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Suzie... Smiler
Yes I bet your daughter will be home quick enough now you have said you have made that for tea. You can't beat a homemade pud. Smiler

I love homemade soup too, just cant face it out of a tin, since I started making my own.

So it is the kitchen for you again ? Never mind, as long as you dont miss out. Hope you arent tempted to nibble too much whilst you are in the kitchen. I would be. Big Grin
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Suzie... Smiler
Yes I bet your daughter will be home quick enough now you have said you have made that for tea. You can't beat a homemade pud. Smiler

I love homemade soup too, just cant face it out of a tin, since I started making my own.

So it is the kitchen for you again ? Never mind, as long as you dont miss out. Hope you arent tempted to nibble too much whilst you are in the kitchen. I would be. Big Grin

Anything home made taste nicer IMO but that's just me Big Grin
Yes it does look like the kitchen again but I not too worrried. Will have to find a cushion for the chairs though as I don't want to end up with numb bum Laugh The food has never worried me and I do have alot of fruit and veg around that I can nibble on when I feel tempted Big Grin
Originally posted by Hicky:
Just did a big post and the next thing it turned into a page of a thread.
Had to close it and my post had gone.

Hi Suzie.WaveFudge can be tricky to make, but if you have the right utensils it's ok.
A Jam making pan is ideal so the mixtures don't boil over.
And a Toffee thermometer is required as well.
But it can be tiring to stir the mixture till it reaches the right temperature, fudge needs about 245 deg F, but Toffee needs at least 280 F.
But making sure it doesn't burn is the trying part, give it as little heat as possible but enough to let it get to temperature.

Hi Mollie.Wave

Still no flatpack.
Fudge is even more yummy now, some coated in dark Belgium choc and some coated in milk.

Saw the B.N.T.M. before, nice girls, a strange assignment this week, them acting out various situations, good though.
Will have to try and catch up with the apprentice somehow.

wavey Hicky

what a shame you lost your post, strange that. Confused

Yes the models do seem nice girls. The assignments are all rather unusual this year, but I guess that is the name of the game in the modelling business. You never know who your next client is going to be, and what poses he will want to get you in. I hate the one where they have to pose with spiders and snakes. Eeker I wouldnt like that. I would like all the nice clothes though. Smiler
Originally posted by Hicky:
Just did a big post and the next thing it turned into a page of a thread.
Had to close it and my post had gone.

Hi Suzie.WaveFudge can be tricky to make, but if you have the right utensils it's ok.
A Jam making pan is ideal so the mixtures don't boil over.
And a Toffee thermometer is required as well.
But it can be tiring to stir the mixture till it reaches the right temperature, fudge needs about 245 deg F, but Toffee needs at least 280 F.
But making sure it doesn't burn is the trying part, give it as little heat as possible but enough to let it get to temperature.

Hi Mollie.Wave

Still no flatpack.
Fudge is even more yummy now, some coated in dark Belgium choc and some coated in milk.

Saw the B.N.T.M. before, nice girls, a strange assignment this week, them acting out various situations, good though.
Will have to try and catch up with the apprentice somehow.

It does sound quite time consuming - watched pot and all that but I have a week off soon so may try and give it a go Big Grin need to add a thermometer to my shopping list before then though Laugh
I'll need to google some recipes as well Big Grin

Shame you did all that then lost it Eeker

I know on our old home I used to have the same problem so I used to copy the post before posting so I could paste in a new box if needed. Maybe I should start doing that again Eeker
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Anything home made taste nicer IMO but that's just me Big Grin
Yes it does look like the kitchen again but I not too worrried. Will have to find a cushion for the chairs though as I don't want to end up with numb bum Laugh The food has never worried me and I do have alot of fruit and veg around that I can nibble on when I feel tempted Big Grin

No Suzie, a numb bum would be no good. Big Grin

I try and have plenty of fruit around, but didnt like to not eat some cookies when my daughter made me my faves tonight. Smiler Yes homemade the best, shop bought biscuits never tempt me at all, but homemade , I cant resist. Smiler

Do you intend to watch the Apprentice tonight then ? I go on the Apprentice thread on this forum , I had been going on the C4 one for years, then when it closed we moved it here. Like here , there are some really nice people in there. Smiler
Originally posted by *Mollie*:

No Suzie, a numb bum would be no good. Big Grin

I try and have plenty of fruit around, but didnt like to not eat some cookies when my daughter made me my faves tonight. Smiler Yes homemade the best, shop bought biscuits never tempt me at all, but homemade , I cant resist. Smiler

