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Soph says she'll move for Kris

Drunk ... Sophie
A TIPSY Sophie Reade has told her Big Brother lover Kris Donnelly she will follow him to Manchester after leaving the show.

The 20-year-old glamour model got wasted on cider ahead of this Friday's eviction when she is one of five housemates up for the chop.

A drunk Sophie took the chance to confront 24-year-old Kris over his feelings for her as they snuggled by the pool.

"You're not going to walk all over me, are you?" She begged.

"No," he replied. "It will be tricky if you live in London."

"I'm not going to live in London, I'll live in Manchester," she told him. "But you might think I'm falling for you."

The news will horrify Sophie's family as her mum said in an interview she wants to see her daughter split from womaniser Kris.

The couple have faced accusations their relationship is just for show, with Big Brother warning them fake romances are against the rules.

Later the drunk blonde had to be carried to bed from the garden by housemate Charlie Drummond.

He laughed as the busty beauty explained she could hold her liquor.

"I can handle my drink out of here, watch me on a night out," she slurred.
Housemates Warm to the new Freddie.

Big Brother contestant Halfwit is up for eviction for the fifth consecutive time but has managed to survive the public vote every week. Now it seems he may be winning over his fellow contestants too.

After spending the day completing their tasks for their shopping budget, Karly and Dogface (Sophie) discussed their surprise at enjoying Halfwit's (Freddie) company.

Dogface said: “He cracks me up. He’s funny today.”

The rest of the group then set about giving the toff a make-over, which included having his hair completely shaved off.

But his easy-going compliance appears to have paid off in more ways than one and he’s now being lauded as the secret heart throb of the house.

Noirin was his biggest fan, telling him the skin-head look “brings out his eyes more” and he looked “beautiful” and “sexy”.

But the rest of the inmates agreed too, with Siavash telling him he looked “cool” and Lisa confiding to Karly that she has changed her view on him.

So, with bookies tipping Kris as the hot favourite to go on Friday, Halfwit could survive another week and if he keeps up the agreeable behaviour, could even escape being nominated again. Could BB10’S biggest loser be the eventual winner?


The housemates have been told by Big Brother that they failed in this weeks 'circus' shopping task.

The 'Big Brother' housemates failed their 'circus' task.

The final part of the circus tasks took place yesterday with strongmen and strong woman Marcus, Siavash and Noirin pulling a four ton truck 25 metres.

When presented with the challenge, brash muscleman Marcus - who has previously ripped a telephone directory in half on the show - said it would be no problem and he "could pull it with my b**l end".

Although the team managed to complete the truck pull, they failed the strongman task overall because Marcus and Noirin had failed to complete ten miles of walking earlier in the day.

The housemates had fared better earlier in the day when Karly and Kris had passed their tightrope walking task.

Freddie (Halfwit), however, turned out to be less than a natural when it came to paint throwing, hitting none of his targets but managing to burst a paint balloon in Sophie's face. Lisa and Rodrigo also failed their seductive fan dance task, meaning the housemates have failed the 'Circus' challenge overall and will have to live on a basic food budget for the next seven days.

09 July 2009 13:30:42
Brian: "It's time to boot out Marcus!"
Posted Thursday 09 Jul 2009

We're all still getting over the sight of our BB blogger Brian Belo in a mankini on last week's Big Brother's Big Mouth – did you see it?! Anyway, Brian himself hasn't let the incident interfere with his blogging, and today he tells us what he thinks of Halfwit's new haircut, and who he thinks we should vote out tomorrow night...

Nominee’s A Plenty!

This week we are spoilt for choice as to who we want evicted on Friday. As Charlie, Kris and Dogface broke the rules of nominations, all three will face the public vote alongside Marcus and Halfwit. I’m half pleased and half disappointed about this. I’m glad Team Kris is finally up for the chop, however, I really don’t want them evicted as they do provide a strong narrative in that house.

Halfwit is coming along nicely; he is having what happens to most BB legends in that house...“the journey” Last night’s episode was hilarious – watching him get a skinhead and be dressed up as uber-cool Kris. Noirin hit the nail on the head when she said he looks totally manly, it’s only when he opens his mouth that would ruin it. But hey, that’s why we like the guy. He's not your cliched jock type that's up his own backside. Halfwit comes across as the type of guy that if you bumped into him on the street, he would respond with a friendly smile, which in this day and age is very rare.

I have to say, I don’t know what it is with housemates and extreme haircuts. Charlie getting his hair buzzed in the house reminded me of the days when Brian Dowling had a skinhead during his time in the house. That’s when it dawned on me that maybe people’s accusations of Charlie playing up to the camers and so on could be true, and he might be modelling himself on our beloved piece of BB royalty Mr Dowling to try and steal this year's crown.

