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Originally posted by King Kev:
Originally posted by Hicky:
I see the betting order for the next eviction even before the nominations is, in order of priority: - Sree, Marcus & Lisa.

No Freddie. Eeker
Yay, fingers crossed.
I hope Lisa goes tbh.

OMG Bruce Springsteen on BBC2 playing Dancing in the Dark. Thumbs Up

Freddie has always been so down in the odds to be up for eviction, the bookies have had it wrong in that one for 3 weeks in a row now Laugh. Even with Sree, Marcus and Lisa.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by King Kev:
Thanks darloboy, didn't realise.
I get mixed up anyway, what's the difference between Barclay's and Ladbroke's...f'all. Big Grin

Big Grin, I still don't get the hang of odds i'm thick with Maths but am slowly getting it.

Did you manage to see any of LF?.

I didn't see any LF I was watching Glastonbury.
I'm popping over to the BB forum now to see what's happening. Thumbs Up
I'm good at maths, well I was, but fractions and percentages I've always been useless at.
My best thing has always been algebra, it's way easier, you never need a calculater.
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Good Morning Peeps Hug

It's now trying to rain down here Big Grin

Hope you all have a good day today Nod

ahh finaly you have our wet weather from the past two days, hope you get the thunder storms as well, so you have to shut all the windows and be even hotter!!! Laugh Laugh

morning sweetie Valentine

thanks for the message Frowner

am off to me farm now, there are crops need a harvestin', fancy coming and doing them? Roll Eyes not much ... really!
Originally posted by Tatty:

ahh finaly you have our wet weather from the past two days, hope you get the thunder storms as well, so you have to shut all the windows and be even hotter!!! Laugh Laugh

morning sweetie Valentine

thanks for the message Frowner

am off to me farm now, there are crops need a harvestin', fancy coming and doing them? Roll Eyes not much ... really!

I love the rain Big Grin If it does start thundering and lightning I will probably be out in the garden watching it Laugh I think they are truly spectacular Big Grin

I thought you would want to know and know you don't come in here very often HugFrowner

I'll pop over and see if you've hire someone else Laugh left lappy all fired up and wandered off to do some housework Big Grin
Good Morning Everyone.wavey

Had a little Lie-in again. Cool

Good to see you all up and about.

Just going to get the BB chatter from overnight.

Back in a tick.

▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Good Morning Everyone *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Hope you are all well today. *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Quite nice & Sunny here. *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Happy Sunday to you All *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
Overnight Chattering, Day 24.
04.05: All is quiet again in the bedroom.

03.47: Now Freddie is up on a trip to the bathroom.

03.43: Sophie gets back into bed.

03.42: Sophie gets up to go to the toilet. She rubs her eyes sleepily.

03.40: All housemates are soundly asleep.

02.51: Kris rubs his eyes in his sleep.

02.45: Charlie stirs in his sleep almost waking up Kris who is in bed beside him.

02.09: Someone is snoring loudly in the bedroom - but who is it??

01.49: All is quite quiet in the BB house. Freddie and Marcus have gone into the bedroom.

01.47: Freddie and Marcus are chatting in the bathroom but the sound is faint.

01.42: Karly is sleeping in the bedroom - she obviously got over her sickness quite quickly.

01.32: Freddie tells Sree that he always acts like he wasnts to be the leader. Sree argues that he thinks he is a team player. Freddie disagrees.

01.30: Freddie tells Sree that he takes himself too seriously. He says: "That is the most poisonous thing of all."

01.29: Sree says that England hasn't corrupted him but England has been a big learning curve for him as he is living without his parents.

Freddie says: "I think I'd get on better with you outside this situation. I think this situation has brought out not the best in you from what you've said."

01.23: Freddie tells Sree that he doesn't make a lot of sense. He says: "You speak in stream of consciousness ... You're ambitions to make your mark on the world can poison all your good intentions."

Marcus says he thinks England has corrupted Sree.

01.20: Sree is telling Marcus and Freddie that he didn't have much of a social life when he lived in India. He says he is glad to be here because he has more freedom ... and the women he adds. Freddie says sarcastically, "I'm glad you're enjoying England."

01.14: Sree tells Freddie and Marcus that he has never intentionally hurt anyone in the house. He says: "Not even a little ant." He adds that his friends tell him he is a bad judge of people.

01.11: Karly says she feels like she is going to be sick and rushes out of the kitchen.

01.07: Kris is complaining that he always has to make the first move with Sophie. Karly is quizzing him about the relationship. He says: "I don't want to look like a d***.

"On the outside I just pull birds, but I've had to get to know her in here."

"That's a good thing though," Karly tells him.

Karly tells him to deliberately lay off the kisses and cuddles tomorrow and see if Sophie comes to him.

