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Karly: 'I don't want to see Sophie go'
Day 43, 19:40 BST

Karly has told Sophie that she is worried about her being evicted on Friday.

The Scottish glamour model said: "I don't want you to go. I would rather go than you." Sophie replied: "And I'd rather go than you. It won't be the same without you.

"It's been like a roller coaster really - lots of ups and downs."

Karly then declared: "This is our last proper day."

"I've got a feeling it's gonna be me," predicted Sophie. Karly disagreed. "I think it's me," she stated.

"It's between me and you," claimed Sophie, before Karly insisted: "It's me."

The two girls are up against Noirin and Siavash in this week's public vote.
Big Brother's Worst Housemates
Friday, July 17 2009, 06:52 BST

Even Big Brother's producers must surely admit that they've made mistakes down the years. Aside from the obvious Shilpagate controversies, they have been known to give some dreadfully boring people a ticket to sit on their backsides for ten weeks. They've also thrown us some truly distasteful buffoons who have fully deserved their eviction boos/public flogging. Keep reading below to find our personal list of the worst ever housemates.
5. Gos (Big Brother 4)
It's alleged that the reason Big Brother started implementing wake-up alarms in the house was all thanks to Gos. Spending the majority of the series belly-up on a bean bag or chatting inanely with eventual winner Cameron, Gos proved to have the personality of a Tesco carrier bag. Managing to remain in the house for a number of weeks due to his cookery skills, the public got rid of him at the first opportunity in Week 6. Evicted to no crowd due to a bomb scare, it was all the chef really deserved.
4. Suzie (Big Brother 7)
The 'Golden Ticket' Kit Kat winner in 2006, who desperately wanted to get on Big Brother so much that her husband reportedly bought her 60 boxes of the chocolate snack and bid ÂĢ4,000 for a ticket on eBay. This outrageous dedication was not matched by entertainment in the house as she spent the majority of her time toiling away cleaning, cooking and doing very little to make us care two jots about what happened to her after her eviction. Her only plus point was that she annoyed posho Grace Adams-Short, who chucked water on her after being told of her eviction.
3. Maysoon (Big Brother 9)
There have been plenty of female contestants who have slipped through the producers' net in recent years purely for being good-looking, but Maysoon took the biscuit. The highlight of her 26-day stint amounted to taking part in a paper bag ripping competition and she even suffered the indignity of being called "dull" and "indecisive" by neanderthal duo Dale and Stuart. Her aim was to change the public's perception of models, but probably ended up setting them back about 15 years. She didn't even have the decency to wait for an eviction, walking out without so much as a whimper on Day 56. Did she just do it all for some magazine modelling deals? Probably.
2. Carole (Big Brother 8)
Carole dominated and arguably ruined the entirety of Big Brother 8, making it one of the weakest series in the show's history. She smothered the other housemates, ruined the tasks (namely 'Fake Week') and started crying like a baby whenever anyone challenged her behaviour. She took the likes of Ziggy and Liam under her wing to ensure she would avoid eviction, behaved terribly to one of the few interesting contestants (Gerry), and somehow managed to make it all the way to the flipping final. Aged 54, she should have provided an interesting dynamic to the house, but her sole contribution was to keep the housemates clean and fed (with her horrible cooking).
1.Sezer (Big Brother 7)
The worst housemate of all time, without much argument, must surely be Sezer Yurtseven from Big Brother 7. The stock broker and property developer from London strutted around the compound, oozing arrogance and cockiness from his pores. He bitched, bullied and seemed certain in his own head that he was a winner. Others may have been more boring and some may have been more irritating, but no one has ever matched the former boxer for being a complete and utter plank. His face on eviction night when Davina read his name, having presumed the UK's female population would save him, is still probably the most priceless moment in the show's history.
Noirin, Lisa quit electric shock task
Day 43, 18:41 BST

Noirin and Lisa have failed the electric shock task.

Marcus went up against Big Brother 9's Rex Newmark in the challenge, during which they had to negotiate a copper wire course in the garden with a wand.

Each time the wand touched the wire, all the housemates - apart from Marcus - received an electric shock and the competitor responsible had to return to the start.

