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Freddie has criticised his Big Brother housemates for ''b***hing'' about him and being unkind to him after it was announced he was up for eviction for the fourth week running.

Freddie has criticised his "nasty" housemates.

The Oxford graduate lashed out at the other 'Big Brother' contestants for "b***hing" about him and being unkind following Big Brother's announcement he is up for eviction for the fourth week running.

Freddie received seven nominations from his housemates and is up against Sree, who received five.

He complained: "There are elements of this that are just nasty."

A confused Charlie replied: "I don't see the nastiness from the people in here. No one doesn't like you."

However, this harmless comment quickly incited a blazing row between Freddie - aka Halfwit - and unemployed lesbian Lisa.

Freddie said: "I don't think Lisa likes me."

Lisa replied: "I don't think you like me, Freddie!"

The affluent 24-year-old replied: "I dislike you scheming against me and b***hing behind my back."

However, Freddie was seemingly unaware this comment would incite a sharp-tongued response from his 41-year-old shaven headed housemate.

Lisa snapped: "I'm not b***hing against you and I'm not scheming against you, so you wanna get that out your head. I don't know where you're getting that from. You're paranoid. You are not a fool. You're playing the victim of the house.

"I do like you, you can just be aggravating! I'm allowed to have my opinion. I tell you something: you don't like me, I don't like you, so I'll tell you what, let's not talk to each other."

Following the row, Scottish beauty Karly told the pair she thought she knew why Freddie often felt left out from the rest of group.

She told Freddie: "Maybe it's to do with the fact that you told people in here you've got a gameplan. Have you thought of that?"

Freddie - who looked visibly upset - mumbled to Charlie: "My gameplan was to have as much fun as possible."
BB star’s dance date
01 July 2009

THE youngest ever Big Brother contestant is to attend a dance night to encourage youngsters to follow his love of music and dance.

Cairon Austin-Hill, 18, who attends the Miskin Theatre, in Oakfield Lane, Dartford, is expected to appear at the evening in VCD Hall, Old Road, Crayford, next Wednesday.

The teenager, who hopes to become a rap legend, was evicted from the house earlier this month, despite winning an army of fans for his American-inspired dress sense.

Earlier this month the Times published exclusive pictures of him performing at the centre after scores of supporters flooded internet site Facebook with messages of support.

Dwaine Leaver, 33, from Thamesmead, runs the sessions through his company, Dance Vibe Nights.

He said: "The evening is modern jive and is a relatively new dance genre. We are hoping to attract more youngsters to the sessions. They are well attended but not so much with the youngsters and we are hoping Cairon will inspire others to get involved.

"He was certainly a character in the house and we are pleased he is giving up his time to come down, meet those who attend, have a dance and hopefully perform some of his raps." The session starts at 7.45pm with beginners' lessons and then progresses to those for the more experienced.

The dance evening finishes at about 11pm with an open dance session for everyone. Mr Leaver added: "Modern jive is like salsa but to modern music and it's great fun."
Sree demands more support
Published: Today

STUDENT Sree Dasari has complained he is not getting enough support from housemates during this week's task.

The 25-year-old is helping run a 24-hour ice-cream shop as part of this week's Italian-themed task and has to make cones whenever Big Brother phones in an order.

Sree, who was woken at 4.23am today with a big order, demanded housemates get behind him.

He said: "People are sitting all day and all night giving wrong ideas, how to fail the task.

"'You failed it anyway, you failed it anyway.' There is no positive."

"Even though I'm not a good runner, you need to give inspiration. 'Come on, you're gonna do this, you're gonna do this.' Then we gonna win it."

Big Brother has given housemates a serious of Italian-related roles to play for this week's shopping task.

Siavash Sabbaghpour is playing a fashionista - dressing up in a series of costumes and striking a pose whenever Madonna's Vogue is played.

And Freddie Fisher, Rodrigo Lopes and Karly Ashworth were given the role of tenors and asked to sing Nessun Dorma.

If they complete the task successfully housemates will win a luxury shopping budget.
The housemates are picking on poor Halfwit again
Posted on Wednesday 01 Jul 2009

Sometimes we truly have to fight the urge to march over to Elstree with megaphone in hand. Someone needs to tell those housemates – with the exception of Halfwit – that their conspiracy theories are total rubbish. Today, it would appear, has been pick on Halfwit day, as most of the housemates are convinced that he's invented some sort of "gameplan" in order to stay in the house. Erm, do they not understand that it's us, the viewing public, that are choosing to keep him on the show? Poor Halfwit tried to defend himself earlier during a heated conversation with Karly, telling the fesity Scottish lass, "Dude, if I had a gameplan, do you think I'd be up for eviction four weeks in a row?" Karly was in a right old strop, moaning back at him, "A gameplan to me is a gameplan, and that's just it. I'm intelligent and I'm clever and I've got my own mind, so I can think whatever the hell I want to think!" Calm down, love. Poor Halfwit has been accused of whispering behind people's back, but, as he points out, that's just not the case. "Honestly Karly," he continued. "I'm really trustworthy, honest and open. Anything I've said to people behind their backs I've also said to their face. Anybody who didn't trust me in here, when they come out of here will see that." If any of the housemates had even half a brain cell, they'd realise the public love Halfwit and try to make an effort with him. We don't know how he puts up with it.