I think there is only one decision to be made for tomorrow night's eviction and that is that Marcus must go! He's been extremely entertaining over the last five weeks, but I don’t think there is much more Marcus can do in that house in terms of providing to the house storylines. All he's going to do is keep on creeping around Noirin and talking about action figures. At least all the other nominated housemates are involved in the plots and give more to the structure of the house. At the end of the day, that is what matters the most. Big Brother is ten now, us viewers should be more wise with our eviction votes!

Brian xx

Brian turns 22 tomorrow! Happy Birthday Mr Belo!


Siavash is refusing to apologise to Noirin after last night's (08.07.09) argument, where he said other people in the house were calling her a ''rabbit''.

Siavash is refusing to apologise to Noirin.

The Iranian housemate is sticking to his original story in the argument which has divided the 'Big Brother' house.

Last night (08.07.09) the housemates fell out after Siavash told Noirin he had heard she was a "rabbit" who "hops about" between the different social groups in the house.

Noirin took this badly and had a huge argument with Siavash and his friend Freddie, because she thinks he made it up.

Karly, Kris, Charlie and Lisa - who make up 'The Group' which Saivash thinks has been moaning about Noirin - all deny having said anything about Noirin.

This morning (09.07.09), in a conversation with Marcus, Siavash was unrepentant.

He said: "Either people have said, and thought what I said, about her being a rabbit, or not. But I'll be fine because I was telling the truth."

Marcus told him to stick to his argument, and added he was only trying to help or warn Noirin.

Saivash continued: "What I said was, I think everyone in here - well, not everyone - but The Group, said, 'They think you're a rabbit, and I think they have a nickname for you of rabbit or bunny or something'.

"I never said anyone told me, I said I think that. I assume it. I'm either right and they do say that about her. Or I could be wrong and they don't, and then I take the blame. But I think they do, so I'm not worried."

09 July 2009 16:00:42
Good afternoon all. wavey

Hicky... hope that carpet fitter turned up with your carpet to fit. What colour is it? thanks for all the BB news. Smiler Noirin certainly seems to be the touch paper for a lot of rows in the house. I am not keen on her, I think she is sly, and a tease, and I think Freddie and Siavash have her sussed.

hope Suzy isn't too worn out from work today.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Good afternoon all. wavey

Hicky... hope that carpet fitter turned up with your carpet to fit. What colour is it? thanks for all the BB news. Smiler Noirin certainly seems to be the touch paper for a lot of rows in the house. I am not keen on her, I think she is sly, and a tease, and I think Freddie and Siavash have her sussed.

hope Suzy isn't too worn out from work today.

Hi Mollie.wavey

Yep, the Carpet was all fitted by 12.10, they only took 20 minutes.
The Carpet is a Brown colour to match the Curtains.
All the Curtains now are the ones with the big 50mm rings built in.

I don't mind Noirin really, will have to see how things go, she's quite an attractive female so is bound to attract a lot of male attention.
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Hiya Peeps Hug

Hope you have all had a good day today Big Grin

Hicky Hug
Thanks for the updates that was a good read Big Grin

Mollie Hug
Had too many other things on my mind so took it easy today at work and still got everything done Laugh

Hiya Suzie.wavey

Glad you took it easy at work today.
But you can only do so much, put your feet up and enjoy the night time.

Not an awful lot of news today, can see there being more next week though with more people entering the house for tasks.
Originally posted by Hicky:

Hiya Suzie.wavey

Glad you took it easy at work today.
But you can only do so much, put your feet up and enjoy the night time.

Not an awful lot of news today, can see there being more next week though with more people entering the house for tasks.

I've pretty much got everything done that's on the board now so now working on stock stuff.

I see you got your room done now and I bet it looks really nice in there now Big Grin
Originally posted by King Kev:
Hi Hicky, Suzie and Mollie. wavey

I think Siavash is right, whether team Lisa has said it or not we shall see.

I'm in two minds whether or not to play football tonight, I'm a bit tired.
I'm looking forward to Mock the Week tonight at 9pm on BBC2. Nod

Hi Kev.wavey

If your a bit tired you shouldn't play football, that's what your body is telling you anyway.
Good evening all wavey

Suzy...glad to hear work wasn't quite so bad today. Hug Will you have a less busy work week next week? Any sign of the prodigal daughter's retun home yet?

