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MARCUS will be immune from nominations this week - thanks to Siavash.

The live nominations will be shown on Channel 4 tomorrow but mulleted Marcus will not be at risk.

The 35-year-old carpenter was let off the hook as this week's Tudor task reached its finale.

Big Brother last night told Siavash, who is playing the role of King Henry VIII, he would be given one more gift to bestow on his fellow housemates.

The 23-year-old was told he could pick one housemate to receive a 'knighthood' effectively making them immune from this week's nominations.

Initially Siavash thought about offering the knighthood to Freddie to save him from being nominated again.

In the end he decided to save Marcus saying he was going to pick "the person that is closest to me".

Last Friday's show saw Siavash's best friend in the house, Ciairon, evicted.

Housemates are not yet aware nominations will take place live tonight and each will be given just 90 seconds to nominate two of their fellow housemates.

Voting lines will open at 10am tomorrow.
Noirin blasts 'game players'

NOIRIN has accused fellow housemates Angel and Sree of of being game players.
The 25-year-old retail manager was asked by Big Brother in the Diary Room if she thought any of the other contestants were playing a game.

She said: "Erm, yeah, I do think they are playing a game. I think that Sree was playing a game because he acts all innocent but he knows exactly what he's doing in a sense. I don't really know with him."

The Irish beauty added: "I think Angel is playing a game. She does certain things to try and get attention. She knows if she does certain things in the house the cameras will be on her."

Despite her suspicions about the bisexual boxer, Noirin explained her relationship with the 35-year-old was good.

"I get on really well with her. Like, I've never had any arguments with her and we get on really well."
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Got a feeling Freddie vs Angel eviction Frowner Eeker, think Sree will escape but I hope not.

It's difficult to know how they will vote if it's live, things may be different to normal.

I wouldn't expect Freddie to be up this week, although it's a safe bet for them because they think it doesn't bother him.

I would have thought maybe Sree, Angel and Kris.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Got a feeling Freddie vs Angel eviction Frowner Eeker, think Sree will escape but I hope not.

It's difficult to know how they will vote if it's live, things may be different to normal.

I wouldn't expect Freddie to be up this week, although it's a safe bet for them because they think it doesn't bother him.

I would have thought maybe Sree, Angel and Kris.

Kris Laugh, no way most of that group won't be up for a while yet until BB decides to put them all up.

Maybe Sree has irritated people who in his head he don't think will nominate him, but I do think Freddie and Angel are certain to be up.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Rodrigo speaks!

BELIEVE it or not but Rodrigo has finally said more than two words in the Big Brother house.
Having witnessed an evening of bitching and backstabbing, a normally placid Rodrigo, 23, told housemates that Sree was frustrating him with his constant trips to the Diary Room threatening to leave the Big Brother house.

He ranted: "He keeps saying he wants to leave."

Later, as he climbed in to bed, the Brazilian student turned to a defeated Sree and shouted: "Can you stop with all this tomorrow."

He mockingly added: "I want to leave, I want to leave, I want to leave".

Woo, someone got out of the wrong side of the bed yesterday.
Angel reveals crush on Noirin

ANGEL McKenzie has become the latest housemate to fancy Noirin Kelly.
The bisexual Russian boxer told Big Brother in the Diary Room about her "really deep feelings" for the Irish beauty.

She said: "The last thing I expected in the Big Brother House was meeting someone. I've got really deep feelings for her [Noirin]. It's sexual feelings aswell."

The 35-year-old said she was "confused and scared" but that it "felt good" and "maybe something beautiful will come... maybe not".

She added: "Lisa knows because she is a lesbian as well - she can smell it in the air."

Indian student Sree Dasari and window fitter Marcus Akin have also fallen for Noirin's charms.
Kris may have to prove his love for Sophie

Big Brother housemate Kris Donnelly might have to prove his romance with model Sophie Reade is real in a special test.

Producers of the show, who suspect their relationship is fake, are said to be planning to lock the 24-year-old heart-throb in a room with Sophie for 48 hours.