Big Brother explained that the person who completed the course in the fastest time would be declared the winner, with both contestants being given an hour to finish the challenge.

The rest of the housemates were advised that they needed to wear their shock pads for the entire task in order to receive a shopping token, while Marcus was told that he would be awarded the same prize if he beat Rex.

As Rex entered the house, Noirin said: "Oh my God, cool." Lisa, however, did not seem as pleased. "I don't like him," she stated.

Charlie looked Rex up and down, before asking: "Do you think he's bonny?"

"No way. No way," shouted Lisa. "I wish it was Sarah. He picked on her, didn't he?"

In the garden, Rex said to Marcus: "Hey, you finally got to wear your X-Men outfit." Marcus replied: "I told all my friends that if I saw you, I'd punch you. Are you ready to take it?... You know this is for our food and everything, yeah?"

Rex stated: "You're gonna be hungry then."

"F**k it" Marcus laughed.

As the two competitors proceeded to deliberately dish out electric shocks, the housemates failed to see the funny side.

Noirin went into the Diary Room, where she started to cry. "Do you have my thing on a higher setting than anyone else?," the Dubliner asked.

She eventually decided that the pain was too much to bear and removed her shock pads, with Lisa following suit.
Big Brother: Rodrigo vows to stay away from the Diary Room

Big Brother contestant Rodrigo Lopes has said that he will not go into the Diary Room again as he does not want viewers to see him cry.
.17 July 2009 00:00 AM

Big Brother contestant Rodrigo Lopes has said that he will not go into the Diary Room again as he does not want viewers to see him cry.

Rodrigo told Karly and Lisa that he had made the vow after he emerged from an emotional session talking to Big Brother.

He said: "I'm not going to the Diary Room ever again... I know what they want - they want this."

The 23-year-old told the girls that he would cover his face so that viewers were unable to see him cry.

He added:"So I'll stay in bed with my face covered so they don't have anything to film.

Rodrigo and Lisa said that they believe that Big Brother manipulates the housemates to create emotional situations for the cameras.

He said: "I thought Big Brother was genuine, but I was wrong."

Meanwhile, Rodrigo was angry with his fellow housemates for disregarding the rules after Big Brother confiscated all the furniture in the house.

The contestants woke on Thursday to discover that sofas, tables and chairs had been removed.

The furniture had been confiscated in reprisal for the contestants' silent protest over Big Brother's rationing of alcohol.

Big Brother left the housemates a statement which said: "As housemates are unable to respect the fixtures and fittings of the house, Big Brother has been left with no other decision than to remove them until further notice."
Shore beats BB, Davina
Published: Today

BIG Brother host Davina McCall frolics in the sea in St Tropez - as her Channel 4 show waves goodbye to viewers.

Tatt's cheeky ... Davina's alien

Davina, 41, looked toned in a skimpy bikini that showed off her tattoos - a green alien on her bottom, horns on her hips and a rose on her wrist.

She was on a break with hubby Matthew and kids Holly, seven, Tilly, five, and Chester, two.

If she dressed like that on BB, she'd shore be a hit.
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Thanks for the news and updates, Hicky! Wave

Quite a lively night in the house last night – reminded me of the pre-eviction nights from previous series.

Good Morning Cold Sweat.wavey

You are most Welcome.
It makes a change for them to be awake, but then a few drinks seems to have that effect.Big Grin

It's gong to be some party tonight when the others go in.
Housemates go BBedhopping
Published: Today

Cosy ... Charlie Drummond welcomed Siavash Sabbaghpour into his bed

AFTER a wild and boozy party, Siavash jumped into Charlie's bed for a cuddle.

As they snuggled up, Siavash said to Charlie: "This is so gay. Don't touch my c***."

Charlie started stroking Siavash's fingers and asking whether he played the guitar with his long nails.

Siavash kept saying: "This is so gay," but then said, "We should sleep together every night."

Meanwhile, Noirin jumped into Siavash's bed - next to Marcus - and the two had a brief cuddle.

Hope her ex wasn't watching.