Hicky...glad the carpet is all done, that certainly didn't take him long to fit. I bet it smells all lovely and new too now. Smiler

KingKev... don't blame you having a break from the football. I think you did really well still playing in that heat. I bet you enjoyed your pie and garlic bread. Smiler

Wonder when Darloboy will rejoin us? hope it is not too long.
Originally posted by King Kev:
I've decided not to go Hicky, just had my tea. Steak Pie and some garlic bread, can't exactly run around with that in me can I. Laugh

Think I'll have another early night tonight.
An early night for me though is about midnight. Big Grin Will try to go earlier tonight.

Well, an hour of sleep before midnight is worth 2 hours after.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Good evening all wavey

Suzy...glad to hear work wasn't quite so bad today. Hug Will you have a less busy work week next week? Any sign of the prodigal daughter's retun home yet?

Hicky...glad the carpet is all done, that certainly didn't take him long to fit. I bet it smells all lovely and new too now. Smiler

KingKev... don't blame you having a break from the football. I think you did really well still playing in that heat. I bet you enjoyed your pie and garlic bread. Smiler

Wonder when Darloboy will rejoin us? hope it is not too long.

Hi Mollie.wavey

I've put the bed in the room now, it's just another bedroom but it's had everything changed, new light fitting and all decorated, I had used the room for my Puters for quite a few years, but it's been reclaimed.Big Grin

I pulled up another couple of beetroot and boiled them, one was about 75mm the other 50mm, they are easy to cook etc, lovely in vinegar.
Getting a lot of Tomato's on as well, had a few Strawberry's and the sweetcorn are coming on well.
I see some more Carrots we can have soon as well.
The peppers are just flowering, the spring onions are coming on, I have loads of Lettuce, the little Gems are ready, will leave the Spuds a little longer.
The pea's and beans are just flowering so they won't be long.
Noirin: 'I should have listened to Sree'
Day 36, 18:36 BST

Noirin has told Marcus that she should have listened to Sree when he warned her about Siavash.

During a chat under their duvets on the garden deck, the Dubliner said: "I think Siavash is a slimy, two-faced ********. I don't understand why you don't see it."

However, Marcus refused to agree with Noirin and criticised her for the way she dealt with her disagreement with Siavash. He stated: "You always say you confront people, but you didn't. You said it in front of everyone and that's not the way to go."

Marcus added: "You should apologise."

Noirin replied: "I want him to admit what he said. Then I'll apologise for the way I went around it." Marcus acknowledged that Siavash's version of events had been inconsistent.

"A few details have changed since last night," he admitted.

Noirin said: "He's going to make sure he's kissing their arses every single day until they believe he didn't say that... Marcus, you're my friend, it did happen like that didn't it?"

"Things changed," Marcus replied.

"Sree warned me about him and he was right," said Noirin. "If Karly and Kris had said anything about me, Siavash is the last person they'd tell. Can you see Kris going up to Siavash and saying I'm a rabbit? I talk to them everyday and they don't even talk about people."

The initial argument erupted after Siavash told Noirin that other housemates thought she was like a bunny jumping from group to group.
Mollie, I actually did quite well and I was hugely complimented on my work today so I'm happy enough. The work load doesn't show any signs of letting up yet but will be off for 2 weeks soon so will be able to chill out then Big Grin
Daughter hasn't shown any signs yet but have just heard boyfriend was booted out of coolege today so that will be another nail in the coffin Eeker

Kev, glad you are having a relaxing evening but sorry it's getting boring for you Hug

Hiya Mike Valentine

All's well here now thanks Hug

Glad to hear you're okay and hope you had a good time in the park Valentine
X Factor’s Vickers Stars in Little Voice RevivalDate: 9 July 2009

As previously tipped (See The Goss, 28 May 2009), Jim Cartwright's Olivier Award-winning comedy The Rise and Fall of Little Voice, directed by Terry Johnson, will be revived in the West End this autumn, opening at the Vaudeville Theatre on 20 October 2009 (previews from 8 October).

Producers officially announced the production today and confirmed that X Factor star Diana Vickers will star in the title role, originated by Jane Horrocks. Cartwright’s play premiered at the National Theatre in 1992 before transferring to the Aldwych Theatre. It was subsequently adapted into an Oscar-winning film in 1998, again starring Horrocks as the diva-impersonating heroine.

Billed as a “savage black comedy-drama”, The Rise and Fall of Little Voice concerns a about painfully shy, diminutive Little Voice (LV), who lives alone in the north of England with her mother, Mari. Mari’s drunken, overbearing personality has driven LV into seclusion in her bedroom, where she listens to her late father’s records and has perfected faultless impersonations of the greatest divas, including Judy Garland and Dame Shirley Bassey. When Mari’s latest boyfriend, small-time working men’s club impresario Ray Say, overhears LV singing, he puts in place a tragic sequence of events as he pushes her towards stardom she doesn’t want and is literally terrified of.

