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Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by *Mollie*:

Suzy Hug
glad you had a good day.
I too had a good, but busy day.

Glad to here you had a productive day too Hug
Awful about what they've done to Mike though isn't it especially when they already told him he could have it Eeker If you haven't seen it it's the income support thread Frowner

off to have a look...
Hi Mollie.wavey

My Lad comes in August from Oz, we've got a room done up for him.
I'm disappointed the way Karly turned out, I had high hopes for her.
Never heard her say anything nice to anyone, don't think.

Hi Emptybox.wavey
The weather here has been similar to you, but no thunder.
Yep, you have a good chance of losing Karly this week, unless they go for Noirin.

Hi Suzie.wavey
You are most welcome to any updates, just wish there was more, but it's so hard to tell if BB is on this year or not.Big Grin
Hope you had a good day?

I read the thread of Mike's about the benefit, I think if he fights it on his own he will lose.
He needs someone official to fight his cause.
From those sort of cases on here from what i've read, you need someone to speak on your behalf.
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by *Mollie*:

Poor Mike... Frowner
I hope he can sort something out with them.

So do I
He's such a nice sweet bloke he really doesn't deserve all this rubbish being thrown at him Frowner
I know someone on here will be able to help him but unfortunately I know nothing about benefits.

yes, poor chap, I don't know anything about benefits either.
As Hicky says, he needs someone who knows about it to fight his corner. Let's hope he finds someone.
Hi Hicky Wave

I know what you mean especially this week I would have loved to see craig in the house interacting with the new housemates. I really like craig even now Big Grin
Have had a good day thanks, still busy but less responsibility which was nice Laugh

That's just what Tatty said in his thread. She had someone fight for her and won her case. I hope she remembers to send him that number.
Originally posted by King Kev:
Off to bed in a bit, can't stay awake.
serves me right for waking up at 5am lol.
Will watch BB in the morning if I can.

I'm gonna become PM and send our troops into Blackpool to get mike out. It's a dangerous mission but our guys are the bravest and best. Wink

Night Night Sweet Dreams Kev Hug

Good luck with your quest and hope you are successful in rescuing Our lovely Mike. Let us know how you get on and God go with you oh knight of the realm Angel
Originally posted by Hicky:
Hi Mollie.wavey

My Lad comes in August from Oz, we've got a room done up for him.
I'm disappointed the way Karly turned out, I had high hopes for her.
Never heard her say anything nice to anyone, don't think. Smiler

I bet your lad will feel the real welcome home with a nice newly done up room, waiting for him. Smiler And I bet you and the rest of the family will be so pleased to see him again after all this time.

I too thought Karly would be a witty, enthusiastic HM at first, but it turns out she just ended up being a bitter HM towards others.
I just can't understand why. No one in there has been nasty to her, but she has a nasty tongue on her.
Here's a post I've just seen posted today on another site.
I thought it worth posting here.

Lisa's Isolation from the Group and the Irony it entails
It wasn't long ago that Lisa set her sights on people to join her group, and got them hook, line and sinker. Picking on the unintelligent and naive she was able to accumulate nearly 6 people at one point, either joined through fear or through alliances with others, Lisa's group was looking much like the British Empire did.... But oh my how it has crumbled since.

After Cairon was evicted, Lisa began her game of turning people against Halfwit (Freddie) and also Angel. She was able to isolate Angel from the group, with only Freddie as her real ally, she spent much of her time alone. Soon Angel was evicted, and the isolation and bullying of Freddie began. Finding himself also isolated from the group, but without Angel there and everybody else too scared to go against the majority, he was left alone and had to suffer on his own.

Halfwit vs Sree - This would be the start of things to come, believing to be winning and to be much smarter than she really is, Lisa thought it was a cert that Sree would beat Freddie and then she had her free pick of who she wanted gone next, with nobody to stand in her way, OH HOW WRONG SHE WAS!

Sree was evicted, 'Team Dumb' convinced themselves that Sree was just more hated than Freddie and they were still the Cool cats who ran the show and the public all loved.

cue Big Brother's interference (Finally). Putting Kris, Sophie and Charlie up for eviction along with Freddie and Marcus after their constant rule breaking it would show another chink in Lisa's armour, rallying her troups and trying to keep them all together, she was sure and made her group also believe that Marcus was dead cert to go... Once again, WRONG

Kris goes, Karly cries, Sophie's released from her shakkles and Lisa is panicking. The next couple days would see Lisa's desperation even more obvious,trying to keep Sophie in her 'group', it has become obvious, that it was only Kris that she was in it for. Rodrigo showing that he had no alliance with them (or anybody for that matter). Lisa's group was suddenly just 3, the dumb Geordie, the Mouthpiece and herself.

