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I need to thankyou for your prayers.The operation has gone well and not  a full amputation only two toes and pads.He's home and resting but in some pain.I telephoned vet and can give him some pain relief at 10pm,which should see him through the night.I will sleep besides him tonight to give him comfort.
I stayed in surgery whilst he had his operation and could feel  there were good vibes coming through so felt very positive,which proved right. Thankyou all so very much.I won't be on now tonight as I must stay with him.
Hi all, the night went fairly well,but he was in a lot of pain this morning,So I was at the vets in my dressing gown with a jacket over at 9am.The tablets I was given are doing the trick he's sleeping a lot which is good.I went upstairs to bed at 11am and had some sleep,I feel totally washed out.He hasn't eaten which is only to be expected,I will give him some viamin tablets tomorrow to try and get his appetite back.I'm still syringing water down him every hour as he's not bothered about drinking either.Well that's the first 24hours over.
Morning alllast evening poor lad was in a lot of pain,but tablets gave him a good nights sleep,still having trouble getting water down him,so am now trying every 15mins.He so needs to have fluid in him otherwise he'll have to go and have a drip at the vets and he won't like being away from us.

He  is very quiet this morning so either  the tablets are keeping him pain free or he's going a little doolalee.I'm praying he's pain free.
Thankyou all again for sending your positive thoughts to him.and to you all xxx
Hi Bo.....  Poor little guy,  it must be so upsetting for you to see him like this, have you tried using a childs medicine cyringe?  to get water down him, i know we used to do that when one of our dogs was ill in the past, that way you know hes getting at least a little fluids inside him and you can keep an eye on what hes drinking write down each time he drinks 5mls or whatever.........Hopefully he will perk up today

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