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Hi Suzie.Wave

►*♥*♥* ------ Good Morning Everyone -------*♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* I hope you are all well this Morning *♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* -------- I hope it's a nice day ----------- *♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* ------ It's Happy Tuesday again -----*♥*♥*◄
wavey Good morning all.

Hicky..I guess it is a work day for you today, as you are so early in here?
Glad to hear your veg garden is going well. If I lived close, I would buy one of your tomato plants. Smiler I love tomatoes.
yes, you are right about Shipwrecked, they can't of known the others very well, if they were living on different islands. I was surprised they used that method to choose.

I am not surprised to hear about Katie and Peter. On that tv show, Kate has been so unreasonable with him. Shame for those lovely kiddies, but very unpleasant for them living in the midst of those awful rows too.

Emptybox.... Big Grin so you are still keen on Debra. Can't see her winning though, she is too fiery. It is very windy here still , so hang onto your hat.

Suzie.. Wave
that sounds like an interesting job. Smiler

time to sort the washing, it is a great windy, sunny drying day toda.
then more accounts to do, I am still bogged down, because we are changing accountants, and it is the end of trade year, and tax year.
Good Morning Mollie.Wave

I was at work at 6.30, had to download IE8, well the Puter wanted to so I did.

I will have to get another grow bag for those Toms without a home.
All my Beetroot is planted out now, it should look nice now as it grows a bit more.

I erected 2 big stakes, the ones they use for holding up/supporting tree's, I have put netting between them and fastened it on with steel staples hammered in.
It will be for the beans and pea's to climb up.
Last edited {1}
wavey Eeker Hicky... that was an early start for you today. I bet you were glad when it was time to go to the canteen for that brekkie today.

Glad we have had some dry weather for you to get on with your veggies.

I bet no veg tastes better than the veg grown yourself. Our neighbour used to grow them, and often gave us onion, carrots, potatoes. They were lovely. Smiler

did you watch that model show last night ?
Hi Mollie.Wave

It will be good if the veg work out ok, it's onlu a small plot that i've pinched from the main grassed area, I only wanted enough so that I can get at all the veg while in my slippers and don't have to stand in mud, i've got flags all round to stand on anyway, and a milking stool so I can sit and work, can't really keep bending over it hurts my back.

Had the usual brekkie, well 2 toast, 1 saus, 1 egg, and a spoonful of beans, we used to have the half pint carton of milk here but the firm that made them went bust, then they moved to a 1/3rd pint plastic bottle but it was too costly as they bought it for £0.28p and sold it for £0.25p which was soft, so now they sell plastic pints of milk for £0.64p but it's too much in more ways than one.

I didn't see the show last night, I hope it will be recorded, i'll check later.

But I think those that do all the moaning should be given a warning and then kicked off if they carry on.
There must be loads of girls that would jump at the chance that they have got.

One was moaning about her hair being done, and another about having to kiss a bloke, then another about kissing a girl, they are going to be big trouble if they don't get kicked out.
Hello all wavey Smiler. It's really sunny here in the West Midlands today, good job I always have today off College, I had a nice walk up town in the sunshine to get my haircut Big Grin. Recovered from my headache I had from yesterday too Laugh.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Hi Darloboy.Wave

It seems a nice Sunny day here, but it's not the same when you are at work.

I can see by your post count that you have a lot of spare time on your hands, either that or you send an awful lot of posts with very little in them.Big Grin
It would take me at least a year to get that many posts, I only had about 10,000 when we left C4, heaven knows how you can get all those, do you go round every thread and say hello every 5 minutes or so.?
I do kinda talk a little bit too much in my posts put it that way Big Grin. I just have too much fun I suppose and I like chatting to people lol. Nope not just hellos etc I talk about loads of things, plus I type quick and reply to people quite quick too lol.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by darloboy07:
I do kinda talk a little bit too much in my posts put it that way Big Grin. I just have too much fun I suppose and I like chatting to people lol. Nope not just hellos etc I talk about loads of things, plus I type quick and reply to people quite quick too lol.

No wonder you had a headache, trying to keep up and answer all your post replys would give anyone a headache.
I don't know how you do it.Big Grin
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
I do kinda talk a little bit too much in my posts put it that way Big Grin. I just have too much fun I suppose and I like chatting to people lol. Nope not just hellos etc I talk about loads of things, plus I type quick and reply to people quite quick too lol.

