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Back from the vets.I was unable to see the vet I usually see as it was her day off.The chap I saw was good gave my dog an injection for pain which I don't think he is in pain and kicked started some antibiotic with an injection to be followed by tablets.He  didn't sound too hopeful ,but I'll ignore that for now,as he was talking about amputation.I called in to see a vet I know on the way home to discuss it with her.She said she'd telephone the vet that he usually sees and to starve him ready for an op on Monday.The vet we saw this afternoon wished us the best of luck but raised his eyes to the ceiling.
Trouble is my darling is 17 now.My usual vet I'm sure won't do a full amputation she is old but her experience is paramount.My vet friend did say she would telephone the vet whose day off it is and tell her,feeling sure she'll operate on Monday.She said she knows how I care for my dog and felt sure she'll help in any way she could.
Can he manage the aftermath?I don't know,I'll stay with him 24 hours aday,syringe water down his throat to keep him hydrated throughout the night until hubby gets up in the morning.So Monday is the DDay.
I now have a brick in my chest and keep sighing.I refuse to give in to this until it happens.My beautiful darling is a strong little Ombre'.I just pray he can be strong a little bit longer.
Dear Bo, im so sorry to hear your news, my heart goes out to you, i know your vet friend will make the best decision at the end of the day for your poor dog, i know it will be a long weekend for both of you, treatments and medication these days are amazing but dont give up all hope........I will say a little prayer for you both tonight
Hi Bojangles  I am so sorry to hear your pet may have to have an amputation I know our pets have a strong threshhold of pain and is sometimes very hard to know how badly in pain they really are,if he/she has to have an amputation I know how worried you must be feeling I would be the same,but it may save your pets life and amazingly they can walk run with three legs and soon adjust, it hurts us more than it hurts them, I will also say a prayer for both of you please keep us updated
Hi Ozzy  Hope you're well and Bojangles I'm so sorry about your dear dogI Hope all goes well on Monday  Can only imagine how you feel as I've got a Labrador myselfWe have a three legged dog in our street and he can sure get around fast. Here's hoping for you  By the way that's 3 of us saying a prayer
 for you bothXxx
I thankyou all from the bottom of my heart.He seems so full of life this evening.The injections are obviously working.I had a phone call from the vet an hour ago to take him in on Monday between 12.30 and 12.45pm after she has finished her surgery and to starve him in preparation for an operation.I can't see me leaving the surgery  until I can bring him home.I had better take a flask of coffee with me.I suppose it gives one comfort to be near rather than at home.
Morning all I hope your cold doesn't come to much Marg.I'm a bag of nerves.I have to take my darling for his op today.Please send your kind thoughts towards him for the operation to be a success and a speedy recovery for him.He's sleeping at the moment and looks as though he hasn't a care in the world.I am feeling a little more positive now than I was.
We kissed and hugged a lot last night,Please God don't let that be the last time we do that.
I will let you know how things go when I get home after his operation.

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