ABOVE: Contestant Sophie was asked on a date by BB8's Brian 16th July 2009 A NEW bunch of oddballs will be thrown into the house tomorrow.

And we can reveal the four newbies include a sassy hippy-chick, a posh Indian lass, a loadsamoney yacht broker and a none-too-bright smalltown boy.

They will make their entrance during the live Channel 4 show hosted by Davina McCall, 41.

The stunt marks the climax of Big Brother’s 10th birthday celebrations, which have been taking place all this week.

Davina will send in the new gang once TV viewers have voted out the latest evictee.

Yesterday BB7’s Nikki Grahame, 27, returned to the house to compete in the silent disco task but lost out to Karly Ashworth, 21.

And BB8’s Brian Belo, 22, interrupted his word game with Charlie Drummond, 22, to ask Sophie out on a romantic date.

On Tuesday, Craig Coates, 25, and Makosi Musambasi, 29, from BB6, did the “living in a box” task against Siavash Sabbaghpour, 23, but he beat them by staying inside his the longest.

BB’s birthday surprises have proved a big ratings booster. Tuesday’s show with BB1’s Craig, BB2’s Dean and BB3’s Alex drew 2.7million viewers.

Five new housemates are set to enter the 'Big Brother' house tonight (17.07.09) after the latest eviction.

Five new housemates are set to enter the 'Big Brother' house tonight (17.07.09).

Producers are keen to spice up the Channel 4 fly-on-the-wall reality show, so are sending in five fresh faces, including a Muslim fashion designer, a camp northerner, a rugby-playing Tory a jet-setting Playboy and a polyamory (having multiple lovers) practicing bohemian.

The newcomers will be introduced to the house by host Davina McCall after tonight's eviction which will see one housemate - either Karly, Noirin, Sophie (Dogface) or Siavash - exit the show, leaving eight contestants in the house.

Host of spin off show 'Big Brother's Little Brother', George Lamb said: "All the girls will be getting excited about the Playboy, I know Kris was worried when he came out we were going to send another fit guy in there. Well, it's come true Krissy, maybe you're going to get a run for your money with old Dogface (Sophie).

"And maybe there'll be sparks between the camp northerner and Charlie?

"Also, a bohemian polygamist will be right up Freddie's street. And a Muslim fashion designer - another fashionista, Siavash is going to get a little uncomfortable I imagine."

The present contestants have already discussed the prospect of new housemates entering and are convinced it will happen soon.

Charlie had predicted Big Brother would bring two lads and one girl who was "really beautiful".

17 July 2009 10:49:55 AM

ABOVE: Noirin will HAVE to go on a date with Marcus
17th July 2009

MARCUS has finally worn Noirin down and has forced her to go on a date with him.

The housemates who passed yesterday’s electric shock task were given tokens and told by Big Brother they could each exchange it for a once in a lifetime prize – so the hairy carpenter requested time alone with the Irish beauty.

Noirin – who along with Lisa failed the task – must first agree to Marcus’ request before the date can be arranged.

Marcus also chewed over the idea of asking for the use of an electric guitar and amplifier for an hour.

Sophie was granted permission to see her dogs, but Big Brother blocked Rodrigo’s request to speak to his family.

However, he was consoled by being told a letter from home would be organised for him.

Siavash also requested communication from the outside world, but when told he couldn’t speak to his mum, settled for two bottles of wine, 19 cans of cider and a packet of crisps.

Karly considered what she had been missing – including chocolate and sweets – before asking for two packets of cigarettes.

Charlie put in an order for burger, fries and a fizzy drink.

Freddie decided to keep his token and take it back to the house for everyone to share.

Lisa and karly will still no doubt find something in that to annoy them - he'll never win with those two!

ABOVE: Freddie is desperate for fresh faces
17th July 2009
HOUSEMATES have guessed that they are getting new housemates tonight.

Noirin, Sophie, Karly and Siavash face eviction, but all the housemates were excited at the prospect of some fresh blood arriving to spice up the house, even though they haven’t officially been told there are new housemates arriving.

Noirin yelped: "Bet you we're getting new housemates tonight!"