But Charlie wasn't completely with them either, was his alliance with Kris only? was Kris the Backbone of the group, and Lisa merely the Head, it seems so.

Lisa and Karly spending more and more time together, not mixing with the group, isolation more obvious than ever. Lisa has become a victim to her own methods, the manipulation coming back to bite her arse! as Halfwit slowly brought her down by simply being himself and continuing to make his observations.

Karly up for eviction this week - GOODBYE!

mission complete, Lisa will be on her own, Isolated from the group, much like she did to Angel, and much like she tried (AND FAILED) to do to Freddie. The Irony surely isn't lost on them all, realizing they were just pawns in a small part of a huge game. The gameplay is finished, Freddie has taken lisa down, its over for her now. Sophie is now free to be herself and even have a chance of winning. Rodrigo can play with Charlie all he wants, Freddie has friends and Lisa... is all alone.

Watch as Lisa gets nastier and so desperate to the point its just not funny anymore. With the new housemates coming in, she will have one last effort at trying to recruit them, but will fail easily because they will know the show and know this would ultimately be a death sentence if they sided with her.

Karly goes this week, and I'd put my money on Lisa going next week.

Lisa will have gotten everything she done to others, done right back to her. And to make it sweeter... it was all down to Freddie
Originally posted by King Kev:
Off to bed in a bit, can't stay awake.
serves me right for waking up at 5am lol.
Will watch BB in the morning if I can.

I'm gonna become PM and send our troops into Blackpool to get mike out. It's a dangerous mission but our guys are the bravest and best. Wink

Goodnight KingKev.. wavey
good on you Kev, poor Mike needs our brave guys help right now.
I don't think Karly is as negative as the highlights show has been implying.
I think she has fun with Charlie and Sophie, and is good at the cleaning tasks etc.

Perhaps I'm remembering her from earlier on, but I still like her.

Freddie on the other hand, I'm going off as time goes on. It seems to me he is the biggest player in there.
However, it seems he is the proclaimed winner this year, so there's not much can be done about it?

Anyway, I shall vote a few times for Noirin to go, and hope for the best.
'Noirin would be a good wife'

Marriage material? ... Noirin and Marcus

LOVE struck Marcus Akin has said he fancies Noirin Kelly because she would make a good wife and mum.

The 35-year-old has refused to take no for an answer when it comes to pestering the pretty Dubliner.

The Irish retail manager, 25, has repeatedly told the hairy window fitter she only wants to be friends.

But that did not stop Marcus from discussing her charms with Lisa Wallace.

"I think a lot of the thing why I look at Noirin all the time is because I'm this age, and I start to look at women as wives and mother and stuff like that and it's impossible to look at her in any other light," he said.

Wait until Noirin hears he wants to take her up the aisle.
Last edited {1}
Hicky....thanks, for the interesing post about Lisa, and Freddie's site.

I saw on the Freddie site that you posted, that Lisa's gang all voted the same, so it looks like she has again been able to influence her troops....Lisa, Karly, Charlie and Sophie all voted for Marcus and Noirin.

Shame, I had hoped Sophie may of broken away from Lisa's influence by now. And it looks like boring Charlie is still being influenced by leader Lisa.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Hicky....thanks, for the interesing post about Lisa, and Freddie's site.

I saw on the Freddie site that you posted, that Lisa's gang all voted the same, so it looks like she has again been able to influence her troops....Lisa, Karly, Charlie and Sophie all voted for Marcus and Noirin.

Shame, I had hoped Sophie may of broken away from Lisa's influence by now. And it looks like boring Charlie is still being influenced by leader Lisa.

