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Sexy Sophie overexcites Kris

Aroused ... Kris and Sophie while Freddie looks on
AN overexcited Kris Donnelly warned Sophie Reade to keep her hands to herself while he was dressed in a snug leotard or risk him getting too aroused.
The lovebirds had been in the Big Brother garden getting friendly ahead of a roller-skating challenge - part of this week's task.

Kris, 24, who was dressed head-to-toe in a revealing luminous bodysuit, told Sophie she needed to be careful as he quickly uncrossed his legs.

"What are you trying to do to me? I've got a leotard on. Think before you start doing things like that. You'll get me in trouble," he told the 20-year-old glamour girl.

An embarrassed Kris glanced down towards his groin as he explained if things went further he would not be able to take part in the task - roller-skating into a special padded wall.

"I wouldn't have been able to go into the wall," he muttered.

"You'd have bounced back out," Sophie agreed.
Originally posted by Hyperstar:
Originally posted by Hicky:
DS was ok ealier, was posting this morning on there.

The Odds are up for the Eviction.
The betting Odds at the moment are as below.
Kris - 1/16
Charlie - 12/1
Marcus - 20/1
Sophie - 25/1
Freddie - 40/1

But of course the Odds will be changing all week, they have only just opened.

Also, other bookies have slightly differing Odds, but the order is the same.

What account are you? Smiler

The above Odds are BETFRED.
Charlie upset by Kris, Sophie task
Day 34, 10:10 BST

Charlie was angry that Kris and Sophie's tasks finished after four hours last night.

He faces the public vote on Friday after failing a silent punishment task for discussing nominations. Big Brother had banned him from making a "peep" for most of Monday as a punishment for making remarks which were interpreted as trying to influence nominations.

Charlie, whose task lasted ten hours, was upset when Kris and Sophie’s similar tasks ended after just four.

"I had mine in the daytime when everyone was talking to me, they’ve had theirs at night when people were getting ready for bed," he told Karly, Marcus and Lisa as soon as Kris and Sophie went to the Diary Room.

He continued complaining about the duration of his task even as housemates tried to console Kris and Sophie over receiving the news that they are up for eviction.

"They made it look like they’d given us a chance to stay but they haven’t," he complained.

Karly agreed: "They really wanted to make sure you were up this week."

Charlie eventually perked up, saying that he would try his best to enjoy the rest of the week, which could be the last four days he spends in the house. He said that he plans to spend the time sunbathing as he "looks like Caspar the Friendly Ghost".

ABOVE: Marcus and Noirin have started to argue
7th July 2009

IT seems like the love affair will not happen for Marcus and Noirin, after the pair had a massive bust-up this morning.

Noirin and lapdog Marcus proved very good friends until this week, when the hairy carpenter hinted at the possibility of them starting a relationship.

But Noirin shot Marcus' hopes down by saying she only wanted to be friends, and Marcus has started to have digs at the Irish beauty,

As they were discussing the house’s weekly shopping, Marcus ribbed his love interest, saying: “Are you strong then Noirin?"

She replied: "Yes, I'm very strong. But I don't appreciate people saying I'm lazy.”

Marcus said: "Get off your high horse," which caused Noirin to snap.

She hit back: "I'm not on a high horse. But you've said it so many times now it's starting to get on my nerves."

Rising to the argument, Marcus came back with: "Yeah, but everything gets on your nerves."

Noirin replied: “That's why I'm telling you."

Marcus then started to get personal, revealing his aim was to annoy her, saying: “All you have in here is people who agree with you, that's why I say the opposite.

"If there's a way of doing something and you don't do it the way it's supposed to be done and you take a short cut, that's being lazy."

Noirin wasn't having it, saying: "Give me an example of that in the House."

Marcus said he certainly would do “when it happens".

If Marcus is facing the public vote this week, this probably won't help his cause

ABOVE: Freddie's up for the chop...again
7th July 2009
TOFF Freddie Fisher has made Big Brother history as he was nominated for eviction for a FIFTH week in a row, a series record.

