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Good evening all wavey

Hicky... thanks for the other BB stuff .. Smiler

Suzy... Hi.. Hug How was work today? Was it very hot there today? It was here, and humid too. Still sunny now, so won't be walking the dog till the sun goes down.

wavey are you? Are you playing football soon again?

wavey Mike.. glad to hear you had some good craic at your club today. Are you building up your tan nicely now?
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Good evening all wavey

Hicky... thanks for the other BB stuff .. Smiler

Suzy... Hi.. Hug How was work today? Was it very hot there today? It was here, and humid too. Still sunny now, so won't be walking the dog till the sun goes down.

wavey are you? Are you playing football soon again?

wavey Mike.. glad to hear you had some good craic at your club today. Are you building up your tan nicely now?

Hiya Mollie Hug

Work was pretty manic today as we had got all the orders ready and they changed their minds which ones were going out an hour before finish Eeker
It was hot and humid so all the windows got flung open as we were running around like headless chickens Laugh

Hope you had a great day though Big Grin
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Hiya Mollie Hug

Work was pretty manic today as we had got all the orders ready and they changed their minds which ones were going out an hour before finish Eeker
It was hot and humid so all the windows got flung open as we were running around like headless chickens Laugh

Hope you had a great day though Big Grin

Eeker Suzy
sounds like you will be glad of a bit of relaxation this evening.

just came back from taking the dog out, and she got so hot, she didn't want to go any further, so my OH had to carry her part of the way. Big Grin
Perhpaps I overdid the fitness by taking her out early this morning, she is only a little dog. I am glad to be home, and am drinking some chilled fizzy water now. Smiler

I had a qourn lasagne and Jersey potatoes for dinner, it was lovely. Didnwan't want to do home made, in the heat of the kitchen tonight, so got this easy to do one . Have you tried the qourn lasagnes Suzy?
Originally posted by *Mollie*:

Eeker Suzy
sounds like you will be glad of a bit of relaxation this evening.

just came back from taking the dog out, and she got so hot, she didn't want to go any further, so my OH had to carry her part of the way. Big Grin
Perhpaps I overdid the fitness by taking her out early this morning, she is only a little dog. I am glad to be home, and am drinking some chilled fizzy water now. Smiler

I had a qourn lasagne and Jersey potatoes for dinner, it was lovely. Didnwan't want to do home made, in the heat of the kitchen tonight, so got this easy to do one . Have you tried the qourn lasagnes Suzy?

Once I got my walk out of the way I have put my feet up Big Grin
It has been rather warm today hasn't it Eeker I feel so sorry for our little furry friends at this time of year Nod

No I have never tried quorn, but my daughter does one mean tuna lasagne Big Grin
Cooking is definitely not a good thing for today Eeker I had a tuna spag bols today Big Grin
Suzy... never thought of a tuna lasagne.
Might be one to try, homemade style, but on a cooler day.

Yes very hot for our furry friends, because they cant take their coats off.. Laugh Our bunny has the coolest place under the stairs in the hall, so he is not too bad. The dog is just drinking lots of water.

Don't know if i will be able to stay up to watch BB tonight. Wish it was on at 9pm.
Good Evening Everyone.Wave

Hi Kev.Wave
I saw a little rain on my way home from work, but I seemed to drive through it, saw a few puddles but don't think my Landrover noticed it, and it was clear when I got home.

Hi Mike.Wave
I'm not to bad, see the Doc tomorrow to see how i'm doing.

Hi Suzie.Wave
Bad news getting messed around at work, hope it worked out in the end.

Hi Mollie.Wave
Think you will have to get a skateboard to put the dog on when she's had enough.
Those Jersey Potato's are nice, had some yesterday and today, had Lamb chops today.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Suzy... never thought of a tuna lasagne.
Might be one to try, homemade style, but on a cooler day.

Yes very hot for our furry friends, because they cant take their coats off.. Laugh Our bunny has the coolest place under the stairs in the hall, so he is not too bad. The dog is just drinking lots of water.

