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Originally posted by Hicky:

If they have 34 camera's on from 7am till midnight, that's 578 hrs of tape and they show us 1 hr a night, so with the other 577 hrs do you think we might miss something, you decide.Big Grin

I've seen in previous BB's how they manipulate the live feed into their so-called highlights.
It isn't what they do show but what they don't show us.
I think C4 must want us to switch off. I can't see any other reason for it. I wonder what the daytime viewing figures are like on E4 now. All they show is repeats of BB HS and BBLB, which are being repeated for the 2nd or 3rd time. Plus Friends, and who still watches that?
Todays Hickygram, BB10 Eviction Friday 26th June.
                   /   \
                 /       \
               /           \
       /.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-\                  ^
      /.-.-.-.- BB10 Birdhouse-.-.-\              /     \
     /.- - - -  Next Eviction  - -.-\           /         \
    /.-.-.-.-Friday 26th June 2009.-.\        /             \
   '=================================='     /_________________\
     \||  Freddie         Angel   ||/      | My Outside Banner |
      ||    _               _     ||       |------------------ |
      ||   ('<             <')    ||       |Get Angel out      |
      ||__\(_)_____    ____(_)/___||       |She is scaring them|
     _||__________________________||_      |Best she goes now  |
      |____________________________|       |___________________|
     |                                                       |
     |    (The last Words before this weeks Eviction)        |
     |     ----------------------------------------------    |
     |                                                       |
     |(Freddie):I didn't realise so many don't like me       |
     |      .   I thought they liked my singing all day      |
     |                                                       |
     |(Angel):  They are weak, not strong like me, they eat  |
     |      Far too much, but I will get the weight off them.|
Good Night All.wavey

I'm signing off for the night.

Can't work out what the point of the live nominations was.

I know why they stopped one person from nominating, as I had said, it was a time thing, they wouldn't have had time.

But there was no gain for anyone, and they put it all on at 10.55, how looney is that?

So if anyone can work out why they did the nominations live and who gained from it, please post it here, i'm interested to know your theories.
Night Hicky Wave.

I read an article during the day which said that they would nominate in the DR with this 90 second thing, but they would nominate in the time when Big Bro is off air for a bit before the second episode. The housemates voted during Ugly Betty was on C4, so in fact C4 tricked us into thinking it was live. An article from C4 was posted on here too before the second live show came on that they already knew what was happening Mad Angry.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Good Morning Suzie & Mike.wavey

Catch you later SuzieWave

Have a good time at the Club Mike, enjoy your Computer course.
Catch you later.

I'll just get the BB house info from last night.

Back in a sec.

▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Good Morning Everyone *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Hope you are all well today. *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Lovely and Sunny here today. *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Happy Thursday to you All *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
What went on last night from 11pm in the house Day 21.
03.18: Freddie is lying on his left side asleep.

02.56: Housemates are all asleep, with the exception of Angel.

02.51: Angel is still up in the lounge. Sound is cut.

02.27: Angel sits alone in the kitchen eating.

02.18: Freddie goes to the toilet.

02.13: Angel: "I can't smile anymore."

She starts crying as Freddie hugs her.

02.10: Freddie: "I did not expect this. People voting for who they are getting on with individually. Sheep likes to be lead by a wolf".

Freddie: "I can't wait to see why people nominated for me."

Angel: "I can't see why they would vote for you. Maybe because you're too brainy. I'm very curious to find out."

02.02: Freddie and Angel are in the lounge discussing eviction. Freddie: "Just enjoy it. Whatever happens, I'll see you on the other side."

Freddie: "I need to make the game plans break down a lot faster than they are now. I'm not saying spread s*** or lies but I just need to encourage things to fall down."

Angel: "It is a bad dream."

"Kris is a wolf and Charlie is a sheep."

01.57: Housemates are complaining about the air-conditioning. Noirin: "My nose is freezing."

01.56: Sound is cut.

01.50: Lights in the bedroom have been turned off.

Marcus is moaning about cameramen wearing heavy shoes. "Can't they put on trainers or slippers?"

01.43: Housemates are getting in to bed. The light is still on.

Marcus is mocking Big Brother: "What is the mood in the house, what are your plans for tomorrow?"

Noirin: "She (Angel) thinks she isn't going on Friday. She had a dream that said she wasn't."

Marcus: "I felt really bad out there because I want to be nice but everything that has come out of her last few days has been horrible. What was she trying to prove bringing those two hairbrushes out to me when one is oval and one is square? I saw her take that photo, what can I say when I saw her take it. I will stick my d*** through that mangle if she stays on Friday. Everything she has done this week hasn't been positive. I can't see her staying."

Noirin: "She shot herself through the foot."

Lisa: "She knows what she is doing."

01.35: Marcus is telling Noirin about his conversation with Angel.