As part of the test it is thought the pair will have to answer questions about each other and listen to conversations they have had with other contestants, including Kris’s fellow Shropshire housemate Freddie Fisher.

Meanwhile, tonight Big Brother housemates will be called to nominate who should be evicted in a special live show.

Host Davina McCall will broadcast directly from the studios to spring the surprise. Following clips of housemates’ highlights on Channel 4, Big Brother will announce to the house that each housemate will be called, one by one, into the diary room to give their nominations live on TV.

Each housemate will be given a strict amount of time to name the two housemates they wish to nominate.

Only nominations given within this time frame, with full and frank reasons, will count. Housemates will be gathered on the sofas to hear the results of the nominations later.

The highlights will be shown from 9pm and the live nominations will air at 10.55pm.

The public vote will open at 10am tomorrow.

Meanwhile, it has emerged that Kris appeared in a television advert while living in New Zealand.

The advert sees Kris leaving his girlfriend and son because he does not want to date a woman with a child.

The tag line reads: “Making bad behaviour look good.”
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Thats interesting Hicky about Kris and Sophie, I read that these rumoured new housemates was to do with them, a boy and girl who are more their type in terms of looks and personality based on what they said before entering the house.
Well BB need to do something to keep what few viewers it has now.

I think a few HM's will go in, we don't know if Sree has walked yet.

Don't know why BB is interested in whether Kris and Sophie are faking it, they have only just met really, it would be the same if you asked the question of any couple that had only been together a few weeks.
It's a stupid question to ask in my opinion.

BB have got to put some more in, make it more interesting though.
Kris and Sophie get steamy

KRIS and Sophie's relationship seems to be getting steamier, despite fears they are putting it on for the cameras.
The busty 20-year-old glamour model and the 24-year-old Shrewsbury lad canoodled in the Big Brother bathroom last night sharing a shower and a snog.

The couple seem to have shrugged off Big Brother's earlier warnings that fake romances were against the rules and have remained inseparable.

Things are heating up ... Sophie and Kris

Oxford graduate Freddie had previously poured scorn on the young lovers' relationship in the Diary Room, saying it was all for show.

Despite suspicions of fakery, they were together again today enjoying a spot of sunbathing in the garden.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Sick, so fake.

Don't think there's such a thing as a fake romance, even a Holiday romance is real at the time, and i'm sure this is as well, to them anyway.

And the more you are together and get on well then the more serious it becomes.

All romances are a trial for a while, sometimes a long while until you can decide if you want to spend the rest of your life with them, so don't think they are thinking that far ahead yet.

So of course everyone will say it's fake they always have with every BB romance, but it doesn't change the fact that it's not staged for the camera's.
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Hiya Peeps Hug

What a gorgeous day it is Cool Doesn't help when you have sore eyes though Laugh

Hope you all had a good day Big Grin

Hicky thanks for the updates Valentine Still ploughing through them as there's loads Eeker

How did you get on at the doctors Hug

Hi Suzie.wavey
It's been glorious here as well.

Hope your day went well for a change.
Plenty for you to read here as well.

The Doc said my BP was fine, keep taking the tablets, he gave me a prescription for a special cream to rub on my elbows.
He just said keep taking whatever i'm taking, end of.
So I bought a few comfort sweets while I was buying the paper, that makes me feel better.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Nobody is interested in their holiday romance apart from them Big Grin, both dull as dishwater. It's sad that the likes of Sree, Angel and Freddie could be up while they are just slobbering their way to another week Roll Eyes.

I'm sure they aren't concerned about our thoughts on here, but what if Noirin and Angel had a romance or Angel & Freddie, would you be so quick to dismiss those as well?

Who they fall for in the BB house is up to them, it always happens, and always will, when you put people together in that environment each one is going to try and secure comfort with someone else.
Thats why Charlie keeps saying he is lonely in bed every night, he just wants someone to be with, and he's not that fussy who.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hi Suzie Wave, i've had a good day it's so sunny here Smiler. Although I went to College and ended up coming home, i've done most of my work so was a complete waste of time in me going Roll Eyes, finish next week anyway Big Grin.