Don't know if i will be able to stay up to watch BB tonight. Wish it was on at 9pm.

I always look for the fishy alternative to meat Laugh
Spinach and ricotta one is nice as well Nod

Raysin is drinking loads today as well, I suppose it doesn't help that he has black fur Frowner

I'm going to stay up and watch it, my body's tired but my brain is racing Laugh
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by Hicky:

Thanks Suzie, I don't go to the Docs till late afternoon.
I'll have to tell him i'm on tablets from A&E as well.

Okay Hug I hope the new medication hasn't conflicted with the ones you already take Eeker

I think they do really.
I take some to help the lubrication of my joints, and at A&E he said I was producing too much joint protection Fluids. Eeker
So because he gave me tablets to counteract the problem I have stopped taking my other tablets for now, I'll see what the Doc says.
Originally posted by Hicky:

I think they do really.
I take some to help the lubrication of my joints, and at A&E he said I was producing too much joint protection Fluids. Eeker
So because he gave me tablets to counteract the problem I have stopped taking my other tablets for now, I'll see what the Doc says.

That doesn't sound too good. Let's hope your doc will be able to sort the problem and readjust the medication to suit your needs Hug
wavey Hicky
Good luck at the docs tommorrow. Hope he reviews all the tablets taking ok for you. Hug
Laugh A skateboard for the dog would suit her fine. I saw somoene on a tricycle once with a little carriage on the back with the dog in it. I'd love one of those for us. Laugh

Suzy ... Our dog has black fur, like your Raysin. Hope you don't drop off during BB. But if your mind is racing, you should be ok. I intend to watch the beginning, and see how I go. If it is really interesting, it should keep me awake enough to watch to the end.

I am watching that programme about Sainsburys at the moment, Interesting because I used to work for them.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
wavey Hicky
Good luck at the docs tommorrow. Hope he reviews all the tablets taking ok for you. Hug
Laugh A skateboard for the dog would suit her fine. I saw somoene on a tricycle once with a little carriage on the back with the dog in it. I'd love one of those for us. Laugh

Suzy ... Our dog has black fur, like your Raysin. Hope you don't drop off during BB. But if your mind is racing, you should be ok. I intend to watch the beginning, and see how I go. If it is really interesting, it should keep me awake enough to watch to the end.

I am watching that programme about Sainsburys at the moment, Interesting because I used to work for them.

I'm sure if I fall asleep OH will prod me and tell me it's bedtime Laugh

OH is watching that sainbury programme but I'm watching Dollshouse Big Grin
Evening. Smiler
Just calling in for a quick visit. Smiler

Sweltering hot here all day. Clear blue skies as well. A bit too hot for working, but it means the grass is bone dry and easy to cut. Smiler

I've got a hedge to cut tomorrow, which will be horrible and dusty in this heat. Frowner

I doubt Sree has any intention of really going? Roll Eyes

I think they must have failed the Tudor task?

Don't see the point in this live nomination tomorrow, if they aren't going to do it face to face, or show it on the plasma?
It'll be just like a normal nominations. Confused
Oh well. Something to watch, I suppose. Big Grin
Hi Emptybox.Wave
A late night post from you eh, your getting some hot weather anyway, make the most of it.
I would think they are going to put the nominations on the plasma, as you say, if they don't whats the point.

Hi Suzie.Wave
You have a good day as well.

Hi Kev.Wave
You have a good day, what's planned for you?

Just going to get the overnight info, back in a tick.

▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Good Morning Everyone *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Hope you are all well today. *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Lovely and Sunny here today. *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Happy Wednesday to you All *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
Overnight in the BB house, Day 20.
04.21: Sophie and Kris are in bed facing opposite directions.

03.35: Halfwit turns over in bed.

03.00: Angel is walking around the kitchen in a black t-shirt and white pants. She enters the bedroom and Freddie starts ranting in his sleep. She gets into bed.

02.58: Angel is naked (again) having a bath.

02.23: Angel is in the bathroom getting ready for bed. She is flossing her teeth.