Producer Nica Burns said today: “There was no question of reviving this fabulous play in the West End until we had found our Little Voice. When Jim Cartwright, who originally wrote The Rise and Fall of Little Voice for Jane Horrocks, told me he had found the perfect girl - and then dragged me off to Wembley to see [Diana Vickers] perform as part of the X Factor tour, I thought he’d gone mad! But when I saw Diana, I knew immediately he was right; she has a special quality. When she finally agreed - after much persuasion - to come in and read for us, we found out that not only can she sing but she was an intuitive actress as well.”

Cartwright said: “This young girl is a natural actress. The moment she read the part, it was magic. A frisson ran through the room. Diana Vickers is the real deal. She is Little Voice.”

Burns added: “We are extremely grateful to Diana’s record company for allowing her a break from recording her debut album to take on this exciting role in the West End. I know it wasn’t part of her career plan after the X Factor, but we are delighted she agreed to do it - even if it meant wearing my knees out begging her!”

Diana Vickers, born in Burnley, Lancashire, the sort of town where the play is set, has been singing since the age of 11. Her talent came to light when she entered The X Factor in 2008 and her journey saw her survive nine weeks of live shows. Vickers is taking short break from recording her debut album to take the role in The Rise and Fall of Little Voice. She recently signed a record deal to RCA records and her debut album is due for release early 2010.

Producer Nica Burns said today: “There was no question of reviving this fabulous play in the West End until we had found our Little Voice. When Jim Cartwright, who originally wrote The Rise and Fall of Little Voice for Jane Horrocks, told me he had found the perfect girl - and then dragged me off to Wembley to see [Diana Vickers] perform as part of the X Factor tour, I thought he’d gone mad! But when I saw Diana, I knew immediately he was right; she has a special quality. When she finally agreed - after much persuasion - to come in and read for us, we found out that not only can she sing but she was an intuitive actress as well.”

Cartwright said: “This young girl is a natural actress. The moment she read the part, it was magic. A frisson ran through the room. Diana Vickers is the real deal. She is Little Voice.”

Burns added: “We are extremely grateful to Diana’s record company for allowing her a break from recording her debut album to take on this exciting role in the West End. I know it wasn’t part of her career plan after the X Factor, but we are delighted she agreed to do it - even if it meant wearing my knees out begging her!”

Diana Vickers, born in Burnley, Lancashire, the sort of town where the play is set, has been singing since the age of 11. Her talent came to light when she entered The X Factor in 2008 and her journey saw her survive nine weeks of live shows. Vickers is taking short break from recording her debut album to take the role in The Rise and Fall of Little Voice. She recently signed a record deal to RCA records and her debut album is due for release early 2010.
Suzy .. congratulations on being complimented on your work today. I bet it feels good that all your hard work is being appreciated. Smiler That 2 week holiday will be needed and deserved by the time you get it.
Goodnight, sleep tight. xx

Hicky... what a great choice of homegrown veg you have now. Smiler

BB not on till 10pm again... what a pain!
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Suzy .. congratulations on being complimented on your work today. I bet it feels good that all your hard work is being appreciated. Smiler That 2 week holiday will be needed and deserved by the time you get it.
Goodnight, sleep tight. xx

Hicky... what a great choice of homegrown veg you have now. Smiler

BB not on till 10pm again... what a pain!

The Veg is coming on well, it's nice to see it growing.
It's Friday tomorrow OK.
Big Grinâ™Ĩ***************************************************â™ĨBig Grin
...........Right See you Tomorrow Peeps...........
.......................I'm off to Bed..........................
.............Hope you all had a good day..............
................Nighty Night, Sleep Tight..............
Big Grinâ™Ĩ***************************************************â™Ĩ
Big Grin
Originally posted by Hicky:
Big Grinâ™Ĩ***************************************************â™ĨBig Grin
...........Right See you Tomorrow Peeps...........
.......................I'm off to Bed..........................
.............Hope you all had a good day..............
................Nighty Night, Sleep Tight..............
Big Grinâ™Ĩ***************************************************â™Ĩ
Big Grin

That's so cool Hicky,
sleep tight. Wave
Evening. Smiler

Not a bad day, and I got home in time to give the dog a walk. Cool

Glad you've got your room sorted Hicky.
Enjoy your day out tomorrow mollie (if you go). Smiler

What a big argument on BB over nothing. I stayed up to stupid O'Clock last night watching it live, and it went on for hours. Eeker
All over wether Noirin was a rabbit that hopped between the groups. Roll Eyes

Anyone would think she had been accused of mass murder. Big Grin

I think it may be close tomorrow, but I hope Kris goes.

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