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Originally posted by *Mollie*:
wavey Hicky

hope you have had a good day.
is it muggy there too?

don't mind Sree at all, but Marcus annoying me on the show tonight.
good on Karly so speaking up, and saying how it is. And I think she looks much better with the dark hair than that very platinum colour she has now.

Hi Mollie.Wave

Had a great day thanks, it's not too bad here now, going to be a warm night though.

If Shree didn't keep running to everyone with his troubles he would be OK, but it's annoying the HM's and me as well, he's been warned by them already.
Lisa is acting as his mother.
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IN a bid to boost falling ratings, Big Brother will force housemates to nominate live on air on Wednesday.

The remaining 12 housemates will be asked to name the two people they want to face the public vote – and may have to do it in front of the rest of the house.

A source said: “Bosses are always wanting to shake things up and what better way than to pile on the drama by forcing everyone to air their grievances not only to the viewers but to the people they’re complaining about.

"Everyone expects sparks will fly and it’ll make great live TV.”

It is expected the housemates will be given just a few minutes notice before being told of the live nomination plan on Wednesday.

This is set to send sparks flying!
Good Morning Suzie & Kev.Wave

Hope you both have a good day as well.

Weird dreams eh Kev, there's always a meaning to them, but hard to tell what.

Just going to get the info from last nights live feed.

▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------ Good Morning Everyone -------*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* I hope you are all well this Morning *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------It's Lovely & Sunny here --------- *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------ It's Happy Tuesday again -------*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
News from last night, Day 19.
04.01: Marcus has his eyes open. He is staring at the wall.

03.45: Marcus is now on his left side hugging the pillow.

02.56: Marcus is lying on his back asleep.

02.00: Sree has just walked of out the Diary Room. It is now clear who the housemates had planned to use their pillows on!!

Sree goes to the bathroom and washes his hands and face. He enters the bedroom. Karly jumps out of his bed and Charlie bursts out laughing. Sree: You scared me.

He gets out of bed and taps Karly on the head. He signals to her to high-five him. He whispers something to her and then returns to bed.

01.58: The camera looks at Siavash who is asleep. Sophie, Kris and Charlie are now silent and trying to sleep.

01.55: Charlie returns from the toilet and gets straight in to bed. He peeps at Kris and Sophie.

01.51: The housemates look to be asleep with the exception of Sophie and Kris.

01.46: He puts his arm over her shoulder. They are still whispering. Kris pulls her closer to him.

01.45: Siavash gets back in to bed. Kris and Sophie can heard kissing.

01.42: The housemates are trying to look for the men behind the mirrors!

01.40: Marcus: There's a man in the mirror over there by Lisa... and there. We can see you, you dirty beast.

More inaudible whispering among the bunch of HMs.

01.38: Noirin gets out of bed and puts on a top.

01.37: It appears that they are conspiring. It sounds like they are planning on attacking one of the housemates with a pillow.

01.31: Sophie and Kris are in bed whispering. He has his arm draped over her body. They start kissing.

Karly and Charlie are on separate beds facing one another and whispering. Charlie turns over to face Kris and says something inaudible.

01.29: Siavash and Charlie are brushing their teeth in the bathroom.

01.28: Karly moans about the effort it took to undo the knot in her dress.

01.24: Most of the housemates are standing around in their underwear. There are a lot of layers to Tudor clothing.

01.23: Housemates have returned to the lounge. Charlie and Kris help Karly and Sophie, respectively, to undo their dresses. Rodrigo struggles with his own glamorous dress.

01.19: Charlie tries to chuck Noirin in the pool but doesn't go through with it.

01.16: Kris gives Sophie a piggy bank and she tells them how she got cornered by Sree.

01.12: Charlie has ripped his dress. Oops.

Angel gets out of the pool... naked and in no rush to cover up she slowly pulls on her dressing gown.

01.09: Sree and Sophie are talking about... yep you guess it... Noirin. Sree: I need to take a back seat. I don't know how to play hard to get.

In the garden Siavash is trying to chuck Kris in the pool. BB tells them to keep noise in the garden to a minimum.

01.05: Siavash is telling them what to use the eggs for. Siavash: Just fry them and have them in the morning.

01.01: Karly tells Kris and Rodrigo that something - it is not clear what - is a secret. The boys are frustrated that she won't tell them and proceed to kick her on the bottom so that she keeps falling on the sofa. Rodrigo: Again, again!

She is giggling hysterically. Rodrigo pulls her on top of him. The housemates return from the kitchen and bundle on top of them.