02.18: Sree is sleeping.

02.08: She now starts stomach crunches using the bench.

02.06: BB tells housemates they must remember to where their microphones at all times.

02.03: Angel is skipping in the lounge. Rodrigo walks out to see her. Rodrigo is eating. The sound is dipped.

01.59: Angel is in the lounge putting on her boxing boots.

01.52: Noirin tells Rodrigo that she will switch beds with him. Sree kisses his family photos.

Charlie tells the group: "F*** you all. I want nothing to do with you." They laugh. They ask Angel to turn the lights off.

Rodrigo: "Can you stop with this tomorrow. 'I want to leave, I want to leave, I want to leave'." He looks angry.

Charlie: "Good night everyone, you traitors."

01.51: Halfwit has a scarf wrapped around his eyes trying to sleep. Karly is in bed but still awake. She has a full face of make-up on!

01.50: Sree asks Charlie to turn the lights off.

01.48: Sree and the cigarette smokers return from the garden. Karly gets into bed.

01.46: Lisa to Sree: "You wake up tomorrow strong like a lion."

01.42: In the garden, Lisa: "Sree just stay in the house with the people who you get on with. Show them what you're made of."

Sree: "She said things that really upset me. She called me a liar... and jealous because her best mate is now Marcus."

Back in the bedroom, Noirin is ranting. "You say something so many times that you might actually get it."

Kris is lying in bed with Sophie listening to the conversation. They say all the people who auditioned for the program will be so angry that he is moaning about it.

01.39: Rodrigo joins the bedroom gang. "He keeps saying he wants to leave."

Noirin: "It's wearing people down. He knows he is getting attention from it."

Rodrigo: "With Marcus he is arguing and then next day he is laughing, all the day before nominations."

Marcus: "He argued with Sophie and then went round saying 'Sophie, Sophie, Sophie, she's picking on me."

01.36: In the garden, Lisa is discussing how people talk about 'Elvis'. "I always stay out of it and just sit there. When people watch it back they will see that. He's only stuck up for himself and people have slagged him off for it."

Sree walks out in to the garden. Lisa: "Let me talk to you. I don't want to talk to you in the bedroom as people will think I am sticking up for you. I want you to go to bed when we go to bed and sleep."

01.33: Lisa, Karly and Charlie are walking to the garden to have a cigarette.

Karly: "Sree is p***** isn't he?"

Halfwit has joined Siavash and the gang in the bedroom. They are discussing how they got to BB. Noirin: "I got off the plane and didn't realise I needed English money."

Marcus: "I was early. I got the train before the one I was meant to so I went to Burger King."

01.30: Noirin, Siavash and Marcus are talking to Angel about bums. Noirin: "I hate men without bums." They tell Angel to show them her bum, but she goes shy and refuses.

Strange how she can get naked and swim in front of them but not turn around to show them her bottom!

01.23: Lisa and Charlie are sitting on the bed still discussing the row. Lisa: "Everybody p***** everyone off at some point."

Sree is in the bathroom showering.

01.19: Sree wants to go for a shower.

01.16: In the bedroom on the opposite side to Sree, Marcus is sitting with Noirin and Siavash. He tells them that his hands still smell of blood from preparing the meat earlier in the day. They all have a whiff. Siavash: "That smells of a***."

01.04: Sree is trying to explain the argument to Lisa.

Rodrigo is standing outside the Diary Room door.

01.02: Lisa, Sree, Charlie and Karly are sitting on the bed.Lisa tells Sree to give Charlie his drink. Lisa: "It's not good to drink when you're depressed."

Sree: "It is hard to understand some people in life."

Lisa: "Until the public get you out you should stay."

00.50: Rodrigo heads to the Diary Room. Sound is still cut.

00.46: Sound is cut as housemates are singing. The camera is focused on Karly, Sophie, Rodrigo and Kris laying in bed together.

00.42: Noirin asks Sree to swear on his God's life that he did not lie. Sree swears he didn't lie. After rowing some more she leaves the lounge. Sree walks to the bedroom.