The 'Big Brother' housemates stole ice-cream supposed to be used in their gelato stand task this afternoon (01.07.09) .

The 'Big Brother' housemates stole ice-cream this afternoon (01.07.09)

Fed up with the heat and the gelato stand task, the housemates decided to rebel and eat the ice cream designated for the challenge, as they believe they have failed that area of this week's 'Italia90' task.

After initial deliberations Freddie (Halfwit) was sent to the Diary Room to find out if they would be permitted to eat the ice cream.

Upon his return, he said: "They said look in the rules. They were evasive."

Siavash was sceptical. He told the group: "Let's just leave the f******g ice cream alone. We can't leave it alone for one day? Everyone's sitting around moaning about getting a Task, then as soon as we get a Task everyone's like 'I'm sick, I'm tired, when is it finished?' "

After another 15 minutes of squabbles, the 11 housemates - who are famished after surviving on a budget diet of Β£1 of food a day since last Wednesday - agreed to take a vote on it and decided their best course of action would be to eat the ice cream, prompting a stampede toward the house's stocks.

All the housemates shouted out their selections, with Charlie asking for: "Strawberry on one side, chocolate on the other."

Marcus ordered: "Mint Choc chip. And a few flakes, and some nuts and whatnot."
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Several that I have seen so far struggle to answer questions relating to their own series.

Loving the ice cream hat! Big Grin

I have watched a little of the LF from last night and it was refreshing just to see Sophie away from Kris, and missing with Roddy, Freddie and Marcus.

BB want the HM's to look as stupid as possible.

Just wish we could see them. Frowner
Sitting room sleepover in BB
Published: Today

SLEEPY housemates, Sree, Sophie and Siavash have taken to kipping in the sitting room so they do not foul up this week's Italian task.

Student Sree Dasari, 25, and model Sophie Reade, 20, have taken the roles of ice-cream sellers for a 24-hour gelato shop.

The pair must make ice creams whenever Big Brother decides to phone-in an order, day or night.

A tired Sree struggled when Big Brother were called in at 4am this morning with a particularly large order.

They were joined in the sitting-room-cum-bedroom by Siavash Sabbaghpour.

He has taken on the role of a fashionista and has been forced to dress up in a series of outlandish costumes and strike a pose every time Madonna's Vogue is played.

The tired events organiser, 23, was woken up at around 6am to pose for Big Brother.

If housemates fail the Italian challenge they will miss out on a luxury shopping budget.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Cairon Smiler, nice to see he's doing good outside the house.

I think he is going to be kept very busy, he's a clever lad, and quick to pick things up, and with his other BB mate he'll do well.

I liked Cairon, was a shame he was up against Freddie. He'll be fine as he doesn't plan on going Z-list he said he's going back to College Smiler. I hope Sophia is doing well despite she is clever and her IQ stats prove that, shame she left too Frowner.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Hello Folks ... Wave

I had some great news today ...
I went Job Centre about my income support ,
anyway she went through my claim
Im not paying my mortgage now til Im back on my feet,
and the income support owe me a big wedge for my back claim ...
Its about time I got some good news .... Thumbs Up

I normally would have a few cans to celebrate ,
but b*llocks to

I just done another hour sweating and burning myself to get that hunky body back at the gym before ,lol
Im going pictures instead to see Jonny Depp in Public Enemies ...

I hope everyone else is doing Good ..???
Mike Strutter
Originally posted by Mike Strutter:
Hello Folks ... Wave

I had some great news today ...
I went Job Centre about my income support ,
anyway she went through my claim
Im not paying my mortgage now til Im back on my feet,
and the income support owe me a big wedge for my back claim ...
Its about time I got some good news .... Thumbs Up

I normally would have a few cans to celebrate ,
but b*llocks to

I just done another hour sweating and burning myself to get that hunky body back at the gym before ,lol
Im going pictures instead to see Jonny Depp in Public Enemies ...

I hope everyone else is doing Good ..???

Thats a load off your mind Mike.

Take it easy, enjoy the Picture.Wave
Freddie vows to take on Lisa
Published: Today

At War .... Freddie Fisher

BATTLELINES have been drawn between posh Freddie and unemployed Lisa Wallace after a heated row.