Do you intend to watch the Apprentice tonight then ? I go on the Apprentice thread on this forum , I had been going on the C4 one for years, then when it closed we moved it here. Like here , there are some really nice people in there. Smiler

Not tried to do homemade cookies yet but it is on my list of things I'd like to bake Big Grin I don't tend to snack that much as I don't feel I need it. I am a glutten for really dark chocolate so I do treat myself that from time to time. I generally don't have a sweet tooth my biggest problem is the love of pizzas Laugh

I won't be watching it tonight as I am multi tasking on the lappy at the moment and probably will most of the evening. Will have to try and pop into the thread at some point and have a Ninja Laugh
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Suzie... I love pizzas too. I like the Asda ones from their deli , where you can choose your own base and toppings. Smiler

Enjoy your multi tasking on the lappy.

I am off to watch a bit of tv now. wavey

Problem with pizzas though it's soooooo fattening I have to be really strong not to get one Laugh
Home made pizzas for me though as you can't get my favourite on in the shops (seafood)
I'll be popping back from time to time when I remember to hit this tab Laugh
Enjoy your telly watching Big Grin
Just had a lovely 20 minute meal.Big Grin
Boiled the kettle & put the oven on at temp 175C.
When the oven was ready put the chops in, put the timer on for 20 minutes, put the new potato's in the pan, put the frozen pea's and sweetcorn on, got the Bisto gravy granules in the 1pt jug (5 spoons).
Buzzer goes, gets spuds and drains add little butter & pepper puts lid back on, drains pea's add's a little butter & pepper, puts lid back on.
Pours a half pint of boiling water onto gravy granules.

Gets the 2 plates that I put in the oven 5 minutes ago, puts the potato's out, then the pea's and sweetcorn, puts out the chops pours the gravy over, gets the mint sauce out of the fridge, puts it over the pea's, potato's & lamb chops, a good 20 minute meal that, and the O//H was on the Lappy all the time.Big Grin
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by *Yogi Bear*:

Hiya Yogi Bear Hug

How are you feeling now Hug I saw at 6.30 this morning you were feeling poorly Hug

still not great... it's really odd cause me and my mum are the same today... like we;'ve done too much excerise and strained muscles in our stomachs Confused but neither of us have exercised
*yogi Bear*
Originally posted by Hicky:
Just had a lovely 20 minute meal.Big Grin
Boiled the kettle & put the oven on at temp 175C.
When the oven was ready put the chops in, put the timer on for 20 minutes, put the new potato's in the pan, put the frozen pea's and sweetcorn on, got the Bisto gravy granules in the 1pt jug (5 spoons).
Buzzer goes, gets spuds and drains add little butter & pepper puts lid back on, drains pea's add's a little butter & pepper, puts lid back on.
Pours a half pint of boiling water onto gravy granules.

Gets the 2 plates that I put in the oven 5 minutes ago, puts the potato's out, then the pea's and sweetcorn, puts out the chops pours the gravy over, gets the mint sauce out of the fridge, puts it over the pea's, potato's & lamb chops, a good 20 minute meal that, and the O//H was on the Lappy all the time.Big Grin

That sounds like a lovely meal Hicky although I would be happy without the meat Big Grin I would probably have had Tuna steaks with fish gravy Big Grin
Originally posted by *Yogi Bear*:

still not great... it's really odd cause me and my mum are the same today... like we;'ve done too much excerise and strained muscles in our stomachs Confused but neither of us have exercised

I'm sorry to hear that Hug It's not something you 2 could have eaten that is giving you stomach cramps is it?
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hi all Wave, been quite a good day today for me at College, but I did all my homework earlier which took me a couple of hours, now i'm here Smiler. Got the Football on Man U losing 1-0 so looks like i'll be missing the Apprentice again tonight Disappointed.

Hiya Darloboy Hug

Good to see your on top of things at college. Not a good match then, not a football fan myself. OH and daughter support Arsenal so I generally let them get on with it except when they lose of cause then I have to wind them up Big Grin
Can you not watch apprentice on catch up or the red button ?
Originally posted by darloboy07:
I'll have to catch up tomorrow. I'm glad i'm on top off things too so less pressure on me at the moment, exams just around the corner i've always done my homework when it's given to me so I know it's done, and I can enjoy my free time before I go back to work again Smiler.

That sounds like a sensible thing to do, also it's still fresh in your mind so you're less likely to forget all the information you want to write down.
Daughter doesn't think she's done tooo well in geography Frowner will have to wait and see now though
Originally posted by Mike Strutter:
Hello pal...


