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ABOVE: Big Brother babe Sophie Reade

ABOVE: Karly and Sophie
28th June 2009

BLONDE Karly Ashworth has sparked a new Big Brother battle of the boobs.

And her jealously has been sparked by fellow model Sophie Reade.

Both girls are vying to win over fans by sexing up the BB house.

And it looks like Karly has had enough of her rival.

She said: β€œWe’re really similar”.

ABOVE: Noirin licks Sophie's nipple
27th June 2009

BIG BROTHER babe Noirin licked Sophie's boobs last night.

The 25-year-old ran her tongue over the glamour model's naked size 30GG breasts during a game of truth or dare.

Noirin looked uncomfortable when she was given the dare, and looked like she might refuse before Sophie lifted up her bikini top and bared her surgically enhanced boobs.

As the other housemates cheered, Noirin lost her inhibitions and leant forward to complete the task.

Sophie was the next housemate to be challenged, and was dared to lick the inside of Indian virgin Sree's ear.
Originally posted by Mike Strutter:
I still shuffled the pizza off the floor back in the box and ate it

Suzie Angel

I would let you sleep in my tent with me if you were going *Sid James filthy laff* Laugh

I quite like that Pixie Lott the singer , shes not bad for a blondie just got her vid playing in the background Big Grin

Big Grin that's a lovely offer Mike but I think my OH might not be too keen on that arrangement Laugh
Originally posted by King Kev:
You can send me your FB URL darloboy and I'll add you, I don't know how to do it, I think I did it wrong last time. Laugh
With mike we'll hook up with Suzie's daughter and her girly mates. Big Grin
She won't get us into any trouble will she Suzie? Wink

Probably as she is quite a wild child but not as much as some of her mates thank goodness Laugh
The way I see the situation between Kris and Sophie is purely a lack of communication and both of them not wanting to look as though they are doing the chasing.

It's obvious that they like each other, but Sophie doesn't want to do the chasing as it would make her look bad, Kris thinks he isn't getting much response but Sophie is scared of showing too much affection too early in case it frightens him off.
Night Suzie. Smiler

I hope more than 2 are up this week too Kev, but I doubt it'll be Noirin?
Sree is a possibility, and so is Marcus, but i think it'll definitely be Freddy again. Frowner

I'd love to see Lisa thrown into the mix. Smiler
(or even the mixer Glance)

I haven't seen any glasto this year darlo, but I used to love Quo back in the day, saw them live a couple of times, and they are definitely a London band. Wink
At least Francis Rossi and Rick Parfitt are, not sure who they have playing with them now?

Perhaps you were mixing them up with Black Sabbath or somebody else?
Marcus: 'Sree bringing down whole house'
Day 25, 20:43 BST

Marcus has blamed Sree's pessimistic attitude for bringing down the mood in the house.

In the aftermath of the day's extreme sports day challenge, the housemates reflected on the outcome.

Both the winning and losing sides were fairly upbeat, and Freddie told the group that even if he hadn't have won, he wouldn't feel miserable as it wouldn't change the results. While Lisa agreed, Marcus decided to comment on Sree's downbeat reaction to his side losing.

"I'm not being nasty, but I'm not happy with how Sree's behaving. He's bringing the whole house down. He's just been a **** because he didn't win," he said.

Noirin and Charlie expressed sympathy and concern with Sree's reaction, and Charlie decided to talk to Sree to try and cheer him up.

As Charlie told him that he shouldn't beat himself up about the result because it wasn't any one person's fault, Sree sighed, saying: "Winning or losing isn't important. Participation is important."

With Charlie's encouraging words and positive attitude however, Sree soon came around.

"Look, compared to personal things, this is a silly game," he conceded.
Housemates compete in extreme sports day
Day 25, 20:35 BST

The housemates have competed against each other in an extreme sports day challenge.

After a morning spent lazing in the sun, Big Brother announced to the group that they would be split into teams for a number of races that would include a relay race, egg and spoon race, rolling race, sack race and skipping race.

The winning team would win three tokens, as well as a bonus school disco that the losing team would not be allowed to attend.

Marcus took on the role of referee, while Noirin and Siavash both put themselves forward as team captains.

The pair then took turns in picking teammates until the final team line-ups were as follows: Team Noirin consisted of Lisa, Rodrigo, Charlie & Dogface, while Siavash chose Kris, Karly, Halfwit and Sree.