It was previously held by BB2’s Paul Clarke, 32, who got four consecutive nom-inations in 2001.

Tory-boy Freddie, 23, who has been dubbed “Mr Invincible” for surviving so many eviction attempts
Soph: Wealthy family save Fred
Published: Today

Eviction fears ... Sophie
SOPHIE Reade has said Freddie Fisher may have his wealthy family to thank for surviving four eviction votes and fears she will be next for the chop.

The 20-year-old is up for the public vote alongside lover Kris Donnelly and gay Charlie Drummond, 22, after all three of them broke Big Brother rules on discussing nominations.

Freddie Fisher, 24, and Marcus Akin, 35, got the most nominations this week so are expected to be up for eviction alongside the three rule breakers.

Discussing Freddie's survival Sophie said: "I don't know why he's staying, to be honest. Do you think it's because he's rich and his family are voting for him?"

In an earlier conversation 24-year-old Kris told Sophie he was not ready to leave the house.

A downbeat Sophie remarked: "I'll be the one going. Girls always go first."
Kris is favourite to be evicted

Up for the chop ... Kris
KRIS Donnelly is the bookies' favourite to be evicted this Friday.
Big Brother said the 24-year-old ladies' man was up for the public vote as punishment for talking about nominations.

He has said the British public would be mad to evict him over Freddie.

Both Sophie Reade, 20, and Charlie Drummond, 22, will also face eviction alongside him for rule breaking.

Freddie Fisher, who has already survived four public votes, and wolfman Marcus Akin, both received the most nominations from housemates this week.

This means a total of five housemates are up for eviction on Friday with Freddie, 24, and Marcus, 35, standing against the three rule breakers.

According to Ladbrokes Kris is the hot tip to be evicted with 1/10 odds.

Marcus has 10/1 odds to go while Charlie and Sophie have odds of 12/1 and 18/1 to be axed.

Freddie looks most likely to avoid the chop with odds of 40/1.

Nick Weinberg, Ladbrokes spokesman, said: "Kris has his work cut out. His attitude towards Freddie has all but sealed his fate."

While Freddie is still favourite to win the series at 7/4 the odds show he's starting to be threatened by Siavash Sabbaghpour who is standing at 9/4 to win.

"After a fairly average start Siavash is coming on strong," Mr Weinberg added.

ABOVE: Gorgeous M&S model Myleene Klass

2nd July 2009 By Bill MartinMARKS & Spencer reported its best quarterly performance for two years yesterday.

And revealing the figures, boss Sir Stuart Rose said he was “not concerned” by a possible shareholder revolt next week.

Rose is facing a hostile motion at the company’s annual meeting calling on the 125-year-old retailer to split his controversial combined role as chairman and chief executive.

“Nothing has changed,” he said. “The board will appoint a new chief executive by the end of 2010 and I will stand down as chairman in 2011.

“It’s the usual annual little jamboree running up to the annual meeting, and frankly, I am not concerned about it.”

Some believe, however, that up to 20% of investors could vote in favour of the motion.

Rose said his main job was running the business, and M&S beat City forecasts in recording its slowest drop in sales since 2007.

Same store sales fell 1.4% for the first three months to June versus analysts’ forecasts of 2.5%. The shares rose 11Â―p to 317Â―p.

But Rose was more encouraged by the chain picking up market share across both its food and clothing ranges – the result, he said, of giving customers “damn good value”.

The company has successfully slowed the sales downturn by cutting prices and developing new products.
Big Brother Update:Today 16:10

The 'Big Brother' house has been given a circus themed task.

The contestants gathered around in the kitchen earlier today (07.07.09) as Sophie (Dogface) read out instructions for the 'Big Brother Vaudeville Circus' - which is divided into five different tasks.

The first 'act' is for two housemates who will become 'fan dancers' and have to perform a "demur yet seductive" routine.

In the second part of the task another two person team will become a circus performance thrower and glamorous assistant.

The third task is for two housemates to learn how to tightrope walk in the garden.

In the next task, the "bravest" and "most fearless" housemate must learn how to ride a unicycle.