Freddie rubbed his hands together in excitement as he said: "New people, new people."

Producers are keen to spice up the show with ratings dwindling.

The new arrivals are said to include a Muslim fashion designer, a camp northerner, a rugby-playing Tory a jet-setting Playboy and a polyamory practicing hippy.

Despite the possibility of eviction, Noirin remained upbeat and revealed she doesn't care what her fellow housemates have said about her.

She said: "I don't care what anyone's said in here. This is the House - it's not the real world, it's a game show at the end of the day."

Hopefully it will be Karly who hears what they said about her tonight.

ABOVE: Lisa had a bitching session with Karly
17th July 2009
LISA is continuing her bitchy tirade, saying Marcus is behaving like a creep towards Noirin.

Marcus has made no secret of his crush on the Irish beauty, and has been slammed by the unemployed lesbian and Karly for his behaviour last night as he wouldn’t leave her alone.

Lisa - who claims she has turned women lesbian - said: "He was sneaking on her because she'd had a drink. His little arm went round her. I thought, urgh, creep. He's like a predator."

Karly agreed, saying: "I was rubbing my eyes, going 'Are you for f**king real?!'

"But why does Noirin let him in She's already said that she doesn't like him. She was in the bed and she went, 'Marcus...' and then he came in beside her."

However, both girls agreed Noirin has been giving the hairy carpenter mixed messages.

Karly continued: "Remember when she told him to back off? He was sulking about it for two days."

Lisa added: "And now it's all back on..."

Sounds like they're trying to get rid of Noirin - but scheming Karly is still the current favourite to get the chop.
Oil bet that's not the last of it

FLIRTING between Charlie Drummond and Rodrigo Lopes reached fever pitch last night.

The pair's blossoming relationship has seen them playing a number of practical jokes on each other.

In the latest spell of japery, Charlie, 21, decided to drench the Brazilian student's bed in water.

Not to be outdone the 23-year-old decided to fight back and fetched some cooking oil and poured it all over Charlie's duvet.

A less-than impressed Big Brother called Rodrigo to the Diary Room for a ticking off - issuing the normally quiet housemate with a warning for aggressive behaviour.

Not for the first time an annoyed Rodrigo told fellow housemates Sophie Reade and Noirin Kelly he would be staying out of Charlie's way.
Noirin does the breast stroke

Busty ... Noirin

DUBLIN stunner Noirin looks like she is trying to give Sophie Reade a run for her money while frolicking in the pool.

The 25-year-old had been playing in the swimming pool with a pair of blown up gloves last night.

Noirin happily poses with the gloves in front of her chest - using them as a second pair of breasts.

Smitten Marcus Akin - who joined in on the fun - must have thought his luck was in when he got a glimpse of his love interest's enhanced assets.

Looks like 30GG glamour girl Sophie might have some competition.
Freddie fights with Lisa

POSH Freddie Fisher has fallen out with Lisa Wallace in a row over the shopping.

The 24-year-old told the Brummie she and Noirin Kelly should go without alcohol and treats because they gave up on the earlier electric shock task.

Sivash Sabbaghpour, 23, had suggested the pair be denied booze - and Freddie had disagreed with him, but yesterday it seemed he had changed his mind.

Fiery Lisa took offence at the suggestion saying the shopping task had involved everyone - so she and Noirin should also get the goods.

But Freddie accused her of being a hypocrite, saying she had previously branded other housemates slackers - but now was not mucking in herself.

After a short row Lisa stormed out to be with Karly Ashworth and Sophie Reade.

"He thinks he's untouchable," Lisa moaned about the five-time eviction survivor. "I'll argue until I die."
Brian Belo's BB Blog

Brian reveals what he did with Dogface OFF camera...
Posted on Friday 17 Jul 2009

Watching Brian Belo go back in the Big Brother house last night had to be one of the best moments of the series so far. The sheer excitement he exuded! Having met Brian ourselves, we can vouch for Halfwit's comment that he has an "amazing energy". He really does. It's infectious and wonderful and a breath of fresh air when so many people are down in the dumps all the time. Anyway, what we really want to know is what Brian himself thought of the whole experience, and, luckily for us, he's written a blog all about it – including some details about him and Dogface that we didn't see on camera... Oo. Er!