"She knows what she is doing. Everybody is saying it is wrong."

01.27: Angel goes in to the bedroom to prove to Marcus that the brushes are exactly the same. Earlier in the day Noirin found her hairbrush in Angel's bag. "It was by accident, they're identical."

Back in the bedroom, Noirin holds up the brushes and asks if they look identical. Lisa: "No, they're different shape."

01.20: Marcus and Angel are in the lounge discussing 'fat people'. Marcus: "Not everyone wants to be fit and slim."

Angel: "How should I behave towards people who I know hate me?"

Marcus: "Just say do you want to do that? But don't say you have to because you're fat and need to."

01.13: Kris and Sophie are snuggled up in bed together.

01.11: Freddie tells Siavash he will explain one his photographs to him tomorrow.

Siavash: "Are you close friends?", Freddie says yes.

01.05: Sound is cut.

01.02: Sree asks Kris if he is with Sophie. He immediately says "no". "I'm not having this conversation in here. I'm not saying when I leave I'll be with lots of other girls. It's a big step."

"I've got a first date to look forward to when I leave here. Curry."

"First curry I've had out". Lisa tells them they haven't lived.

00.55: The housemates are sitting at the breakfast bar discussing how red wine gives you red lips. Sophie: "It is so strong, I get so drunk on red wine."

00.52: Rodrigo tells them that he is off to get ready for bed.

00.47: Sree is talking to Lisa about Noirin.

00.45: In the bedroom, Charlie and Kris and Lisa are in separate beds chatting. Charlie tells them it is nearly a month since they have been in the house. Lisa: "That's really good. I've done my month now. That's all I wanted to do."

Sree enters the bedroom.

00.37: The housemates return to the house and go into the kitchen to make food. Freddie puts some lentils in to soak, while Rodrigo and Sophie make toast. Sree tells Freddie off for making humous.

00.29: Marcus and Siavash join the gang in the garden. Siavash: "We heard fun is going on."

00.28: Charlie, Kris, Sophie, Karly, Lisa and Sree are in the garden. Sree is sporting a new ginger hair colour.

23.26: Big Brother announces that Freddie and Angel are up for eviction. Freddie says: "Again!?"

Live nominations end.

23.24: Big Brother calls Sree to the Diary Room.

He nominates Freddie first. "There is not enough team work and no participation.

Second person he nominates is Siavash. "This is a family show and he swears and talks of sexual orientation. It is not good for him or the show."

23.22: Siavash runs to the Diary Room. "I want to nominate Angel. She tried to steal my photo without asking and she has been making comments about people in the house that are my friends." He then picked Sree. "He did take that drink last night and lied about it. He has a game plan."

23.20: Rodrigo is called. He nominates Sree. "He is always saying bad stuff about Marcus."

He then chooses Freddie for using the show for his "political career".

23.18: Noirin nominates Angel and Freddie. "Angel is being really mean to me saying I have the biggest bum in the house and don't put make-up on anymore so I look horrible."

Noirin continued: "Freddie goes to bed really early which is really annoying."

23.16: Marcus nominates Sree for "insulting the English culture" and Lisa. "I've been getting on well with her but after the arguments with Sree she took him under her wing, it seems like she is trying to rally the troops."

23.14: Lisa is called to the Diary Room. She picks Angel. "She has been criticising everyones weight, telling people they look pregnant. It's not right."

She then nominates Freddie. "He is getting involved in all the arguments Angel is involved in. I don't know if he has been brainwashed."

23.12: Kris picks Freddie because he is "patronising when he talks to people and not a valid member of the group."

His second nomination goes to Angel. "She has given girls complexes about their weight. I don't want to live with someone who is constantly putting people down."

23.10: Karly nominates Angel and Freddie. "I think Angel is very negative. Today she told me I looked fat and Noirin looked pregnant. Freddie is too eccentric for me."

23.09: Freddie comes to the Diary Room and picks Kris. "He is a game player and a cheat. I don't think he really likes Sophie, I think it is a fake romance."

He next picks Sree. "He is very hypocritical. I have seen through him from the start, people in the house are waking up."

23.07: Sophie picks Angel. "She is very sneaky and backstabbing. She is sneaky and I don't trust her.

She then picked Freddie. "I don't get on with him at all. I am not interested in anything he has to say."

23.05: Angel picks Sree telling the Diary Room that most of the arguments are caused by him. "He was spoilt by his parents and he is trying to be the centre of attention."

She next chose Siavash. "He is very weak for group dynamic. He is either eating or sleeping."

23.00: Housemates are gathered in the lounge waiting to nominate live on TV. They have been told that their nominations are being timed from the minute that their names are called by Big Brother.
Start Here
DAVINA McCall says the abuse she gets about presenting Big Brother is finally getting to her.

The 41-year-old claims she is bombarded with messages from people who hate the show.