Oxford graduate Freddie Fisher told Big Brother he was going to expose the 41-year-old Brummie's true colours.

The 24-year-old said: "My strategy towards dealing with Lisa is going to shift. It's going to shift towards being more open, to being more openly disapproving of her tactics.

He accused Lisa of conspiring against him to make other housemates blame him for failing yesterday's three tenors task.

Freddie then pointed the finger at her for getting his pal, Angel McKenzie, booted out of the house last week.

He said: "I'm showing people's true colours. They can see the nastiness and aggression when Lisa confronts me."

Earlier in the day Lisa told Freddie he aggravated her, and the other housemates criticised him for having a gameplan.

Both he and fellow housemate Sree Dasari, 25, face the public vote to see who will be evicted on Friday night.
Originally posted by Mike Strutter:
Hello Folks ... Wave

I had some great news today ...
I went Job Centre about my income support ,
anyway she went through my claim
Im not paying my mortgage now til Im back on my feet,
and the income support owe me a big wedge for my back claim ...
Its about time I got some good news .... Thumbs Up

I normally would have a few cans to celebrate ,
but b*llocks to

I just done another hour sweating and burning myself to get that hunky body back at the gym before ,lol
Im going pictures instead to see Jonny Depp in Public Enemies ...

I hope everyone else is doing Good ..???

Hiya Mike Valentine and see ya Mike Valentine I saw you've gone already to the pictures Big Grin

That's great news about your finances and fantastic news about you by passing the off license ValentineHug well done
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by Hicky:

Good Evening Suzie.wavey

Hope you have had a good day, it's been scorching here all day.

Sorry Hicky major probs with lappy tonight, it keeps shutting down on me Laugh

It has been very busy again but very productive and no tizzy's to sort out thank goodness Big Grin It's been very hot and sticky here too

Hi Suzie.Wave

It's probably overheating, make sure its on a flat surface and that air can circulate below and all round it.
Get a fan to blow air onto it if you can.
Originally posted by Hicky:

Hi Suzie.Wave

It's probably overheating, make sure its on a flat surface and that air can circulate below and all round it.
Get a fan to blow air onto it if you can.

Thanks for the tip Hicky Hug

Just found a lap tray and am using that at the moment. Was looking at those cooling trays that are designed for laptops, they look quite good Big Grin
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by Hicky:

Hi Suzie.Wave

It's probably overheating, make sure its on a flat surface and that air can circulate below and all round it.
Get a fan to blow air onto it if you can.

Thanks for the tip Hicky Hug

Just found a lap tray and am using that at the moment. Was looking at those cooling trays that are designed for laptops, they look quite good Big Grin

I'm not familiar with a cooling tray but if it's designed for Lappies and it's not too expensive then it's worth a try.
Because Lappies are so compact there is no way it can dissipate the heat, new Lappies generate quite a lot and will cut out at a certain temperature, the problem being that they can't get a big enough fan inside to give the amount of cooling it would need when it's hot and humid like this.

It would be advisable to try and lift the Lappy up from what it is on by about 10 mm or so to let as much air as possible to pass underneath.
As if it was standing on 4 dice.
Originally posted by Hicky:

I'm not familiar with a cooling tray but if it's designed for Lappies and it's not too expensive then it's worth a try.
Because Lappies are so compact there is no way it can dissipate the heat, new Lappies generate quite a lot and will cut out at a certain temperature, the problem being that they can't get a big enough fan inside to give the amount of cooling it would need when it's hot and humid like this.

It would be advisable to try and lift the Lappy up from what it is on by about 10 mm or so to let as much air as possible to pass underneath.
As if it was standing on 4 dice.

Apparently these trays are especialy designed for laptops and cost around Β£40 so will look into it. In the mean time I will look for some dice sized blocks Big Grin tthank you for your help it's very much appreciated Hug
Good evening all wavey

Mike glad to hear your good news about your finances. Smiler Hug I hope that makes life a lot easier for you now. Well done for avoiding the booze. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Hicky... thanks for all the BB news again. Laugh Hicky... no I haven't ever seen a night owl wearing glasses either.

Suzy... Hughope you are relaxing after your busy day. But I am glad it was at least productive. Smiler Sorry to hear about your lappy playing up, I am not surprised it is down to overheat. What a stinking hot day it has been again. They are predicting rain here tonight, so hope it breaks the heat.

Nice to see BB on at 9pm tonight.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Good evening all wavey

Mike glad to hear your good news about your finances. Smiler Hug I hope that makes life a lot easier for you now. Well done for avoiding the booze. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Hicky... thanks for all the BB news again. Laugh Hicky... no I haven't ever seen a night owl wearing glasses either.