No wonder you had a headache, trying to keep up and answer all your post replys would give anyone a headache.
I don't know how you do it.Big Grin

Big Grin Laugh, probably lmao.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Evening Peeps Valentine

I really hope you've all had a good day today Big Grin

Good Evening Suzie.Wave

I've had a great day, and now I get 2 days off which is even better.
There's something to be said about working 2 days a week, wish I could have afforded to do that when I was young.

Hope you've had a good day too, your job sounds interesting, unusual I would say because key hole surgery isn't that old, is it?
Originally posted by Hicky:

Good Evening Suzie.Wave

I've had a great day, and now I get 2 days off which is even better.
There's something to be said about working 2 days a week, wish I could have afforded to do that when I was young.

Hope you've had a good day too, your job sounds interesting, unusual I would say because key hole surgery isn't that old, is it?

I can't see me going part time for another 20 years yet Laugh I expect you'll be building your furniture won't you ?
Yes day went well as my cutting gear finally got repaired properly so was able to get on with servicing all that equipment Big Grin
Yes this kind of surgery is relatively new so we're learning all the time along with the surgeons Laugh I was so lucky to land this job Big Grin
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by Hicky:

Good Evening Suzie.Wave

I've had a great day, and now I get 2 days off which is even better.
There's something to be said about working 2 days a week, wish I could have afforded to do that when I was young.

Hope you've had a good day too, your job sounds interesting, unusual I would say because key hole surgery isn't that old, is it?

I can't see me going part time for another 20 years yet Laugh I expect you'll be building your furniture won't you ?
Yes day went well as my cutting gear finally got repaired properly so was able to get on with servicing all that equipment Big Grin
Yes this kind of surgery is relatively new so we're learning all the time along with the surgeons Laugh I was so lucky to land this job Big Grin

The furniture hasn't arrived yet, well it didn't come today anyway, so hopefully tomorrow.

To land that job, was it a matter of being in the right place at the right time?
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Good Evening Wave Smiler.

Evening Darloboy Hug

Did you enjoy your day of college or was it full of revision Eeker
Daughter's revising as she has her first exam tomorrow in geography
Originally posted by Hicky:

The furniture hasn't arrived yet, well it didn't come today anyway, so hopefully tomorrow.

To land that job, was it a matter of being in the right place at the right time?

Well if it doesn't come at least you will be able to chill out Big Grin

yes it was and I was getting so desperate at that point. I was made redundant last June after working there for 10 and half years. Applied for a job at an agency quite a way from where I live for a production planner. They got back to me and said I wasn't qualified to do it but they had just got a vacancy for a service technician. I had no idea what it entailed but thought why not go for it. They obviously saw something they needed from me and gave me the job there and then Big Grin
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Good Evening Wave Smiler.

Evening Darloboy Hug

Did you enjoy your day of college or was it full of revision Eeker
Daughter's revising as she has her first exam tomorrow in geography

No Revision yet Big Grin. Oh right, good luck to her Smiler Thumbs Up.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Good Evening Wave Smiler.

Good Evening multi-tasker, I mean multi-poster.Big Grin
4737 posts in less than 2 weeks is incredible, your fingers must be sore.

Evening Hicky, Big Grin, nope never lmao. I'm good at multi tasking it's good Blush.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by darloboy07:

No Revision yet Big Grin. Oh right, good luck to her Smiler Thumbs Up.

That's good then Big Grin I take it you've just been messing around on here today with that kind of post count Laugh

Will pass your message on Thanks Thumbs Up
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by darloboy07:

No Revision yet Big Grin. Oh right, good luck to her Smiler Thumbs Up.

That's good then Big Grin I take it you've just been messing around on here today with that kind of post count Laugh

Will pass your message on Thanks Thumbs Up

Well most of my exams are done by Computer, I just have to practise my theory. I have about only one written exam Big Grin. Rest is Assignments etc.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Night fairy_suzie. Smiler
I was just going to say how interesting your job sounds. Cool

Another nice day here, but still slightly chilly for this time of year.