01.05: Karly asks Kris if Sophie is his type. He says he hasn't got a type - but adds that he really likes her. Charlie says: "You're in love, just face it."

00.57: Freddie and Marcus are still discussing housemates in the living room. These two appear to be getting on very well ...

00.50: Karly, Kris, Charlie, Siavash and Sree are tucking into more chips washed down with a cup of tea.

00.45: Charlie is trying to explain to Sree that he and Noirin are like magnets, and that he needs to cool off in order to pull her back.

00.33: Siavash goes into the kitchen and asks what the other have been cooking. Karly tells him they have been trying to make caramel.

00.32: Karly and Charlie are now doing the washing up. They say they are going to make lollipops for all the housemates tomorrow.

00.27: Food has lured Kris out of his pit. He is tucking into fish and chips with ketchup with Sree, Karly and Charlie. They have also made spun sugar and are drizzling it all over the kitchen. Karly says: "I'm gonna have to go and see a dentist after this."

00.22: Marcus, SIavash and Freddie discuss game plans in the house. Freddie says Sophie and Kris's relationship is "fake fake fake". Marcus says you can't judge relationships in the house as they aren't real relationships anyway.

00.15: Marcus and Siavash are gossiping in the lounge about relationships in the house. Marcus thinks that Kris has feelings for Karly.

00.14: Charlie and Karly are talking about Sree being drunk. Karly says: "He's s***-faced". They appear to have forgotten that he is standing right next to them.

00.12: Charlie puts some frozen chips onto an oven tray. The housemates appear to have the munchies after a night of drinking.

00.11: Kris heads to bed bidding Marcus, Siavash and Freddie good night. Marcus says: "Hope today is a better day for you man."

Sree is talking to Charlie about cooking in the kitchen. Sree says he is going to make fish and chips. Now?! Charlie says he wants some too.

Charlie tries to wind Sree up by saying his fish is out of date.

00.10: Kris and Charlie are both wearing white boxers and chatting to Karly in the kitchen.

00.09: Siavash complains that it is too hot in the house. He says: "One minute they turn it up, the next minute down, come on." Sree is wandering around in his dressing gown.

00.08: Marcus is chatting to Freddie in the garden. They are discussing their fellow housemates
Start Here.
Charlie’s party plea
June 28th, 2009

Last night, Charlie went into the diary room to ask BB if he would provide a party in exchange for a token and, in an uncharacteristic fit of niceness, BB agreed, so a delighted Charlie ran like a little girl into the bedroom to share the joyâ€Ķ

After getting everyone’s attention, Charlie began to relay the news;

“I was telling them that everyone was a bit down and that malarky, and if I was at home I’d be having a drink and getting ready to go outâ€Ķ”

“Charlie, come on!” Siavash shouted, being not a one for the long story.

“On this occasion,” Charlie said, doing his best BB impression and cutting to the chase, “Big Brother are willing to exchange a token for alcohol and music.”

Siavash promptly leapt up and did a little dance on his bed while screeching with joy. Doesn’t take much does it? However, Halfwit was on hand to pee on their bonfireâ€Ķ

“This means we won’t have hot water for maybe two days” he said, perilously on the verge of harshing everyone’s mellow, but he soon added,

“It’s good, but ask around.”

And with that semi-seal of approval, Charlie ran into the kitchen to tell everyone there about the imminent party. The kitchen dwellers didn’t raise the subject of the lack of hot water and simply screamed with joy too.

Well I've cut the grass in the garden agin, great these petrol mowers with a key start, can't start them with the cord these days.
Only took ten minutes.

Watched BBLB, pointless show that.

Would rather watch 1 hr of what they are doing in the house than that drivel for an hour.

I watched a bit of live feed last night, will go and watch the rest of the recording now.

Hope Mollie has had a good time at the Wedding.Wave
Originally posted by King Kev:
Hi darloboy wavey
I suspect you meant Siavash with Freddie and Marcus.
What were they talking about, was it the gameplans stuff?
I'm just about to read Hicky's update...

Siavash was there, but he went off then it left those three sat there talking. Yeah at first it was that, but then the conversation turned around and it was all about Sree from then on. Freddie and Marcus were so patient listening to Sree going on and on. Freddie was honest and told Sree he's a hypocrite Big Grin.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by King Kev:
Who's Nush?
I missed some BB's. I'm a sporadic watcher. Big Grin
I can guess what your Youtube Favourites consist of. Wink

You want a pic? . Nush was in BB4, she was an entertaining housemate but she got evicted and I was gutted because she was the only interesting person, Federico aside in the most boring BB series ever, but Jon Tickle was great though too.
darloboy (Play The Game!)

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