I wish Sophie could get away from Lisa, but with being close to Karly I can't see that happening just yet.
Lisa is Defo rigging the votes somehow, it can't be any other way.
But if Karly goes, she's lost hasn't she?
Lisa and Karly spending more and more time together, not mixing with the group, isolation more obvious than ever. Lisa has become a victim to her own methods, the manipulation coming back to bite her arse! as Halfwit slowly brought her down by simply being himself and continuing to make his observations.

yes hicky lol Thumbs Up

evenink all Hug Valentine

i have PM'd the telephone number to mike Big Grin
Who voted for Whom.
Don't know reason why, not bothered as they aren't really real reasons anyway.
Charlie: Marcus and Noirin.
Dogface: Marcus and Noirin.
Halfwit: Lisa and Karly.
Karly: Marcus and Noirin
Lisa: Noirin and Marcus
Marcus: Lisa and Karly
Noirin: Lisa and Karly
Rodrigo: Lisa and Karly
Siavash: Noirin and Karly
Karly and Noirin both received five nominations and face the public vote.
So Siavash saved Lisa from the vote.
Originally posted by Hicky:
I wish Sophie could get away from Lisa, but with being close to Karly I can't see that happening just yet.
Lisa is Defo rigging the votes somehow, it can't be any other way.
But if Karly goes, she's lost hasn't she?

yes I wish Sophie would just break away from Lisa.

Amazing how Lisa has managed to rig the votes, she just goes on and on to her chosen gang about whoever she has chosen them to nominate, and them being so gullable just follow their leader. Roll Eyes

We really need Karly out as Lisa is not up...
Originally posted by Hicky:
Who voted for Whom.
Don't know reason why, not bothered as they aren't really real reasons anyway.
Charlie: Marcus and Noirin.
Dogface: Marcus and Noirin.
Halfwit: Lisa and Karly.
Karly: Marcus and Noirin
Lisa: Noirin and Marcus
Marcus: Lisa and Karly
Noirin: Lisa and Karly
Rodrigo: Lisa and Karly
Siavash: Noirin and Karly
Karly and Noirin both received five nominations and face the public vote.
So Siavash saved Lisa from the vote.

Laugh yay a week off for freddie Thumbs Up

cant wait to see lisa's face when she hears this i will LMFAO Laugh
Originally posted by Tatty:
Lisa and Karly spending more and more time together, not mixing with the group, isolation more obvious than ever. Lisa has become a victim to her own methods, the manipulation coming back to bite her arse! as Halfwit slowly brought her down by simply being himself and continuing to make his observations.

yes hicky lol Thumbs Up

evenink all Hug Valentine

i have PM'd the telephone number to mike Big Grin

Hi Tatty, hope you are well.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by Tatty:
Lisa and Karly spending more and more time together, not mixing with the group, isolation more obvious than ever. Lisa has become a victim to her own methods, the manipulation coming back to bite her arse! as Halfwit slowly brought her down by simply being himself and continuing to make his observations.

yes hicky lol Thumbs Up

evenink all Hug Valentine

i have PM'd the telephone number to mike Big Grin

Hi Tatty, hope you are well.

yes thank you sweetie Valentine hows you today?
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Hiya Tatty Valentine

Finished farming for today Big Grin

What else have you been up to apart from that today by the way Laugh

wrote the blog and published it as you saw, well i finished it off today lol
then lori was harvesting for me and we both got kicked off my farm together at the same time Eeker and she said she got the message that she was under attack!!! Eeker WHAAATTT!! Laugh

funny ... did bits and bobs me usual faffing about Laugh

how was your day? Hug
Originally posted by Tatty:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Who voted for Whom.
Don't know reason why, not bothered as they aren't really real reasons anyway.
Charlie: Marcus and Noirin.
Dogface: Marcus and Noirin.
Halfwit: Lisa and Karly.
Karly: Marcus and Noirin
Lisa: Noirin and Marcus
Marcus: Lisa and Karly
Noirin: Lisa and Karly
Rodrigo: Lisa and Karly
Siavash: Noirin and Karly
Karly and Noirin both received five nominations and face the public vote.
So Siavash saved Lisa from the vote.

Laugh yay a week off for freddie Thumbs Up

cant wait to see lisa's face when she hears this i will LMFAO Laugh

wavey Tatty Hug
hope you are well.

Oh yes, it is good to see a week off for Freddie at last. Smiler
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by Tatty:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Who voted for Whom.
Don't know reason why, not bothered as they aren't really real reasons anyway.
Charlie: Marcus and Noirin.
Dogface: Marcus and Noirin.
Halfwit: Lisa and Karly.
Karly: Marcus and Noirin
Lisa: Noirin and Marcus
Marcus: Lisa and Karly
Noirin: Lisa and Karly
Rodrigo: Lisa and Karly
Siavash: Noirin and Karly
Karly and Noirin both received five nominations and face the public vote.
So Siavash saved Lisa from the vote.

Laugh yay a week off for freddie Thumbs Up

cant wait to see lisa's face when she hears this i will LMFAO Laugh

wavey Tatty Hug
hope you are well.