Hicky. You've given me a picture of you doing your gardening in your slippers, sitting on your stool. Razzer
Wish I could get away with that. Big Grin

Mollie, this avatar is a long time coming? Wink

Hi darloboy. Wave
BB is a touchy subject for boldjohn. Glance
Nighty Night Suzie. Sleepy

Hi Emptybox.Wave

I've even got a raised veg plot so I don't have to go so far down to attend to it, not really, it's just that i had to build it up because my ground is mainly clay, i've built it up about a foot.
I also have the 13 other big pots with peppers and Toms in and sweetcorn.
I didn't want to get mud on my slippers now did I?.Big Grin
Just popping in after the pub lol.
Last time I looked we were talking about sign language, this not french, or any other secondary language, should be taught in school.
I think most schoolkids would agree too, tell em it's good for talking while burgling haha.

darloboy good luck mate. Thumbs Up

Hicky does talking to your tomatoes make them bigger and juicier? Always wondered if that was true.
Originally posted by King Kev:
Just popping in after the pub lol.
Last time I looked we were talking about sign language, this not french, or any other secondary language, should be taught in school.
I think most schoolkids would agree too, tell em it's good for talking while burgling haha.

darloboy good luck mate. Thumbs Up

Hicky does talking to your tomatoes make them bigger and juicier? Always wondered if that was true.

Hi Kev.Wave
Have tried talking to the Tomato's, it makes them blush because they end up red most of them.

I do talk to them but they don't answer, I think i'll have to wait until they mature, which is a while away yet.
Good morning all wavey

Yes Emptybox, now you say that, I have a funny pic of Hicky in my mind of him in his slippers on his milking stool. At least he wont go hungry though, and will be well nourished without all those nasty chemicals supermarket veg have on them.

Hicky.. enjoy your couple of days off, weather is very grey here, but I heard on the weather it is to be better up north, so hopefully you should get in your veg garden, and Emptybox get his work done.

Yes Emptybox.. I am taking my time chosing that avatar. Been too busy with this damn accounting stuff lately to spend the time i would like to, on the forum. And of course I will need son's time to help me put it on. Big Grin

the Apprentice tonight.. as expected, I see Philip is busy selling his story here there and everywhere. He is in this weeks Heat mag, plus you may be interested to know, so is a pic of Chantelle in her bikini. And a pic of the new eye for BB. It says it starts in June. I will be watching , but moaning about it at the same time, I expect, especially if they are trying to save money on tasks, and supplies for the HM's. Big Grin

Suzie.. that is just so lucky how that job came by so easily for you when it did, because I think recently it has become worse and worse to find work out there. Good luck to your daughter with her exams. My daughter has her gcse Japanese on Friday, so I promised to take her out for tea at the carvary straight after. It is a lot cheaper in the day, than at weekends and evenings too. The dog will be pleased because she gets all my meat for a doggie bag I take with me, and I get to enjoy lots of help yourself veggies. Smiler

Darloboy.. I think a course with assessments like that sounds better than just focusing on one end of year exam. Good luck with it all. I tell my kids that in these recession times, all this studying is more important than ever.

wavey KingKev
hope you enjoyed your evening at the pub.

wavey Boldjohn
hope you are well. Shipwreck finished last Sunday, but if you do want to see the end, you can get to see it on the website.

time for me to get brekkie, then a bit of work done. wavey
Hi Mollie.Wave

It's gone cloudy here now, was Sunny earlier on.
No flatpacks delivered yet.

Was making some more fudge but didn't get it hot enough, it's like a firm chewy toffee, Vanilla flavour, very tasty, have coated some with dark chocolate 70% cocoa am going to cover some in milk, Belgium probably, or high quality anyway.

I see BB starts on June 4th now, not long to go then.
Can't see the point in the new eye or any of the old ones if it comes to that, it's a good show we want to see not a stupid eye.
Good Evening Peeps Valentine

Hope you've all had a good day today despite the weather Big Grin

Darloboy Hug

You'll be in your 5000s in no time Laugh
Daughter said Thank you for the good wishes you sent for her exam. I haven't heard from her yet so don't know how she's done.

Emptybox Hug

My job is very interesting and makes it all worth while knowing it is helping to save lives. Unfortunately I can't say too much about it as it's still all relatively new and still under development.

Mollie Hug

I was really lucky but obviously fate wanted me to have it so I'll not argue Big Grin
Have passed on your good luck and she said Thank You Big Grin
Oooooo Japanese, that's certainly different and sounds like an interesting language to learn. Please wish her good luck for friday Big Grin
That's a good way of dealing with the meat Big Grin Mine usually gets eaten by OH Laugh

King Kev Hug

Hope you are well and have had a good day Big Grin

Yogi bear Hug

Saw you weren't too well but hope you're feeling better now Hug

Mike HugValentine

I'm still waiting to hear what star Treks like Big Grin

Anyone I've not mention Hug

Hope you all had a good day today Big Grin
Originally posted by Hicky:
Hi Mollie.Wave

It's gone cloudy here now, was Sunny earlier on.
No flatpacks delivered yet.