Return of the Ex HM's.

What a week it’s been in the BB10 house. As you know, I’ve been hooked on Big Bro 2009 since day 1, but having former housemates from every series put back in for the special tasks has revived the house more than I could ever have imagined. I currently think every single housemate left in the house has made great television, and the best thing about BB this year is the right people have been evicted!

The first former housemate to go back in was Craig Phillips from series one. Craig proved he is still a lovely guy by mentoring Halfwit on being nominated so much. Another thing about Craig is that he does not seem to have aged at all in ten years – astounding! Lisa had Dean from BB2 challenge her to the sugar cube tower task. I started shouting at the screen when hardly any of the inmates remembered Dean or the sugar cube tower! I almost felt like a granddad who was telling old war stories. Rodrigo threw another strop when he didn’t get to meet his BB3 housemates. Rodrigo and his strops are becoming too frequent for my liking. He's cute and nice, but he does need to learn how to lighten up a bit!

Federico dropped the biggest bomb by revealing to Noirin that Michael Jackson had died. I was a bit disappointed by him telling them, as they should not have any information from the outside world – but it was interesting to see their reactions. I loved seeing Michelle Bass go back. Her up against Dogface singing Pie Jesu was priceless. Michelle, the Big Brother vixen from yesteryear against the current BB pin-up. I remember Michelle singing the classical song back in 2004 with her Mariah Carey rendition, which was hilarious. It was nice to see her come back five years later to fix her mistakes; while Dogface absolutely slaughtered the song. I love the fact that Dogface is becoming more and more endearing by the day with her carefree lust for life.

Season six legends Makosi and Craig lit up the screen with their sheer bitchy and boldness that only a housemate from BB6 can do. Makosi – forever the diva – when Siavash asked are we going to do this properly and stay in the boxes for a while, she replied, “I was born in a battlefield” – classic line. Then Makosi told Siavash that the housemates are naive when it comes to the Dogface & Kris romance, which was a bit below the belt, but certainly gave Sophie food for thought!

The next day Nikki Grahame bounced into the house full of exuberance and energy. Her task was to have a silent disco with Karly. I loved the fact Nikki told Karly she could not stand Marcus, while Marcus revealed he really fancied her. I wished there were cameras in Nikki’s house whilst she was watching last night’s show of Marcus perving over her dancing – I bet she went ape!

Next into the house after Nikki was Brian Belo – who, if I’m not mistaken is myself – ha ha. Going back into the house was one of the highest accolades for me, being asked to be the ambassador of the BB8 troop. My heart was pounding hardcore as we walked through the camera run. I had a glimpse through the one-way glass of Noirin and Marcus in the living room and couldn’t believe I was seeing them in their natural habitat, like animals in a zoo. The smell of the Big Brother house – mainly of air-con and other artificial stuff – hits you in the face, and all the memories of my time in the house came flooding back. As I walked into the task room, I knew I was about to take part in another significant moment in my life. I was so excited like a child at Christmas! Big Brother came over the tannoy and called me to the garden, and it felt so good to have him tell me what to do again. Weird, I know!

As I greeted Charlie with a massive cuddle, I felt elated to be in the BB bubble all over again. I spoke to the other housemates through the glass and they were all really sweet. Me and Charlie sat at the bus top and, as I looked at the garden, I remembered that bubblegum plastic feeling that the BB house. It’s like stepping into a real-life Barbie doll house; the immense energy I felt by going back was amazing. You get a sense in there like it’s the end of the world and you guys are the only people left – makes my heart melt. I picked Halfwit up, who I absolutely love and kissed all the girls including Lisa. They were all so beautiful. I had my word association task in the Diary Room, which I’m still not too sure whether I passed or not.

Before I left, I asked Sophie out on a date and she giggled saying "maybe". What you didn’t see on television is that before I left, Sophie let me put my head in between her breasts! What a fantastic moment! My main objective was to inject some energy into the house, and I think I was successful because the house started a mini revolution after I left and got on the roof and put the bath tub in the pool. This was led by Halfwit, who I think is becoming more of a BB legend day by day. I say him and Dogface for the final two! I think Noirin will be evicted tonight, but I think Siavash would be better off going tonight because he does the least but he has quite a fan club out here so I doubt he’ll go.