Oh yes, it is good to see a week off for Freddie at last. Smiler

yes thanks Mollie, how about you? Valentine
Originally posted by Tatty:

wrote the blog and published it as you saw, well i finished it off today lol
then lori was harvesting for me and we both got kicked off my farm together at the same time Eeker and she said she got the message that she was under attack!!! Eeker WHAAATTT!! Laugh

funny ... did bits and bobs me usual faffing about Laugh

how was your day? Hug

That was a good blog you wrote Big Grin
What is it about you and weird happenings Eeker I'm sure you're a weird magnet Laugh I do believe if memory serves correctly didn't you get a faffing certificate given to you once Big Grin

Mine was busy but less stressful at work thanks Big Grin
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by Tatty:

wrote the blog and published it as you saw, well i finished it off today lol
then lori was harvesting for me and we both got kicked off my farm together at the same time Eeker and she said she got the message that she was under attack!!! Eeker WHAAATTT!! Laugh

funny ... did bits and bobs me usual faffing about Laugh

how was your day? Hug

That was a good blog you wrote Big Grin
What is it about you and weird happenings Eeker I'm sure you're a weird magnet Laugh I do believe if memory serves correctly didn't you get a faffing certificate given to you once Big Grin

Mine was busy but less stressful at work thanks Big Grin

PMSL i made the faffing certificates and gave myself one Laugh Laugh and then if you remember other people then got their faffing certs Laugh i still have them so we should have a faffing day in here, see how many we can get in on it at one time Laugh

yes weird stuff seems to follow me around Laugh cos after i was trying to click lori to hire her to plow for me, and her little person ran away!!! Laugh Laugh without lori doing anything with her Laugh Laugh i had to go run after her PMSL we both were hahahahaah
and just before i left my farm for the day i went to market to sell my crops and when i got back to my farm ... it was 'the village of the damned - the return' Laugh Laugh
Originally posted by Tatty:

PMSL i made the faffing certificates and gave myself one Laugh Laugh and then if you remember other people then got their faffing certs Laugh i still have them so we should have a faffing day in here, see how many we can get in on it at one time Laugh

yes weird stuff seems to follow me around Laugh cos after i was trying to click lori to hire her to plow for me, and her little person ran away!!! Laugh Laugh without lori doing anything with her Laugh Laugh i had to go run after her PMSL we both were hahahahaah
and just before i left my farm for the day i went to market to sell my crops and when i got back to my farm ... it was 'the village of the damned - the return' Laugh Laugh

That's right I remember now Laugh maybe you should set up a faffing masterclass thread I'm sure you'll have alot of students and masters come to visit it Laugh

Now that is weird I get the ghosts but I don't have to chase my hired help Laugh or come back to the village of the damned Laugh The only major problem I have as you well know is the position of that stupid go home button Laugh
Originally posted by Hicky:
As Lisa just said in the DR, if you don't join my group then you get nominated.Big Grin
She doesn't mess about, she just doesn't realise what she has just said.

I KNOW!!! how thick is she? Laugh has she not noticed there is another group in that house? Laugh
or is she soo far up her own backside she cant see anything else Roll Eyes
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by Tatty:

PMSL i made the faffing certificates and gave myself one Laugh Laugh and then if you remember other people then got their faffing certs Laugh i still have them so we should have a faffing day in here, see how many we can get in on it at one time Laugh

yes weird stuff seems to follow me around Laugh cos after i was trying to click lori to hire her to plow for me, and her little person ran away!!! Laugh Laugh without lori doing anything with her Laugh Laugh i had to go run after her PMSL we both were hahahahaah
and just before i left my farm for the day i went to market to sell my crops and when i got back to my farm ... it was 'the village of the damned - the return' Laugh Laugh

That's right I remember now Laugh maybe you should set up a faffing masterclass thread I'm sure you'll have alot of students and masters come to visit it Laugh

Now that is weird I get the ghosts but I don't have to chase my hired help Laugh or come back to the village of the damned Laugh The only major problem I have as you well know is the position of that stupid go home button Laugh

ohh i am still playing hide and seek on my farm as well, no one can see other people Laugh i hve to tell the to go to the fruit stand, and then i have to go offline then online and then they appear Laugh of course some think its still funny not to go to the fruit stand Roll Eyes Angry

so am still waiting for the devs to sort that one out as i reported on the forum 2 days ago Razzer

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