She moaned: “If you are, for some unknown reason, not enjoying BB please don’t tell me. It’s really harshing my mellow.”

Davina also confirmed there would be a Big Brother 11 next year — writing on the Twitter website: “Message to all. There is another BB next year. I am presenting it.”

The current tenth series has flopped so far, with an average of two million viewers a night — more than a million less than 2008.

Last week Davina told Jonathan Ross: “I’m really in the firing line. Whenever I go out I get abuse from start to finish about presenting Big Brother. People are so snobby about it.

“It’s just an entertainment programme.”
Sree Tango's his Barnet Fair

BB contestant Sree decided to try a new hair colour in the BB house.
But he wasn't expecting the end result.

After asking housemates to help him put highlights in his hair, he ended with an ORANGE barnet.

However, rather than being disappointed as any normal person would be, Sree couldn't stop looking in the mirror and admiring his new fiery do.

I can a see a Tango deal waiting for him when he leaves the house...
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hello Hicky Wave Smiler.

Angel and Freddies late night conversation on Live Feed was very interesting Nod, he knows what they are doing he's smart but they have advantage in numbers. He got over his upset to comfort Angel, which was really nice as she was still upset.

Hi Darloboy.wavey

It's strange that in the house the HM's never know what they are doing to annoy the others, it's the same every year.
You would think they know but they don't.

Can't understand why Angel is doing the things she is and saying things either.

You would think they would all have a discussion about what each one is doing to annoy the others then they might be able to change.

You would think that Freddie would ask if they wanted him to constantly sing.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hello Hicky Wave Smiler.

Angel and Freddies late night conversation on Live Feed was very interesting Nod, he knows what they are doing he's smart but they have advantage in numbers. He got over his upset to comfort Angel, which was really nice as she was still upset.

Hi Darloboy.wavey

It's strange that in the house the HM's never know what they are doing to annoy the others, it's the same every year.
You would think they know but they don't.

Can't understand why Angel is doing the things she is and saying things either.

You would think they would all have a discussion about what each one is doing to annoy the others then they might be able to change.

You would think that Freddie would ask if they wanted him to constantly sing.

They're just more interested in bitching 24/7. They should know by now if they have seen previous BB series, although some like Rodrigo haven't obviously. They haven't even had a group discusssion yet to sort out any problems.

It's the lack of LF that is to blame, they are saying these things that have supposed to happen and we're all just confused as we haven't seen most of it and don't know what they are on about Mad
darloboy (Play The Game!)

ABOVE: Angel fears eviction
"This is a bad dream"

25th June 2009
Angel says she “can’t smile” now she has been nominated for eviction.

Most ‘Big Brother’ housemates retired to bed following the live nominations for eviction tomorrow, but Freddie and Angel – one of whom will be booted off the show– stayed up to discuss how they felt.

Angel, 36, said: “This is a bad dream. I cannot smile anymore,” before starting to cry. Freddie then hugged her.

The 24-year-old Oxford graduate promised her he would spend the next two days trying to outwit the other housemates.

He said: “I need to make the gameplans in the house break down a lot faster. I'm not saying spread s**t or lies but I just need to encourage things to fall down.

"Kris is a wolf and Charlie is a sheep. I did not expect this, people voting for who they are getting on with individually. Sheep likes to be led by a wolf"

Meanwhile Noirin, Lisa and Marcus discussed Angel in the bedroom.

Noirin said: "Angel doesn’t think she is going on Friday. She had a dream that said she wasn't."

Marcus added: "I felt really bad because I want to be nice, but everything that has come out of her last few days has been horrible, nothing positive. I can't see her staying."

Lisa was more skeptical, saying: "She knows what she is doing."
Good afternoon all wavey

Mike.. hope you enjoy your computer course.

Hicky... thanks for the BB news again. Smiler

But it is not good news at all, as far as I am concerned with the 2 most interesting HM's up for nomination.

Is it day off for you today?

Busy day for me, because me and hubbie are off for the weekend tommorrow to go to his mate's wedding. OH will have a fit when he sees how much luggage I am taking just for me. Well , as it is a wedding, I do need all my hair and make up, and lots of shoes, and clothes. Laugh And my swimming bag too, because there is a pool attached to the hotel. I have been practicing in my high stilleto shoes, so hope I stay standing on them. Laugh

Hicky... in answer to your query, I see no point whatsover in that live nomination garbage of a show last night. I guess we will have to sit through it all again tonight now. Roll Eyes Wish I had gone to bed with my book instead.

time to do some ironing and packing now..
Originally posted by emptybox:
Originally posted by *Mollie*:

Goodnight all. wavey

ps... Emptybox... hope you are wearing your hat to protect yourslef from the sun. xx

Night mollie. Smiler's dark now, and I'm in the house, but I'll put me hat on if it'll please you. Confused Big Grin

ETA: Night Hicky. Smiler

Now that made me
the thought of you in your jymmies whilst wearing your sun hat..
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Mollie Wave Hug.