Competing the line up will be a strongman and strongwoman who will also perform for the other housemates.

As the housemates were handed their leotards and various items of brightly coloured circus attire, there was much laughter but also worry as to whether they would be enough to hide housemates' modesty.

You know how your dick shrinks when you're in danger?
Big Brother Marcus
As Siavash and Kris donned their skimpy black leotards, the Iranian housemate said to his fellow performer: "This is ridiculous. Your p***s will actually hang out! This is a bikini for a woman!"

Noirin was also worried about her breasts falling out of her leotard, while Marcus was forced to borrow a pair of Rodrigo's underpants, to replace his own boxer shorts under his leotard.

After he had dressed, Charlie remarked on a lack of bulge in the front.

Marcus defended himself saying: "You know how your dick shrinks when you're in danger?"

Charlie mockingly replied: "Aye, okay. I believe ya."

"Discussing Freddie's survival Sophie said: "I don't know why he's staying, to be honest. Do you think it's because he's rich and his family are voting for him?"

What a horrible thing to say, Sophie has just gone down in my estimation. Kris's nastiness must be rubbing off on her. Roll Eyes

Has it not even crossed her brain, that the public may of not voted Freddie out because we liked him?
Good evening all wavey
Hicky... thanks for all those news items.

Hope they didn't work you too hard in the office today.

And hope Suzy isn't too tired tonight after work.

I am watching the Michael Jackson memorial. Crying They expect to get a billion viewers. Such a shame, all those fans, including me and my family, should of been seeing him perform in London soon. Frowner
lol at mike's 'local threads for local people' post in t'other thread.

I'm ok mike...but where's Suzie?
Maybe daughter has been round and she's having to tidy up the bomb site. Laugh

I like Jacko but hate when they string out celebs deaths to make money. Lady Di was worse.
Hopefully today will be the last we hear of him, apart from the occasional song though.

Im ok and still Crazy
what a good Wilder /Pryor film that was ...teehee

I hope you fit and gorgeous as ever hunny bun ..?

I think Suzie might be on her burn out on rower and then online to read my crap Wink


was worried about you ,
was going to phone Whelan your best mate up,

and ask him to put you on the phone,
after the good day you and him had flying his helicoptor ..Wink
I think my suicide pact pm I sent you might have had you thinking I was serious

well your here ..
like a randy Jack Russel after sniffing everything ....
Im not bitter an twisted you a young fit 20s bloke ....
as Herr Lipp says get in the cellar
Mike Strutter
Aaaahhh, there you are KingKev... wavey
Glad you are ok. Hug

Dont think they are making money out of this memorial, because the tickets were free.
Didn't think much of Mariah Carey singing just then, but Lionel Richei sounding good.

Hugfor Suzy... hope she hasn't got a headache again.

Yes Kev, it could be her daughter moving back.

Don't know about the fit and gorgeous bit Mike...I haven't got my make up on. Laugh

Have you been to the pictures to see a film today Mike?

I love lil Kev to bits taught him all about *cooking*..... Thumbs Up

I bet you look devine and your OH is eyeing you, for good loving later ...??
Eeker Thumbs Up
NodOh the wonderful joys of marriage .... Thumbs Up

I havent been pictures for a bit ....
being a single ugly skinhead bouncer bloke...
would you ???..
although with all my wonderous charm and confident manner ...snapping girls knicker elastic
If a Fit toned brain dead Himbo comes along ..HHHHhmmm Frowner lol

at least with my drink ...

she doesnt judge ...Wink

this post was *tongue in Rosemarys cheeks* Wink
Mike Strutter
Hi Mollie I was on about the papers really. They're vultures.
But with all the problems the world, and mainly the politicians, anything to keep them out the papers will be good for them. With Murdoch in charge of the world (press brainwashing) we're all ******.

Daily release of the pressure valve lol.

Hope you and family are great Mollie. Hug
Good Evening Mollie, Mike & Kev.Wave

Didn't think much of BBLB, what a waste of out time and good money putting that cra* on when we could be watching what is going on in the house.