Brian xx
Date Your Mate

Yesterday the housemates were each given the opportunity to request a special treat from Big Brother. While the majority went for practical things like food and drink, lovestruck Marcus decided to try for something extra-special... a hot date with Noirin. That's right Marcus, you still could be in with a chance of winning her over. Keep. The. Faith.

This afternoon Big Brother summoned Noirin and Marcus to the Diary Room, where they found a rose on the chair. "Aww!" cooed Noirin.

As she got comfortable on Marcus' knee, Big Brother announced, "Yesterday, Big Brother offered housemates a once in a lifetime opportunity to swap a token for a prize. Marcus, is there something you want to ask Noirin?"

"Noirin, do you want to come on a date?" asked Marcus, looking a bit bashful.

Noirin burst out laughing and gave him a hug. "Oh my God, that's so cute!"

Sounding satisfied with Marcus' proposition, Big Brother told them, "Please make your way to the small task room, where Big Brother has arranged a suitably romantic setting for your date."

"I'm not suitably romantically dressed though," said Marcus, who was wearing one of his extensive range of vests.

"I can't believe you did this," Noirin told Marcus. "I love this."

"Well I knew you didn't have a prize," explained Marcus, "and that you might be going, so I thought you have to have something good." That's so sweet.

"Marcus, Noirin, the door is now open," interrupted Big Brother. "Don't do anything that Big Brother wouldn't do."

A romantic scene has been set up in the Task Room. There's a rose, there's champagne and there's a very seductive menu on offer: oysters, followed by spaghetti and meatballs to share (one fork, naturally), followed by strawberries dipped in chocolate. Could Marcus finally be in luck?
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Hiya Peeps Hug

Good grief Hicky you've been a busy boy with all those updates and news Laugh I guess that covers what I'll be doing tonight Big Grin Thank you Hug

Hope everyone has had a great day today Big Grin

Hi Suzie.wavey
Hope you had a good day.

The info starts on page 400 I think.Big Grin

It will fill in the gaps from what we see on the TV.

Should be a good night tonight anyway.
Crowded House

Today Noirin, Dogface, Karly and Siavash face eviction. And inside the House, the traditional Friday morning session of speculating about the night ahead is in full flow. "Bet you we're getting new housemates tonight!" yelped Noirin.

Halfwit rubbed his hands together with excitement. "New people, new people!"

There then followed a very long conversation about whether the crowds would come along tonight despite the rainy weather. Don't worry housemates, Big Brother's got it all under control.

Noirin seemed to be cheerful despite the possibility of being evicted. "I don't care what anyone's said in here," she scoffed. "This is the House - it's not the real world. Who cares? Forget about all the **** that happened in here because it's irrelevant. It's a gameshow at the end of the day."

We'll see if she still feels that way later...

"You think, why am I even upset?" she added, talking about some of the scraps she's had in the House. "If I was in the outside world I wouldn't give a ****. Things irritate you a lot quicker in here."

"Not that people like arguing, but sometimes you push things because you're bored," she added.

What, people stirring up arguments just for entertainment? Who could possibly be doing that?
Brian: 'Soph's breast in house'

Hot stuff ... Sophie
BIG Brother eight's Brian Belo did his breast to woo Sophie Reade - even nuzzling her boobs.

Cameras showed the Essex lad asking the glamour model out when he went back into the house as part of the show's 10th birthday celebrations.

But, what was not shown on TV was Sophie letting the 22-year-old put his head between her 30GG boobs.

The Big Brother veteran had promised to stir things up in his online blog by kissing as many of the female housemates as possible.

He told the 20-year-old - who had been romantically linked with Kris Donnelly until his eviction - to come to Essex with him where he would show her a good time.

Brian wrote that he thought Sophie and five-time eviction survivor Freddie Fisher are the two most likely housemates to win the show.
In an exclusive interview Joe Masi speaks to Big Brother’s Kris Donnelly at the home of his county rival - Freddie Fisher.

