What I should have seen - in order of appearance - if the sky had been clear (and assuming nothing was obscuring the horizon) - looking out of my back window - SE.
The Moon
Mars - to the left of the moon
Procyon (in Canis Minor) - to the right of the moon
Regulus (in Leo) - to the right of Mars
Alphard (in Hydra) - below the moon
Algieba (in Leo) - above Mars
Denebola (in Leo) - lower and left of Mars
Zosma (in Leo) - higher and left of Mars
Gienah (in Corvus) - just above the horizon, almost straight down from Zosma.
Porrima (in Virgo) - a little higher and right of Gienah
Mizar (in Ursa Major) - very high and way round to the left
Muphrid (in BoÃķtes) - down from Mizar, a bit higher than Porrima
Rho Puppis (in Puppis) - not too high and way round to the right
Vindemiatrix (in Virgo) - about the same height as Muphrid and right of it
Gomesia (in Canis Minor) - slightly higher and right of Procyon
Cor Caroli (in Canes Venatici) - right of Mizar and about the sama height as Denebola
Algorab (in Corvus) - left of Gienah and even nearer the horizon.
Ras Elased Australis (in Leo) - above Regulus and left of the moon
After that the stars pop up fairly rapidly:-
Saturn rises around 9 pm and Arcturus pops into sight shortly after. Another fairly bright star that pops into our vision around the same time as Arcturus is Alkaid (inUrsa Major), but it is much higher than Arcturus. Another of these 'look up til your head nearly falls off backwards' stars.