Why do they think that we want to see all the rubbish they put on instead.

The mind boggles, they must be on another planet.

I had a good day at work really, nothing too strenuous, the keys aren't too hard to press, and the kettle is only 5mtrs away by the fridge.
Originally posted by Mike Strutter:

I love lil Kev to bits taught him all about *cooking*..... Thumbs Up

I bet you look devine and your OH is eyeing you, for good loving later ...??
Eeker Thumbs Up
NodOh the wonderful joys of marriage .... Thumbs Up

I havent been pictures for a bit ....
being a single ugly skinhead bouncer bloke...
would you ???..
although with all my wonderous charm and confident manner ...snapping girls knicker elastic
If a Fit toned brain dead Himbo comes along ..HHHHhmmm Frowner lol

at least with my drink ...

she doesnt judge ...Wink

this post was *tongue in Rosemarys cheeks* Wink


don't you run yourself down Mike...
one day Mike you too will have yourself a lovely OH to eye up too.
You deserve it...
Originally posted by King Kev:
Hi Mollie I was on about the papers really. They're vultures.
But with all the problems the world, and mainly the politicians, anything to keep them out the papers will be good for them. With Murdoch in charge of the world (press brainwashing) we're all ******.

Daily release of the pressure valve lol.

Hope you and family are great Mollie. Hug

I am indeed great thanks Kingkev..
and i hope you are too..

oh yes, I agree those papers are a load of vultures, and when someone is gone, they can no longer answer back . Frowner

Aaaawww Jermaine Jackson just sang "Smile" so lovely, I really like that song.
Marcus admits he groped Noirin
Published: Today

Groper ... Marcus with Noirin

Marcus Akin has admitted he gave Noirin Kelly a "good grope" under the covers.
The hairy housemate had been complaining to Siavash Sabbaghpour about the Irish beauty sending him mixed messages.

The Dublin retail manager had previously told the 35-year-old she just wanted them to be friends, and was worried she might be giving the wrong signals by being too flirty.

A sulking Marcus told Siavash that Noirin, 25, allowed him to get intimate with her in the bedroom before pouring cold weather on their relationship.

He told the events organiser she had allowed him to "have a good grope" and put his hand "where it shouldn't have been" when they were talking under the covers.
Originally posted by Hicky:
I had a good day at work really, nothing too strenuous, the keys aren't too hard to press, and the kettle is only 5mtrs away by the fridge.

Laugh Hicky...

glad you had a good day at work. Wink

I havent bothered watching BBLB this year, thought it was rubbish last year, so gave it up. Sounds like i haven't missed anthing.
Housemates undergo circus shopping task
19:30 BST
By Matthew Reynolds, Gaming Reporter

Housemates undergo circus shopping task

This week’s shopping task has housemates performing five circus activities over the next two days.

Lisa and Rodrigo must perform the 'seductive' fan dance, and Charlie has to learn to ride a unicycle.

Sophie will be strapped to a board as a thrower’s assistant, with Freddie aiming for targets either side of her with water bombs.

Kris and Karly must get across a tightrope situated in the centre of the garden, while Noirin, Marcus and Siavash must collectively walk ten miles a day.

Housemates need to pass three of the five acts to secure the luxury shopping budget.
Originally posted by Hicky:
The latest betting Odds are as below:
For Eviction.
Kris ---- 1/16
Marcus -- 12/1
Charlie - 14/1
Sophie -- 25/1
Freddie - 50/1
An awful lot of money going on Kris by the looks of it.

Eeker what is Marcus doing up there as 2nd fave to go?

should be Charlie imo.

but as long as Kris stays as fave, and leaves, I am not moaning. Laugh
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by Hicky:
I had a good day at work really, nothing too strenuous, the keys aren't too hard to press, and the kettle is only 5mtrs away by the fridge.

Laugh Hicky...

glad you had a good day at work. Wink

I havent bothered watching BBLB this year, thought it was rubbish last year, so gave it up. Sounds like i haven't missed anthing.

Don't really see the point of BBLB any more, not sure what it's supposed to be doing.

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