The crazy world of Big Brother descended on Market Drayton last night as Kris Donnelly and the crew of Big Brother’s Little Brother came to meet the parents of our own Freddie Fisher.

Now fans of Big Brother 10 will know that, inside the house, the relationship between the two Shropshire boys was strained at best.

Kris is famous for declaring that the nation would be “mad” to evict him when he was up against his Shropshire rival. He also declared that he “could not tolerate” the Market Drayton reality TV star.

Now as a Big Brother fan I turned up last night ready to give Kris both barrels. However before I tell you how he won me around, and he did – I actually think I’m now a fan; I will give you an insight into the crazy world of a Big Brother contestant after they leave the house.

Turning up fashionably late Kris arrived with his crew and comedian Lee Kern. After stepping out from the car one of the crew opened an umbrella and held it over him. If Barrack Obama had stepped from the car I may have expected him to have an umbrella person/holder – But Kris from Big Brother – really?

Unfortunately the details of what Kris and Freddie’s family got up to in Oakley Hall have been embargoed by Channel 4 until it the footage has been shown on Big Brother’s Little Brother.

However after an initial meet and greet Kris said he wouldn’t be able to speak to me without permission from his agent.

The ‘agent’ seemed to think I would be willing to pay for my interview. I wasn’t.

It turns out that Kris has quite a lot of money coming his way through future interviews with the national press and magazines. After a small dispute I was told I could speak to Kris but on the agent’s terms – so much for freedom of the press.

It was at this point that Kris’ actions began to surprise me. Incredibly apologetic Kris himself admitted the system was crazy and that he would do all he could to speak to me. As the camera crews rolled, taking roughly 45 minutes to produce 30 seconds of film, Kris made an effort to let me know he knew I was there and that he would speak to me as soon as he could. After six hours of waiting I got my five minutes.

“I’m really pleased to be here and so grateful to the Fishers for letting me come around,” Kris said. “As soon as they said they wanted to do it I told my agent it was something I really wanted to do. They are all so lovely.”

By this stage Kris’ apologetic nature and general friendliness for everyone he came across was beginning to win me around.

However it was when speaking about the Fishers that you could see Kris’ genuine side. From what has been shown on television many people would not give Kris the time of day. When the person he is being horrible to is your son – you have every right to have nothing to do with him.

The Fishers are different. Rather than hold what has happened against Kris they invited him into their home and made him feel incredibly welcome.

In the Big Brother house it amazed many viewers how Freddie has managed to keep himself smiling and in control. Faced constantly with eviction and being made a scapegoat by housemates such as Lisa, Kris and Karly, a lot of people have commented on how well he has managed to keep things together.

After one meeting with his parents you can see why he has managed to keep that control. Rather than hold grudges the Fishers’ would rather build bridges – a characteristic I find hugely admirable. And after yesterday’s events I have no doubt that Kris and the Fishers will become good friends.

“Looking back I can see why some people think it was bullying,” said Kris on his actions towards Freddie. “But it wasn’t we were just having some banter. I think this year the show has suffered from not having a live feed. Freddie annoyed me 20 per cent of the time but we had a lot of fun together, which, unfortunately, hasn’t been shown.”

So does he think he and Freddie can be friends on the outside?

“Absolutely,” he said. I think the family are really lovely and we don’t live far away I’m definitely coming back. There will be a lot going on in the next few weeks but we will all be going out together as a group to different things.”

Unfortunately Kris wasn’t allowed to say who he thinks will win but he believes Freddie has a great chance. “He is really popular on the outside and very entertaining to watch – I think he has a big chance.

“When I came out of the house everyone was chanting his name. He has calmed down a lot in the last week. I wouldn’t have nominated him this week and none of the other housemates did. I think he just got used to being up and started not to care – he can definitely win it.”

As the interview ended Kris said he would like to go back to Shrewsbury to see his sister and Nan who he had yet to visit since leaving the house. With the Channel 4 crew keen to get back to London and living in Shrewsbury myself, I offered Kris a lift – which he duly accepted.