Siavash is in the shower.

00.38: Charlie and Halfwit are in the bedroom singing and dancing. Kris is lying on the bed singing with them.

00.26: Noirin: "You are like my 6-year-old brother, because even he knows I won't take s*** from him... Next time I have to trust someone it won't be you. You'll be the first person I accuse. Do you want me to wash my hands of you?"

Noirin: "Sree you either admit to it and people forget about it or you continue to lie. I'm not going to be your friend if you sit there call me names and be jealous."

00.24: Sree says he will watch the video of the night when he goes home to see what really happened. Noirin tells him he should write notes. Noirin: "It's a learning curve... You can take things and do things but you can't lie about it."

00.17: It appears there has been a row over drink during the night. Noirin is shouting at Sree: "Just admit it. You lied to me. You knew that Angel wasn't having a drink this week and you went and asked her for one. You have lied to me four times tonight. Angel is a compulsive liar, anything she says to me I don't think jack s**t about. I don't like compulsive liars."

Lisa and Karly head for the garden.

Sree: "If you think that I have lied, my apologies to you."

Noirin: "Why would you ask someone who cannot have a drink if you can have it? And then you tried to blame them."

Sree: "Don't be aggressive."

Noirin: "You're upsetting me because you are not being a man again. I'm upset because you're not admitting to being a compulsive liar."

00.11: Halfwit: "I like being an outsider. The social economics here is a bit like school. However, this time I am socially aware. At school I would stick up for people, here I can do it much better."

00.05: Back in the garden, Siavash is says he has enjoyed this task more than any other task.

00.04: Sree: "The thing is, right, the major influence is you. Don't take this the wrong way."

00.01: Noirin: "I don't think you should leave. If something is finished and you have made up with people that should be it, you shouldn't dwell. Why should you leave over something like that. It's your decision."

Noirin: "I think you should stay. The only reason I would tell you you should go is if you are sitting here everyday. You shouldn't want to leave everytime you have a row, that makes you a weak person."

Lisa: "There might be some people here who want you to leave."

00.00: Sree has asked BB to leave the house but because of procedures BB has told him it takes a day to get things like photocalls sorted so that he should go back to the house and talk to his friends.

23.58: Sree is in the lounge telling Karly and Lisa that he wants to leave the house after the events of the night. Sree: "I've seen people's true colours tonight."

23.55: Siavash and Halfwit are in the garden discussing game plans. Halfwit: "I can't be bothered to have a game plan".
Start Here.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Sick not Doris, plus Karly is way more better looking than Sophie anyday and unlike Sophie does have a personality Big Grin Wink.

I prefer to look at Karly, and she's easier to understand as well, no translation needed.Big Grin

They don't put many pics of Karly in the papers, when they do I will put them up here for you.
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Cheers for the updates, Hicky! Thumbs Up

Disagreeing with Darlo - but that isn't something new! Razzer

The missing post has emerged.

How annoying is that, the post has been hidden for over 2 hours now.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the updates, not a lot else I can do really, we get so little info given to us.

Have a nice day, enjoy the Sun if you can.
FREDDIE would have bedded bisexual Angel if they were in the outside world, he has confessed.

Speaking in the Diary Room the 24-year-old web programmer told Big Brother he would have liked his earlier birthday kiss with the Russian boxer to have gone all the way.

"I think I really love how creative she is," he began. "She loves making things. She can make something from anything. I really did enjoy my dance and kiss with her on my birthday. She's an alright kisser actually.

He added: "Outside... I would definitely have had sex with her by now because we'd be carried away in the moment. In this place I don't want to be carried away in the moment."

But he explained any tryst with Angel would not end in marriage and he was worried the 35-year-old was just too keen on him.

He said: "I think the reason she didn't just jump off the page as somebody I was particularly close to is because... I dunno... For one thing I'm worried that she really, really, really fancies me."

It might knock Freddie's ego to learn that Angel earlier told Big Brother she harbours "sexual feelings" for Noirin.

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