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Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Bethni:

I dont think it's anything to do with age or education. You can find the most mature head on the youngest shoulder sometimes. I spent 5yrs in boarding school so i wouldn't blame that environment either. Caroline is an endulged young woman and seems to think she can get away with anything by either laughing about it with her cronies or apologising but not reforming. She is rude beyond measure. Nothing straightforward about her, she never says what she means to anyones face, just in snide jeers to her peers. She will have a rude awakening one day but by then it will, no doubt, be too late for her to redeem herself. Sad really, but i just cant feel sorry for her.

I think differently, her parents patently disapprove of her being in the BB house... I may be wrong, but I have no sense of her being 'loved' never mind 'loved unconditionally'..What's indulgent about that?

I think it's a bit harsh to say her parents probably dont love her enough, they were probably trying to protect her, knowing her better than we do, they would know how she would come across on national tv.

She would seem to have had a lot more privileges than most, yet hasn't learned much about the fundamental things in life ie: manner's, respect or common sense. Her parents were clearly against her going into BB, not because they dont care about her, more because they do.

I said she has been indulged mainly because her behaviour would suggest she isn't new to this kind of persona she is showing and, even though she has been pulled up for it by BB, Sara and others, she still still persists with it. Obviously she's got away with it in the past. Some parents kill with kindness, much better to instill discipline and respect than to just give in, imho

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Give over 

Was employed at a London Bank since aged 16.

Got married at 19

Expecting my first planned baby at 20.  


Edit:  And I had a joint mortgage.

That's why we can't scoff Cos: Oooo you were posh, bank clerk at 16!

Me: butchers from 13, plus bingo hall from 14, (3 nights a week plus 12 hrs on Sat and 3 Sun's in 4,) Tbf, I had a week and a half off for my A levels...! Uni.....god knows how, worked here there and everywhere!...First mortgage at 21...... But I'd still probably have been a complete arse if I'd have been in the BB house at that age!



Sorry to be pedantic but just need to point one big boo-boo out here - I was NEVER posh.  My dad was an electrician

I wasn't a bank clerk either.  I was a junior in the personnel dept  



I'm not suprised Caroline's taken no notice of her parents.  Most teenagers don't.  But by the time you hit 18-19 you tend not to be so petulant, so Caroline's infantile stubborness is her down to her own bad judgement alone.  

Talking of which, look at her latest 'wheeze' - she's got no idea how she's going to control this IF half of the house kicks off at her.  Not a clue.

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Give over 

Was employed at a London Bank since aged 16.

Got married at 19

Expecting my first planned baby at 20.  


Edit:  And I had a joint mortgage.

That's why we can't scoff Cos: Oooo you were posh, bank clerk at 16!

Me: butchers from 13, plus bingo hall from 14, (3 nights a week plus 12 hrs on Sat and 3 Sun's in 4,) Tbf, I had a week and a half off for my A levels...! Uni.....god knows how, worked here there and everywhere!...First mortgage at 21...... But I'd still probably have been a complete arse if I'd have been in the BB house at that age!



Sorry to be pedantic but just need to point one big boo-boo out here - I was NEVER posh.  My dad was an electrician

I wasn't a bank clerk either.  I was a junior in the personnel dept  



I'm not suprised Caroline's taken no notice of her parents.  Most teenagers don't.  But by the time you hit 18-19 you tend not to be so petulant, so Caroline's infantile stubborness is her down to her own bad judgement alone.  

Talking of which, look at her latest 'wheeze' - she's got no idea how she's going to control this IF half of the house kicks off at her.  Not a clue.

See, that is exactly my assessment of Caroline's failure to engage socially too, Cos. She's old enough to have metered her responses to socially challenging situations by her age. If we need to express concern ourselves about her history of bullying and such-like then C5 should have been there before us. Therefore it is a void argument that she is to young or had been bullied yada yada yada. Adam hasn't been shown to try to excuse himself for any bouts of bad temper that other HMs could nominate him for. Maybe that's because he's reined himself in. 

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:

See, that is exactly my assessment of Caroline's failure to engage socially too, Cos. She's old enough to have metered her responses to socially challenging situations by her age. If we need to express concern ourselves about her history of bullying and such-like then C5 should have been there before us. Therefore it is a void argument that she is to young or had been bullied yada yada yada. Adam hasn't been shown to try to excuse himself for any bouts of bad temper that other HMs could nominate him for. Maybe that's because he's reined himself in. 

Big difference, huh?

Adam appears to promptly evaluate exactly where he's gone wrong, who he's wronged... and then apologises as soon as he can.  I don't see him apologising begrudgingly or in a manner that leans towards it being the right thing to do based on because the voters/HM's will be up in arms.  


Caroline doesn't even really listen when she's being told where she's gone/going wrong.  She can barely wait to jump in with her next faux-pas and all the while she's showing out to the gallery (i.e. the other HM's) and hoping to round up support by keeping at it in the hope that she might say or do something vaguely funny.  It doesn't dawn on her to shut up, take note and think on. 

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:

See, that is exactly my assessment of Caroline's failure to engage socially too, Cos. She's old enough to have metered her responses to socially challenging situations by her age. If we need to express concern ourselves about her history of bullying and such-like then C5 should have been there before us. Therefore it is a void argument that she is to young or had been bullied yada yada yada. Adam hasn't been shown to try to excuse himself for any bouts of bad temper that other HMs could nominate him for. Maybe that's because he's reined himself in. 

Big difference, huh?

Adam appears to promptly evaluate exactly where he's gone wrong, who he's wronged... and then apologises as soon as he can.  I don't see him apologising begrudgingly or in a manner that leans towards it being the right thing to do based on because the voters/HM's will be up in arms.  