Unfortunately the lads from Channel 4 felt it was a bad idea to let Kris travel home with a local reporter. Apparently he needs protecting from people like me.

Pulling away from the Fisher family home, the crew realised they had no idea where they were going and ended up following me back anyway – a wasted trip but I’m sure Channel 4 can afford the petrol.

When I got in I had been transformed from a Kris hater to a mini fan. However, I realised by not holding a grudge it was the Fishers who had given him the opportunity to show his true colours.

So he won me around, Kris Donnelly is a nice lad – but not as nice as Freddie!
Gosh Hicky...
you have been busy with all those reports. Big Grin It has taken me nearly all day, on and off to read them. Big Grin
Sounds like we have an interesting nights viewing to come.

Hicky... was it a work day today? Did you have fun looking after the little fella yesterday?

wavey Suzy
sorry to hear you had a long boring day, but at least the weekend is here, so time for a bit of relaxation, all round I hope.

KingKev... hope you have a good evening out.

I hope Karly is off tonight, she never has anything nice to say about anyone. Hated seeing her, Lisa and Sophie being nasty like 3 witches last night, after Nikki had visited.

Laugh at Nikki and Brian, I thought they were both good.

Hope we all like some of the new HM's tonight. Smiler
Hicky ....

I was inside on my ten penny roll stall today ... Laugh
It was great laff I won 3 bottles of white wine , an a bottle of asti-spumante , and then a bottle of vodka ..
but I wasnt allowed that was given a can of pop instead .. Blush Blushlol
really good fun day ...shame it was quiet ...Frowner

Yo ....Yo ...Yo ....Dude !!
You pull a cracking pie eating lass tonight lad ...thats a massivive Thumbs Up up for my lil home boy...

I hope you have a good relaxing fun weekender have a Hug Valentine

Hello babes .. Valentine
what you upto this weekender....
Mike Strutter
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Gosh Hicky...
you have been busy with all those reports. Big Grin It has taken me nearly all day, on and off to read them. Big Grin
Sounds like we have an interesting nights viewing to come.

Hicky... was it a work day today? Did you have fun looking after the little fella yesterday?

wavey Suzy
sorry to hear you had a long boring day, but at least the weekend is here, so time for a bit of relaxation, all round I hope.

KingKev... hope you have a good evening out.

I hope Karly is off tonight, she never has anything nice to say about anyone. Hated seeing her, Lisa and Sophie being nasty like 3 witches last night, after Nikki had visited.

Laugh at Nikki and Brian, I thought they were both good.

Hope we all like some of the new HM's tonight. Smiler
Originally posted by Mike Strutter:
Hicky ....

I was inside on my ten penny roll stall today ... Laugh
It was great laff I won 3 bottles of white wine , an a bottle of asti-spumante , and then a bottle of vodka ..
but I wasnt allowed that was given a can of pop instead .. Blush Blushlol
really good fun day ...shame it was quiet

Yo ....Yo ...Yo ....Dude !!
You pull a cracking pie eating lass tonight lad ...thats a massivive Thumbs Up up for my lil home boy...

I hope you have a good relaxing fun weekender have a Hug Valentine

Hello babes .. Valentine
what you up to this weekender....

You did well there Mike, don't drink it all at once.Big Grin
Why was it quiet, was it the weather?
Originally posted by Mike Strutter:
I was inside on my ten penny roll stall today ... Laugh
It was great laff I won 3 bottles of white wine , an a bottle of asti-spumante , and then a bottle of vodka ..
but I wasnt allowed that was given a can of pop instead .. Blush Blushlol
really good fun day ...shame it was quiet ...Frowner

Hello babes .. Valentine
what you upto this weekender....

wavey Mike Valentine
Glad to hear you had fun today.
Laugh at your tale of the ten penny roll..
Pity it couldn't of been busier though.

Don't know what we have planned this weekend yet. I think we may go for a browse round Ikea tommorrow. I guess that would keep me away from the clothes shops sales that are on right now. Laugh

Are you up to anything fun this weekend Mike?

Hope you have some good news from income support soon. Hug

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