Have a good time at the wedding, sounds like it will be lots and lots of fun Smiler.

wavey Darloboy

college nearly finished completely for summer now?

thanks, hope the wedding will be fun anyway.... I am not used to drinking much, so will have to be carefull in my high shoes, because I can't say no to a drink at a wedding. Laugh
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Don't mind Noirin, but she's sneaky, bitchy and two faced at times and theres something not to trust about her.

Daloroby ....Because you seemed to have foresight here, I am re-posting my response to your old post, incase you didn't see it. I also noted you correctly predicted Angel and Freddie would be up.

I thought of this post when I just heard who Noirn nominated.

How right you are Darloboy.
I always had a suspicion that Noirin was the biggest slyest gameplayer in there.

She moans on and on about Sree, yet did not nominate him, now she knows that, as an admirer of hers, she has him just where she wants him. Roll Eyes

And how nasty that was of her, to nominate Freddie after he was the one who gave her his birthday pressie of no more glasses.

So we now have to lose an interesting HM, to leave us with the likes of the cool gang themselves, consisting of Kris, Sophie, Charlie, Karly, Lisa. Roll Eyes

Oh well, at least that means I will not be bothering to stay up late and lose my beauty sleep, with that lot of bores in the house.
Originally posted by darloboy07:

Hicky did you see my response on the other page about the supposed live show yesterday?.

I saw your post about the live show.

All the BB live shows aren't live, even the eviction show is false as they come out of the house as soon as we are off the air, nothing is live anyway, they can't take a chance.

It's all canned and edited from start to finish.

That's why these days Davina never says i'm coming to get you in half an hour.
Because she goes to get them straight away.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Good afternoon all wavey

Hicky... thanks for the BB news again. Smiler

But it is not good news at all, as far as I am concerned with the 2 most interesting HM's up for nomination.

Is it day off for you today?

Busy day for me, because me and hubbie are off for the weekend tommorrow to go to his mate's wedding. OH will have a fit when he sees how much luggage I am taking just for me. Well , as it is a wedding, I do need all my hair and make up, and lots of shoes, and clothes. Laugh And my swimming bag too, because there is a pool attached to the hotel. I have been practicing in my high stilleto shoes, so hope I stay standing on them. Laugh

Hicky... in answer to your query, I see no point whatsover in that live nomination garbage of a show last night. I guess we will have to sit through it all again tonight now. Roll Eyes Wish I had gone to bed with my book instead.

time to do some ironing and packing now..

Hi Mollie.Wave
Yep, a day off for me again.

A pity Angel and Freddie up this week, but that's how it goes, think Angel has come to an end.

Couldn't understand the live/not live show at all, pointless really.

Hope you have a good time at the Wedding, you'll need a bigger case than the HM's have.

See you when you get back anyway.

Careful on those shoes.Big Grin
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Thumbs Up, yeah I seen that response Mollie.

I had the feeling they would be up all day yesterday Frowner, was hoping that Noirin would nominate Sree, but there was also that niggling feeling she would be two faced and do someone else which she proved to be right.

I think Freddie will be very hurt when he finds out she nominated him, straight after his brithday.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Good afternoon all wavey

Hicky... thanks for the BB news again. Smiler

But it is not good news at all, as far as I am concerned with the 2 most interesting HM's up for nomination.

Is it day off for you today?

Busy day for me, because me and hubbie are off for the weekend tommorrow to go to his mate's wedding. OH will have a fit when he sees how much luggage I am taking just for me. Well , as it is a wedding, I do need all my hair and make up, and lots of shoes, and clothes. Laugh And my swimming bag too, because there is a pool attached to the hotel. I have been practicing in my high stilleto shoes, so hope I stay standing on them. Laugh

Hicky... in answer to your query, I see no point whatsover in that live nomination garbage of a show last night. I guess we will have to sit through it all again tonight now. Roll Eyes Wish I had gone to bed with my book instead.

time to do some ironing and packing now..

Hi Mollie.Wave
Yep, a day off for me again.

A pity Angel and Freddie up this week, but that's how it goes, think Angel has come to an end.

Couldn't understand the live/not live show at all, pointless really.

Hope you have a good time at the Wedding, you'll need a bigger case than the HM's have.

See you when you get back anyway.

Careful on those shoes.Big Grin

thanks Hicky... Smiler
I will be back late Sunday, early Monday, so will miss the eviction.

Don't want Angel to go, but would prefer Freddie to stay over her.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Playing us for fools Mad.

yes they are indeed, and I think that might be why they are losing so many viewers. Without the livefeed, we just can't see what is being hidden.

Did you notice Sree say something about him knowing Silvash outside the house? Then the diary room voice tried to quickly cover up.

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