01.00: Siavash, Noirin and Marcus are in the kitchen re-reading the rule book. They decide that they can drink the remainder of the alcohol that will be not be used in the cooking task. They pour out two pints of cider and then take the rest.

00.55: Karly is back in the lounge and tells Noirin that Angel just flashed her.

Norin asks how much they would be fined for breaking certain rules of the task. Siavash tells them they should not make a decision without the rest of the housemates present. Siavash: Lisa would be angry.

00.50: Sophie gets up for the toilet. Sophie: I hate going toilet in these things.

Kris kicks her up the bottom, she stumbles and they both giggle. Back in the garden, Siavash tells Angel to give him a flash. She obliges!

00.47: Karly and Siavash are in the garden smoking. She asks him if he'll take her shopping to Bond Street tomorrow. She tries his cigars. Karly: That's alright, that.

00.46: Sree asks Marcus for some of his drink. Marcus asks the HMs if he should give him some and Kris tells him not to.

00.43: The housemates ask each other if they've ever had sex with a famous person. The sound is cut again.

00.39: Back in the lounge, Karly is telling the housemates that guys look at girls just for sex. Marcus disagrees and says he has never looked at a girl in that way.

Angel is naked in the swimming pool. The housemates can see her from the lounge. Macrus: She is always naked!

00.38: Angel returns to the bedroom.

00.37: Angel is still in the bathroom. She tightens her hairband and puts her head scarf on.

00.34: Angel is brushing her teeth and washing her face.

00.30: Angel walks in to the darkened bedroom to get her dressing gown. It looks like most of the housemates are still up as the beds are empty except for Halfwit's.

She now makes her way to the bathroom. BB cuts back to the lounge where housemates are still discussing people on the outside.

00.28: Angel is fiddling with her dress. She looks like she is struggling to get it off.

She is now topless, flashing her boobs to the camera!!

00.21: Sound is still cut while housemates discuss people outside of the house.

00.16: They are asking each other questions.

Marcus: Have you ever betrayed a friend for a lover?

BB cuts the sound.

00.15: Noirin holds up a bottle of half-empty wine. Sound is once again cut.

00.11: The sound is cut.

00.09: The housemates are dressed up in their Tudor outfits and gathered in the lounge chatting about eviction.
Start Here.
THREE of the current housemates are rejects from last year's series - because the '09 auditions were so bad.

Wolf-lookalike Marcus Akin, 35, Geordie Charlie Drummond, 22, and Brazilian Rodrigo Lopes, 23, just missed out on being in Big Brother 2008.

All three even got as far as entering a fake BB house before the real series, to see how potential contestants related to one another.

Channel 4 chiefs called on them again after being dismayed by how few interesting characters applied this year.

They think many were put off by how fast last year's housemates, including winner Rachel Rice, 25, slid into obscurity.

A source said: "There was a real dearth of contestants this time. Bosses had hardly any one to choose from."
Siavash crowned Henry the Gay-th

SIAVASH became Henry VIII for a task yesterday - and chose three BLOKES to be among his six wives.

The fashion victim, 23, was named head of house and dressed as the king in a Tudor-themed challenge.

Asked to pick his wives he chose Freddie, Sree and Rodrigo, along with Angel, Sophie and Karly. Rodrigo ended up in the stocks.

Rodrigo Locked up in Task.
Stocks but no Shares.Big Grin

Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Thanks for the overnight update and the news stories, Hicky. Thumbs Up

I wonder how many of the current housemates went through the entire audition process as unknowns, and how many were previously known to the producers – or even brought to their attention via means other than the auditions?

Well if you use ones that have been through the system it must make it a lot easier for a start.

But if they come across people who they think will make a good HM then there's nothing wrong in inviting them to enter the system.

Don't for get only so many people enter off their own bat, the same with page 3 girls, a lot of them are found lying on the beach and are then invited to a photoshoot.
Cancer boost from whole carrots
By Sharon Barbour

Chef's tip: Chop after cooking
The anti-cancer properties of carrots are more potent if the vegetable is not cut up before cooking, research shows.

Scientists found "boiled before cut" carrots contained 25% more of the anti-cancer compound falcarinol than those chopped up first.

Experiments on rats fed falcarinol have shown they develop fewer tumours.

The Newcastle University study will be presented at NutrEvent, a conference on nutrition and health, to be held in France.

Dr Kirsten Brandt
Lead researcher Dr Kirsten Brandt, from Newcastle University's School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, said: "Chopping up your carrots increases the surface area so more of the nutrients leach out into the water while they are cooked.

"By keeping them whole and chopping them up afterwards you are locking in nutrients and the taste, so the carrot is better for you all round."

