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Last night, I went into the back garden and saw the moon, with Spica and Saturn to the left of it. Then I went into the front garden and I saw Venus and (I think) Bellatrix.

I bought a wee book on star gazing today, I think I've got the bug.

Mr Yogi said he's not surprised that I'm enjoying stargazing..............because I've always been wired to the moon!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Last night, I went into the back garden and saw the moon, with Spica and Saturn to the left of it. Then I went into the front garden and I saw Venus and (I think) Bellatrix.

I bought a wee book on star gazing today, I think I've got the bug.

Mr Yogi said he's not surprised that I'm enjoying stargazing..............because I've always been wired to the moon!

Yes, and tonight they will be slightly above the moon and maybe a tiny fraction to the right of it.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Looks like it might be a clear night tonight - might get a chance to see something, but the Moon's not up 'til nearly 4am Saturday morning.

I've been outside looking for it.

I've got Venus in front of the house.

I've got her off to the side-front, but it's clouded over a bit, so there's not much more to be seen. I thought I had Mars at the back when I first looked out, but when it started flashing and moving to the north I decided it was a plane.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

There were loads of stars in the sky last night, and Venus was very bright.

Thought my fellow star/planet gazers might like this video.

Realy? I've been overcast for ages now. though I did catch Venus out the front and Mars out the back for a short while a couple of nights ago.

Last night was fab, there were stars everywhere - the "stariest" sky since I started watching.

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Tonight, for the first time in ages, I have been able to see more than just the moon and Venus. Admittedly, that's all I can see at the front, but theres quite a bit more to see at the back.It's a bit patchy though, so I'll have to do a bit of checking to sort out what I'm actually seeing!

I didn't check last night.


A quick glimpse of the moon (for about 10 seconds ) around 1 am....and that was it!


Although there was a fair sprinkling of stuff in the sky the other night, it was sufficiently patchy that the only things that could be identified with any degree of certainty were Mars, Arcturus (in BoÃķtes) and The constellation Corona Borealis, which is slightly left of and slightly below the constellation BoÃķtes.


Corona Borealis is quite distinctive and reasonably easy to identify....once you know where to find it and generaly how it looks.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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