After a hard-fought battle, Team Noirin emerged the winners. As Marcus correctly guessed the winning side prior to the challenge starting, he was told that he will also be able to attend the school disco.
Originally posted by Hicky:

ABOVE: Big Brother babe Sophie Reade

ABOVE: Karly and Sophie
28th June 2009

BLONDE Karly Ashworth has sparked a new Big Brother battle of the boobs.

And her jealously has been sparked by fellow model Sophie Reade.

Both girls are vying to win over fans by sexing up the BB house.

And it looks like Karly has had enough of her rival.

She said: β€œWe’re really similar”.

Nice pics! Thumbs Up

No mention of the Saturday situation between Sophie and Kris on BBLB at lunchtime - no mention at all. I wonder if they were undecided over how they would represent it at that time?
Cold Sweat
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Originally posted by Hicky:

ABOVE: Big Brother babe Sophie Reade

ABOVE: Karly and Sophie
28th June 2009

BLONDE Karly Ashworth has sparked a new Big Brother battle of the boobs.

And her jealously has been sparked by fellow model Sophie Reade.

Both girls are vying to win over fans by sexing up the BB house.

And it looks like Karly has had enough of her rival.

She said: β€œWe’re really similar”.

Nice pics! Thumbs Up

No mention of the Saturday situation between Sophie and Kris on BBLB at lunchtime - no mention at all. I wonder if they were undecided over how they would represent it at that time?

It seems that Karly and a few others are trying to split Kris and Sophie up, and doing a good job by the sounds of it.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by King Kev:
I hope more than 2 people are up for nomination this week. I can still see Freddie being up. Noirin too with Sree a certainty.

I agree, think there should be more than 2 up every week, 3 minimum.
But not a vote to evict, a vote to stay in and the lowest vote leaves.

I agree with that, and I'd go further and change the way HM's nominate. I think they should choose who they want to stay, the ones with the lowest votes goes up for the public vote. This would almost guarantee more than 2 HM's up for eviction.
Originally posted by King Kev:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by King Kev:
I hope more than 2 people are up for nomination this week. I can still see Freddie being up. Noirin too with Sree a certainty.

I agree, think there should be more than 2 up every week, 3 minimum.
But not a vote to evict, a vote to stay in and the lowest vote leaves.

I agree with that, and I'd go further and change the way HM's nominate. I think they should choose who they want to stay, the ones with the lowest votes goes up for the public vote. This would almost guarantee more than 2 HM's up for eviction.

BB could put 3 up for eviction every week, or more if they picked the 3 highest nominations instead of 2.
But if there are 3 or more up with the highest 2 votes then just have those, but go to the 3rd if only 2 are up any week.
HOUSEMATES split into two teams to compete in a sadistic Extreme School Sports Day yesterday - and it quickly became all-out war.
Kris took on Rodrigo in an egg and spoon race.

Battle lines drawn ... Noirin's blue team
Another event saw housemates rolling over hundreds of upturned electrical plugs. There was also a relay with a CACTUS as a baton, and a barefoot skipping race over a course with Lego bricks.

But the real battle came after Noirin's team - featuring Charlie, Lisa, Rodrigo and Sophie - won the sports day, with its prize of a disco.

Face off ... red rivals led by Siavash

Marcus, who was meant to have been the impartial referee for the day, blamed the other team's loss on Sree.

The 25-year-old maths whiz had been on a team with Kris, Karly, Freddie and Siavash.

Marcus, 35, then attacked Indian-born Sree for being down in the dumps over his part in his team's loss.

He moaned: "He's bringing the whole House down. He's just being a **** because he didn't win." Housemates won three tokens which can be exchanged for hot water and other "luxuries".
Rodrigo cracks

RODRIGO threw up after eating a manky preserved egg in yesterday's sports day.

The Brazilian, 23, downed the rotten-looking duck egg in the "scary races" task.

Another event was a sack race featuring stinging nettles inside the bags.

NOIRIN, 25, screamed at Sree on Saturday that she doesn't fancy him - then yesterday rubbed suncream on his back.
Good Morning Peeps Hug

I think they should put everyone up then when we evict the worst offender it will make them rethink their strategy Big Grin

I hope you all have a good day today Big Grin

I know I am going to have a very busy day as I'm on my own in servicing and dispatch today. Maybe I should mention that in the morning meeting and collar a couple of colleagues to help me out Big Grin

See you later Wave
Good Morning Suzie.Wave

I think you should ask for some help at work today, you can only do so much on your own.