The Newcastle scientist, along with colleagues at the University of Denmark, discovered the health benefits of falcarinol in carrots four years ago.
All you need is a bigger saucepan

Only Cut after cooking.
Good morning all wavey

KingKev... I wonder what your weird dreams meant?

Suzy... hope you have a good work day.

Hicky... thanks for all the BB stuff again. Smiler Wednesdays episode of BB should be interesting. Lets's hope it is well planned for once. Enjoy your brikkie at work today. I had mine already, couldn't wait any more. I took the dog for a 6.30a walk, because it is a hot one today, so I fancied brekkie earlier today.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Big Grin Hicky... at your carrot saucepan piccy. I bet the carrots would take ages to cook if you didn't cut them.

Good Morning Mollie.Wave

Looking forward to tomorrow, it will make a change anyway.

Brekkie in a Mo, yummy.

I don't think it would take much longer for the carrots to cook, but if it's beneficial then I think the extra time is worth it.

I have started to cook some of my veg in the oven and it wouldn't take much longer to cook them whole then.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Morning Wave.

Good Morning.Wave

Good morning Hicky Wave, how are you? Smiler.

I'm very well thanks Darloboy, in work today, not a lot to do though so can spend some time on here, hopefully.Big Grin

Smiler, glad you're fine. Ha ha lol Big Grin.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Housemates had to face the Shopping Task with a Tudor theme.

Marcus seemed quite comfortable with his role as the Village Idiot. Unfortunately, when King Henry VIII got his part of the Task wrong, Marcus found himself pelted with rotten fruit. Still happy to be the Village Idiot Marcus?

Being the King does have a few benefits though – including the right to take away a housemate's right to nominate. Charlie was chosen to lose his right which he seemed unusually pleased about.

So Charlie not nominating this week.
Good afternoon all wavey

Hi off college today? Hope you have a good day. I am glad to hear Angel and freddie are popular, they are my faves too. Smiler Don't know why bookies think Charlie is so popular, don't think he is funny or interesting at all.

Hicky... Laugh at that BB pic of the task. Those costumes look good.

wavey Mike...enjoy your visit to the club.

Phheww , it is getting so hot and sticky here. Good for drying all my washing though. Big Grin
Yes Darloboy.Wave

BB probably got someone not to nominate to save time, wouldn't do it for any other reason.

Hi Mike.Wave
Enjoy your march into town, good job you haven't got a horse, you might have gallopped into town.Big Grin

Hi Mollie.Wave

They seemed to enjoy dressing up, don't think we will see much though, but awful if you need the loo, it's all different layers.

It's not hot where I am, the room has Air Con.Big Grin
Missing out. ... Charlie.
CHARLIE Drummond will miss out on nominating fellow housemates for eviction this week.

As part of the Tudors task, Siavash Sabbaghpour, who is playing King Henry VIII, was allowed to strip one contestant of the right to nominate.

He picked Charlie, which seemed to please the Mr Gay UK contestant no end.
Kris and his 69 women 'hell'

LADIES' man Kris Donnelly has bragged about how he 'coped' with being the only man on a course of 69 women at university.
The 24-year-old, who studied design management and fashion retail at Manchester University, said: "With all the ladies! Sixty-nine women and I was the only bloke.

"As you can imagine, lads, it was absolute hell. I took one for the team and I made it through three years."

He then confessed that he didn't actually succeed in getting his degree, but added: "I don't think my employees know that. Anyway, it's too late now, isn't it?"
Kris appeared in television advert

Kris appeared in television advert

Kris appeared in a television advert while living in New Zealand, it has emerged.

The visual merchandiser starred in the commercial for clothing company Little Brother a few years ago.

The advert sees Kris leaving his girlfriend and son because he does not want to date a woman with a child.

The tagline reads: "Making bad behaviour look good."
Its clouding here now ...Frowner
just been sat out at my club sunbathing and having a good craic ...
Lifes good ...Wink
have you seen the new transformer film yet? , is any good ..???

funny you should mention horsies I *borrowed* one many years ago as a taxi ....I was very ...very Drunk at the time

I hope you are fit and well now fella ..??
Mike Strutter
Originally posted by Mike Strutter:
I heard its crap ..Frowner
I hate to waste my money on CGI films if stories rubbish ...I normally download those
Im loving *Walt* in *Breaking Bad*
I think you an me need to start that business mate ..Wink

I get a little bit starry eyed at the pics with good CGI, but I know what you mean.
I think I'll download it too, the first one you couldn't tell what was flying at the screen and there was too much going on, I hate that sort of thing at the cinema.
I did love the first one though.
When are they gonna do that Thundercats film grrr, it should've started by now. Mad

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