Not long to go then and you had today off to boot Big Grin
Very nice to Nod I hope you took full advantage of this glorious sunshine Cool
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hi Suzie Wave, i've had a good day it's so sunny here Smiler. Although I went to College and ended up coming home, i've done most of my work so was a complete waste of time in me going Roll Eyes, finish next week anyway Big Grin.

Not long to go then and you had today off to boot Big Grin
Very nice to Nod I hope you took full advantage of this glorious sunshine Cool

Managed to watch some of Wimbledon in the cool earlier, since I been out in the sun. Just eat outside in the sunshine Big Grin.

Hows your day been?.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by darloboy07:

Managed to watch some of Wimbledon in the cool earlier, since I been out in the sun. Just eat outside in the sunshine Big Grin.

Hows your day been?.

It sounds like you've has a really nice relaxing day Hug

My day has been very busy and I'm hoping for a relaxing evening Laugh

You enjoy the rest for the evening Smiler, BB will be exciting later though with the live noms, even though they won't be face to face but in the DR.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by darloboy07:
No because they would actually be believable Big Grin, just think their showmance is fake, maybe they have grown to like each other for there but will it last outside the house?. Just another Chanelle and Ziggy situation.

I hope for Sophie that this will not be the case.

The story about the test that Hicky posted sounds rather interesting. I wonder what the reward/punishment would be? Perhaps Sophie could have the chance of overturning the launch night forfeit placed upon Freddie and her? The timing of this story, of course, very much depends upon neither of them being nominated later.
Cold Sweat
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
No because they would actually be believable Big Grin, just think their showmance is fake, maybe they have grown to like each other for there but will it last outside the house?. Just another Chanelle and Ziggy situation.

I hope for Sophie that this will not be the case.

The story about the test that Hicky posted sounds rather interesting. I wonder what the reward/punishment would be? Perhaps Sophie could have the chance of overturning the launch night forfeit placed upon Freddie and her? The timing of this story, of course, very much depends upon neither of them being nominated later.

Can see her making it to the final, I find her dull she is a nice girl I admit that but Kris will be her downfall Nod. Even when she has airtime on LF or whatever nothing interesting comes out of her mouth, she's with Kris too much she should be dividing her time with Kris and the housemates rather than being stuck to him like a leech.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by King Kev:
Hi Hicky, darloboy and Suzie. wavey
At least BB is on at 9pm tonight for all the early birds out there.
I'm glad I just had a nap before my tea, the noms are on at 10:55 I think. After Ugly Betty. Roll Eyes

Happy that Marcus is immune, I really like him now.

Hiya Kev Hug

How has your day been Big Grin
I'll be watching BB and OH Ugly Betty no doubt. Will find something else to do when that's on Laugh
Originally posted by King Kev:
My day's been ok, it's hot though aint it?

I hope Sree's up too, he's bringing the mood of the house down.
I don't think Freddie will be up this week, they don't want to appear ungrateful for the party they had on his b'day.
I can't see anything I want to watch at 10 tonight. Laugh Summer is always a bit thin tv wise though.

It is hot but luckily for me at work I have the coldest room in the place Big Grin As you can guess I had alot of visitors today Laugh
My doors and windows are all open at home and the house is cooling down nicely Big Grin
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Good evening all wavey

Hicky.. thanks for the BB stuff. Glad to hear the doc visit went ok. Good for you having some sweetie treats. Smiler

Suzy...hope you have a nice relaxing evening after your busy day.
It was another hot one, wasn't it?

KingKev Wave ... glad to hear BB is on at 9pm tonight.

Hiya Mollie Hug

I've got to walk up to the shop in a mo so I'll need some oxygen when I get back Laugh But after that it's should be a matter of messing around on here Big Grin
It has been rather hot judging by the heat that billowed out of my car when I got in it to come home Laugh

You had a good day today ?

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