bea hits it off with Freddie
Day 45, 10:47 BST

New arrival Bea found an instant fan in Freddie, who told Noirin that "she is definitely my type".

The pair spent the early part of the night drinking champagne, some of which Bea spilled over Freddie’s jacket, smoking and swapping stories of music festivals they’d been to.

Bea said that some people "take the piss out of Big Brother because it’s a tacky show, but I think this will be a mind-blowing experience."

Freddie replied: "Fu** yeah man, fu** yeah."

They cemented their friendship later in the night by soaking chickpeas together. Bea took the bed next to Freddie’s as the housemates settled down to sleep and found they had even more in common. Bea revealed she’d gone to Cheltenham Ladies College, which Freddie’s sisters had also attended.

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