My knees buggered 15yrs of jumping about on conrete wooden floors

nearly locked on me going club before ... Blush Frowner

that shows my future career is not there ...Frowner

Hiya Mike Valentine

The sign of old age setting in Laugh It gets to all of us in the end Laugh

Teasing aside I hope it's not too bad and you are resting it now Hug
Did you enjoy Star Trek the other night ?
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hi Mike Wave, it is Suzie while it's still all in my memory. You never know, she might do better than what she has expected. I know my GCSE results were better than what I and the Teachers was expecting Nod.

I'm hoping she's done better as she needs to get on to the A+ part next year. She wants to go to Exeter Uni the year after so she needs the points
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hi Mike Wave, it is Suzie while it's still all in my memory. You never know, she might do better than what she has expected. I know my GCSE results were better than what I and the Teachers was expecting Nod.

I'm hoping she's done better as she needs to get on to the A+ part next year. She wants to go to Exeter Uni the year after so she needs the points

Oh right, lets hope she gets them. But you can only do your best Smiler Nod, there should be no pressure really as it really worries you and you can't sleep etc there should be a softer approach to exams.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by darloboy07:

Oh right, lets hope she gets them. But you can only do your best Smiler Nod, there should be no pressure really as it really worries you and you can't sleep etc there should be a softer approach to exams.

That's all I have ever expected from her and know she will do her best. She is such a worrier and often has done far better than she thought. I think she uses it as some kind of defense mechanism. If she doesn't expect alot then if she gets better that's a bonus Big Grin

I think that's why I always liked the assessment and coursework based courses as you don't have to remember a year's worth of work for a 2/3 hour exam Laugh
Originally posted by darloboy07:
I'm lucky mine isn't all full of written exams Big Grin. Computer based exams are good too, but most is Assignments. Awww best of luck to her.

My engineering course was assignment based apart from the maths and electronic principles module. So I did alright with that course Big Grin The Cisco networking one I was on did computer based exams but no books allowed and the subtlety of the wording you really had to know what was what Eeker Never mind maybe one day I will return and finish that course when I don't have a teenager to driving me mad with worry Laugh
Evening. Smiler

No, this evening's Apprentice certainly wasn't the best Hicky.
Not sure who should have gone really?

Was a lovely day here, and not too much wind, so the perfect working day. Strimming, grass cutting and hedge cutting for me.

I hope your daughter does better than she thinks in her Geography exam Suzie. Smiler
And wish your daughter the best of luck for Friday mollie. Smiler

And hope your studying reaps dividends darloboy. Cool
Good morning all wavey
some nice piccies round here. Smiler

Suzie... hope you daughter does better than she thinks she has.

Hicky... hope your OH enjoyed the dinner you made, I bet it was very tasty for you. Smiler Hope your flatpack turns up today.

Emptybox.. glad to hear you had a good day weather wise, and were able to catch up a little in the gardens. I am sure you have a lot to do this time of year. Our grass here is just growing so quickly now.

Darolboy.. keep up the good work at college, when you have that pass certificate in your hand, it will be well worth it. Smiler

wavey Mike..Sorry to hear your poor knees are bothering you.

I agree Hicky, and Emptybox...Yes the Apprentice was not one of the better episodes last night , but I still enjoyed watching it.

Took the dog out nice and early this morning because they are predicting rain this afternoon, and I need my excercise as much as she does. Big Grin I got myself a little credit card radio from Tesco, it only cost ÂĢ2.47, so I always pop in my ear plugs, and tune into radio 1 before we leave for our walk.
Good Morning Suzie & Mollie.Wave

Still no sign of flatpack, O/H has emailed them.

Had black Halibut for brekkie, O'H complaining about the fish smell, not sure what she expects fish to smell of.Big Grin
Will be having the rest soon as well, it was a big piece but you can't keep it for very long, great taste though.

Love your little pic of the cute girl walking the dog Mollie.Big Grin
Couldn't you have that as your Avatar?
It would be made smaller to fit, don't know if it would work then.

It's very dull here, but no rain yet.

Make sure you can still hear whats going on Mollie when you have your ear phone/plugs in, I though you should only have one in so you can hear the traffic etc with the other.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hi all wavey Smiler. I watched the Footie yesterday was a good day with United winning, but then I found out who got fired from the Apprentice and I was gutted.

Hi Darloboy.Wave

Well the boss thought she was a one trick pony which isn't good in the long term, not a good all rounder, quite liked her myself but she's not up to the job.

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