Suzy... Hughope you are relaxing after your busy day. But I am glad it was at least productive. Smiler Sorry to hear about your lappy playing up, I am not surprised it is down to overheat. What a stinking hot day it has been again. They are predicting rain here tonight, so hope it breaks the heat.

Nice to see BB on at 9pm tonight.

Hi Mollie.Wave
Was shocked to see it on at 9pm, but as I have it on auto record it's not a problem, i'm on playback now because I missed ten minutes.Big Grin

I'm going to the Docs again in the morning early as my elbow is not looking too good, the swelling has gone down but the skin has fell off and left a not very nice 20mm hole, I rang the Chemist and they said don't put this Cream on that I'm taking as it's made to go on the skin.
Have just put a dressing on now, will get the nurse to do it in the morning.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Good evening all wavey

Suzy... Hughope you are relaxing after your busy day. But I am glad it was at least productive. Smiler Sorry to hear about your lappy playing up, I am not surprised it is down to overheat. What a stinking hot day it has been again. They are predicting rain here tonight, so hope it breaks the heat.

Nice to see BB on at 9pm tonight.

I am relaxing now thanks Hug Will sort the lappy out hopefully and have taken Hicky's advise and put a fan onto it Big Grin
I hope we get some storms or rain down here soon Nod at least it will freshen up the air Laugh

It is good isn't it to see BB on early for a change Big Grin
Originally posted by Hicky:
I'm going to the Docs again in the morning early as my elbow is not looking too good, the swelling has gone down but the skin has fell off and left a not very nice 20mm hole, I rang the Chemist and they said don't put this Cream on that I'm taking as it's made to go on the skin.
Have just put a dressing on now, will get the nurse to do it in the morning.

Oh dear Hicky Hug
sorry to hear that. I wonder what caused it in the first place?
Good job you stopped with the cream, sounds like it wasn't suiting your skin. It was a good idea to ask the pharmasist about the cream, they know so much about side effects of meds.
Hopefully the doc will soon sort it for you.
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
I am relaxing now thanks Hug Will sort the lappy out hopefully and have taken Hicky's advise and put a fan onto it Big Grin
I hope we get some storms or rain down here soon Nod at least it will freshen up the air Laugh

It is good isn't it to see BB on early for a change Big Grin

Hicky does know quite a lot about techy stuff, I often ask him stuff. Smiler So hope that fan does help.

When I saw the forecast, it did say that heavy rain was coming to the south west, but the south east was going to stay hot and dry. But we will have to see.

Wish BB was always on at 9pm....
Originally posted by *Mollie*:

Hicky does know quite a lot about techy stuff, I often ask him stuff. Smiler So hope that fan does help.

When I saw the forecast, it did say that heavy rain was coming to the south west, but the south east was going to stay hot and dry. But we will have to see.

Wish BB was always on at 9pm....

I'm fine when they go wrong physically because then I get to pull them apart and fix them Laugh but when it comes to the practical things and software I'm absolutely hopeless Big Grin

I saw we were supposed to be getting rain but have yet to see any, although we do now have clouds forming :fingers crossed:

As for BB I do too it would be good for me to get a good 8 hours sleep before going to work Laugh
Look at that.
I call in extra early, and you've still all gone to bed. Frowner Big Grin

Hot, sultry with some heavy downpours.
I got caught in one, but managed to skirt round some others.

Also the belt came off the mower, and I had it all dismantled on the grass when the heavens opened. I made a run for a nearby shed. It only rained for 10 mins, but when I came out my toolbox was full of water.
Not ideal. Mad

Karly has a lovely singing voice, as we saw on BB tonight. Cool

Glad you've got your finances sorted Mike. Smiler

That elbow sounds nasty Hicky. Frowner
Hopefully the doc can do something for you?

Hicky Hug

Hope all goes well at the docs and he is able to sort out your elbow.

Mollie Hug

Hope you don't get too soaked today as the rain is supposed to be coming. Although I've just been outside and there is not a cloud to be seen Roll Eyes

Kev Hug

Hope you have a good day today

Mike Hug

Hope you enjoyed your film and will have a great trip out today Valentine

Darloboy Hug

Hope you have a better that an okay day and have plenty of time to have fun Big Grin

Emptybox Hug

We missed each other again Laugh At least you didn't get wet this time. I hope you managed to get all those tools all dried off or they will rust Eeker
I wasn't quite impressed by Karly's singing voice too Big Grin
Hope you have a dryer day today and we all manage to get together later Hug

Cold Sweat Hug

Have a great day and enjoy your update reading Big Grin

Hope everyone have a brilliant day Hug

See you later Wave

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