How a nice day anyway, hope it's not too hard.

Just going to get the overnight news from the house.

Be right back, wasn't going to get up this early but it was too hot in bed.
β–Ί*β™₯*β™₯* Good Morning Everyone *β™₯*β™₯*β—„
β–Ί*β™₯*β™₯* Hope you are all well today. *β™₯*β™₯*β—„
β–Ί*β™₯*β™₯* Quite nice & Sunny here. *β™₯*β™₯*β—„
β–Ί*β™₯*β™₯* Happy Monday to you All *β™₯*β™₯*β—„
Last night in the House, Day 25.
03.04: Excitement over people. Karly has gone back to bed.

03.03: Action in the house! Karly has woken up to get a drink from the kitchen.

01.58: All the housemates are asleep.

01.29: Sree is saying his prayers in the sitting room.

01.25: Sree is out of the bath and into the bedroom.

01.24: Charlie says the cameramen behind the mirrors are like "aliens".

01.21: The lights are out in the bedroom.

01.15: Sophie and Kris seem to have put their troubles behind them and are giggling in bed togther.

01.09: Rodrigo says he is going to make the house a Brazilian sweet.

01.06: Charlie says he is starving.

01.04: Sree is having a bath.

01.01: Sree is walking around the bathroom in his Y-fronts.


00.59: Sree is told by Big Brother that he can't give his creams to anyone else.

00.57: Kris tells Charlie that if he farts, he is going to fart into Charlie's bed.

00.50: Sree says he likes Noirin "big time".

00.49: Lisa is trying to swat something that is flying around the bedroom.

00.46: Sree tells Rodrigo that he will give him his "business card" after the show ... to his university.

00.45: Now it is Karly and Charlie's turn to brush their teeth.

00.43: Marcus and Kris leave the Diary Room.

Marcus looks ridiculous in his schoolboy outfit.

00.38: Sree expresses his disgust at Sophie after she farts.

00.37: Sophie and Sree are brushing their teeth in the bathroom.

00.31: Rodrigo said he used to be very naughty.

I don't believe you!

00.30: Sophie says that she is closest to her mum.

00.29: Sophie is once again complaining that she is looking fat.

00.26: Siavash says that if he was a woman for a day, he would be a lesbian.

Lisa says that if she were a man for a day, she would go out and sleep with loads of women.

00.23: Lisa says she loves it when people touch her hair.

You haven't got any!

00.22: Lisa is checking her hair, or lack thereof, in the mirror.

00.21: Siavash is in bed.

00.18: Some housemates are still dressed up after their school disco.
Good morning all wavey
I am back from my weekend away...
haven't had chance to read back all the posts yet, and have only seen bits of BB whilst away.

Hicky... Hope you aren't too tired from lack of sleep, but it is no wonder you are up early on your day off... it is just so hot and sticky...

Thanks for today's BB news.. Smiler that sports day looks strange...walking on lego??? Confused but it looks like it has wound them all up.

And I see from your news that, Noirin is still up to her tricks...
"NOIRIN, 25, screamed at Sree on Saturday that she doesn't fancy him - then yesterday rubbed suncream on his back." Roll Eyes Can't see her nominating him again.

Suzy ... hope you are not too tired when you get home from work. Hug

We had a nice time at the wedding, but Eeker it was so hot. The heat in our hotel room was unbearable. I managed to keep the high heals on for the church, but off they came at the reception. Laugh And I drank zero alcohol, I just needed iced mineral water to stay sane. It took us 6 and half hours to drive home yesterday. That M25 is no fun, and there was an accident on the M4, so we had to take a detour. Am glad to be home.

Sounds like it is going to be a trying week, weather wise. We had torrential rain overnight here, but it is sunny and sticky now.
Good to see you back Molliewavey

Glad you had a good time at the Wedding, no dancing on tables then, not with bottled water anyway.Big Grin

That M25 can be a pain, spent many an hour traveling or queuing on that road either going to the Dartford Tunnel or going to Dagenham to work.

Shame your hotel room was hot as well, that's not much fun is it.

No wonder your glad to be home again, we missed you her as well.

The weather is glorious here today anyway.
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Thanks for the overnight update, Hicky!

I notice BB the viewing figures are still declining at an alarming rate.

Hi Cold Sweat.Wave

I can imagine the viewing figures going down.

No-one knows whats going on, so what is there to watch.