Was making some more fudge but didn't get it hot enough, it's like a firm chewy toffee, Vanilla flavour, very tasty, have coated some with dark chocolate 70% cocoa am going to cover some in milk, Belgium probably, or high quality anyway.

I see BB starts on June 4th now, not long to go then.
Can't see the point in the new eye or any of the old ones if it comes to that, it's a good show we want to see not a stupid eye.

Hiya Hicky Hug

We've had sunshine in Cornwall Big Grin But as I work in Devon I ended up with drizzle most of the day Laugh
Shame your flatpacks didn't turn up
I've never tried making fudge, is it relatively easy Confused
I'll have to warn OH when BB starts then so he can start to negotiate Laugh
Originally posted by Hicky:
Hi Mollie.Wave

It's gone cloudy here now, was Sunny earlier on.
No flatpacks delivered yet.

Was making some more fudge but didn't get it hot enough, it's like a firm chewy toffee, Vanilla flavour, very tasty, have coated some with dark chocolate 70% cocoa am going to cover some in milk, Belgium probably, or high quality anyway.

I see BB starts on June 4th now, not long to go then.
Can't see the point in the new eye or any of the old ones if it comes to that, it's a good show we want to see not a stupid eye.

wavey Hicky
hope the flat pack turned up today.
I bet your fudge tasted yummy, even if it didnt get hot enough.

Yes, I cant uderstand why they make a big thing of releasing a newly designed eye, when it doesnt even seem to symbolise anything. Oh yes, not long to go if it is June 4th. Wonder if there will be any livefeed on sky this time? I bet there wont be any on our pc's.

Daughter has just made me my fave peanut butter cookies. Good job I hadnt eaten much all day today.

Looking forward to the Apprentice tonight. Smiler
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Hiya Hicky Hug

We've had sunshine in Cornwall Big Grin But as I work in Devon I ended up with drizzle most of the day Laugh
Shame your flatpacks didn't turn up
I've never tried making fudge, is it relatively easy Confused
I'll have to warn OH when BB starts then so he can start to negotiate Laugh

wavey Suzie
Hope you had a good day today. Shame it was drizzly though.

I have been very busy with vat work, but got a lot of it done today, thank goodness.

Nearly time for me to take over the tv every evening as well, as BB time approaches. Big Grin

Thank you for you good wishes for my daughter. She has worked hard, but it nervous as it is the first public exam she has ever done. How is your daughter getting on?
Originally posted by *Mollie*:

wavey Suzie
Hope you had a good day today. Shame it was drizzly though.

I have been very busy with vat work, but got a lot of it done today, thank goodness.

Nearly time for me to take over the tv every evening as well, as BB time approaches. Big Grin

Thank you for you good wishes for my daughter. She has worked hard, but it nervous as it is the first public exam she has ever done. How is your daughter getting on?

I didn't mind the drizzle, I was working after all Laugh Also it make a real nice change to have a window I can look out of. The last place we had no windows and only got to see ooutside when we went out for a ciggie Laugh
It's good to be busy it helps the day go quicker Big Grin

I saw from Hicky's post when it starts Big Grin will probably have to move my evenings relaxation into the kitchen Laugh

I bet your poor daughter is sooooo nervous but at the end of the day she can only do her best, which is all we can ask for Big Grin
Don't know how my daughter's done in her first exam yet not heard from her. She's round her boyfriend's at the moment but got a feeling that will change soon as I've just text her to say I'm making homemade rice pudding tonight. She loves my homemade rice pudding Big Grin I think she is definitely in revision mode as I see on facebook she's up all hours Laugh
Just did a big post and the next thing it turned into a page of a thread.
Had to close it and my post had gone.

Hi Suzie.WaveFudge can be tricky to make, but if you have the right utensils it's ok.
A Jam making pan is ideal so the mixtures don't boil over.
And a Toffee thermometer is required as well.
But it can be tiring to stir the mixture till it reaches the right temperature, fudge needs about 245 deg F, but Toffee needs at least 280 F.
But making sure it doesn't burn is the trying part, give it as little heat as possible but enough to let it get to temperature.

Hi Mollie.Wave

Still no flatpack.
Fudge is even more yummy now, some coated in dark Belgium choc and some coated in milk.

Saw the B.N.T.M. before, nice girls, a strange assignment this week, them acting out various situations, good though.
Will have to try and catch up with the apprentice somehow.

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