Even the nightly show is 24 hrs behind, pathetic really.

We just aren't seeing anything of what's going on in the house.

It's like the Floods last year, a Total Washout.
OK, Who left the Date off?:- Your Fired.Big Grin

Thousands of Brits with a new 20p in their pockets could find themselves Β£50 richer after a mix-up at the Royal Mint.

Around 200,000 of the coins have rocketed in value after the manufacturer admitted it had forgotten to put a date on them.

They are worth Β£50 if immediately returned, but are set to rise even further in value because of their rarity.

Nick Hart, of the London Mint, said: "If you hunt around and find one you're extremely lucky.

"Mistakes like this not only fascinate people but also have considerable value-increase significance."

Workers at the mint have been left with their tails between their legs after leaving the date stamp off the heads side of the coins.

The error occurred amid the production of a newly-designed 20p piece.

The mint has issued a recall both to remove the coins from circulation and to keep track of them.

Lucky owners are asked to register their details at and then post the dateless coin back.

Alternatively, those looking to keep their new-found collectable can register and request a presentation box.

Mr Hart put an optimistic slant on the mint's "extremely rare error".

"(It) will certainly get the public looking at the coins in their pockets again and noticing the excellent new designs launched by the Royal Mint on our coinage," he said.
Latest 'Big Brother' attracts 1.7 million
Monday, June 29 2009, 10:55 BST

Last night's installment of Big Brother attracted 1.65m (7.3%) to Channel 4 in the 9pm hour, early ratings figures suggest.

The equivalent episode from the last series, which aired on Sunday, June 29, 2008, was seen by 2.48m (9.5%), representing a decline of 33% year-on-year.

Earlier on Channel 4, the fourth episode of Wife Swap drew 1.33m (5.8%).

Over on BBC One, the latest episode of Alex Kingston-fronted Hope Springs pulled in 3.07m (13.4%) at 8pm, a drop of 2.82m from the first episode. Casualty 1909 followed, averaging 3.05m (13.4%).

Top Gear logged 6.17m (26.8%) for BBC Two during the 8pm hour, making it the most-watched show during its timeslot. The channel's audience then dropped to 2.56m (11.3%) during the 9pm screening of new documentary series On Thin Ice.

Kingdom put in a strong 4.83m (21.2%) at 9pm, helping ITV1 to first place during the hour. Earlier, the first in a new three-part series, The Secret Caribbean With Trevor McDonald, was seen by 3.96m (17.2%).

The second part of Five's Among The Apes interested 507k (2.2%) during the 8pm hour, then action-comedy Bulletproof, starring Adam Sandler, averaged 1.27m (6.1%) between 9pm and 10.45pm.

Overall, ITV1 came top during primetime with an average share of 18.1% to BBC One's 16.6%. BBC Two was third with 14.1%, followed by Channel 4 with 5.7% (+1: 0.9%) and Five's 4.6%.

Elsewhere, a new episode of Family Guy put in 713k (4%) for BBC Three at 10pm. American Dad! followed at 10.35pm, drawing 555k (3.8%).

Sky1's screening of the latest House episode managed 568k (2.7%) during the 9pm hour.
Big Brother Latest: Noirin’s Game Plan
Today 11:30

I’ve never understood how you can have a β€˜game plan’ in Big Brother, because I’d never see it as a strategic game, just a few months off work where I could lounge about all day, but yesterday saw Siavash and Freddie pondering Noirin’s game plan.

Whilst the pair were chatting in the lounge, Siavash began talking about the Irish housemate and said; "She didn't say to anyone, 'I fancy you' or anything like this," he remarked. "That's the talent. It's just a little bit of rope to make you think, 'Hmm, maybe'."

Freddie agreed by saying; "I didn't think that I fancied her, or that she fancied me, I just thought there was an interesting connection."

However, Siavash revealed that he hadn’t really noticed any of this until she started to complain about Sree’s behaviour towards her, but then asked him to sit down for a chat whilst the nominations were taking place, perhaps in a bid to avoid being nominated.

Siavash said; β€œThere is no way to miss that, I do understand, because you do not want to make enemies so people will vote for you. I can understand that's part of the gameplay, but what I don't understand is going the extra mile to make them think that there's something going on so 100% they will not vote for you."

To which Freddie said; "That's what f**ks me off," Freddie agreed vehemently. "If something's a bit socially inconvenient to believe, people will just go with that. Cowards."

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