Caroline doesn't even really listen when she's being told where she's gone/going wrong.  She can barely wait to jump in with her next faux-pas and all the while she's showing out to the gallery (i.e. the other HM's) and hoping to round up support by keeping at it in the hope that she might say or do something vaguely funny.  It doesn't dawn on her to shut up, take note and think on. 

Yep. Whatever debacle she creates it is mostly one of her own thoughtless making.

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:

See, that is exactly my assessment of Caroline's failure to engage socially too, Cos. She's old enough to have metered her responses to socially challenging situations by her age. If we need to express concern ourselves about her history of bullying and such-like then C5 should have been there before us. Therefore it is a void argument that she is to young or had been bullied yada yada yada. Adam hasn't been shown to try to excuse himself for any bouts of bad temper that other HMs could nominate him for. Maybe that's because he's reined himself in. 

Big difference, huh?

Adam appears to promptly evaluate exactly where he's gone wrong, who he's wronged... and then apologises as soon as he can.  I don't see him apologising begrudgingly or in a manner that leans towards it being the right thing to do based on because the voters/HM's will be up in arms.  


Caroline doesn't even really listen when she's being told where she's gone/going wrong.  She can barely wait to jump in with her next faux-pas and all the while she's showing out to the gallery (i.e. the other HM's) and hoping to round up support by keeping at it in the hope that she might say or do something vaguely funny.  It doesn't dawn on her to shut up, take note and think on. 

Yep. Whatever debacle she creates it is mostly one of her own thoughtless making.

That was a blooper on my behalf but edit function messed up. What I meant was that Caroline doesn't care about what social chaos she leaves in her wake. She is so tied up in her own little interpretation of the world she doesn't see the bear pit she's going to fall in.


*throws in comment*


*at ridiculously early time in the morning*


I don't think Caroline was bullied in the past, I think she was the bully..  especially at school.   I think she was the sh*t stirring bitchy girl!



(if anyone is wondering wtf I am doing up at 4.54am...   its cos I have got up to run my own little darling to the station...    she is off a festivalling (Global Gathering). I am sooooo going back to bed when I get in...   cos this time of day is LITERALLY RIDICULOUS* 


I am fast coming to the conclusion that there's some thing not  quite right about Caroline.



and not in a nasty way,  watching her respones to situations  they seem very odd, regardless of who she is interacting  with.


i think she spends a lot of her life feeling really uncomfortable, and her laugh in those situations isn't a proper laugh , its  nervous ,compulsive laugh, take the incident with sara, it was a very strange and powerful reaction, she suddenly felt really uncomfortable and  out gushed the uncontrollable laugh.( in that situation she hadn't been snidey to sara, for once she hadnt done anything wrong)

other times she has had this same reaction, when she has been nasty or bitchy, but the reaction  when she has been told, is exactly the same, and yesterday when she hit herslef in the face,  again the same reaction.


so it's not  directed at anyone  in particular, but i think  an uncontrollable reaction to a cricumstance.


summat not right, mark my words...


Originally Posted by jacksonb:

I am fast coming to the conclusion that there's some thing not  quite right about Caroline.



and not in a nasty way,  watching her respones to situations  they seem very odd, regardless of who she is interacting  with.


i think she spends a lot of her life feeling really uncomfortable, and her laugh in those situations isn't a proper laugh , its  nervous ,compulsive laugh, take the incident with sara, it was a very strange and powerful reaction, she suddenly felt really uncomfortable and  out gushed the uncontrollable laugh.( in that situation she hadn't been snidey to sara, for once she hadnt done anything wrong)

other times she has had this same reaction, when she has been nasty or bitchy, but the reaction  when she has been told, is exactly the same, and yesterday when she hit herslef in the face,  again the same reaction.


so it's not  directed at anyone  in particular, but i think  an uncontrollable reaction to a cricumstance.


summat not right, mark my words...


I get the same feeling, I've watched her talking to people and to BB in the DR and sometimes she just looks really strange..the only way I could describe it is she's not quite right in the head....

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

I am fast coming to the conclusion that there's some thing not  quite right about Caroline.



and not in a nasty way,  watching her respones to situations  they seem very odd, regardless of who she is interacting  with.


i think she spends a lot of her life feeling really uncomfortable, and her laugh in those situations isn't a proper laugh , its  nervous ,compulsive laugh, take the incident with sara, it was a very strange and powerful reaction, she suddenly felt really uncomfortable and  out gushed the uncontrollable laugh.( in that situation she hadn't been snidey to sara, for once she hadnt done anything wrong)

other times she has had this same reaction, when she has been nasty or bitchy, but the reaction  when she has been told, is exactly the same, and yesterday when she hit herslef in the face,  again the same reaction.


so it's not  directed at anyone  in particular, but i think  an uncontrollable reaction to a cricumstance.


summat not right, mark my words...


I get the same feeling, I've watched her talking to people and to BB in the DR and sometimes she just looks really strange..the only way I could describe it is she's not quite right in the head....

   Seriously - stick 30 - 40 years on her and she'll be the batty old witch of her village....children will dare each other to ring her doorbell and run away and daytimes will find her shambling around jumble sales in old cardies that are buttoned up wrong, stockings wrinkled round her ankles, with a weird hat on her still straw like hair, mumblin to herself and living in a  house that's overrun with junk, probably with half a dozen cats.   

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

I am fast coming to the conclusion that there's some thing not  quite right about Caroline.



and not in a nasty way,  watching her respones to situations  they seem very odd, regardless of who she is interacting  with.


i think she spends a lot of her life feeling really uncomfortable, and her laugh in those situations isn't a proper laugh , its  nervous ,compulsive laugh, take the incident with sara, it was a very strange and powerful reaction, she suddenly felt really uncomfortable and  out gushed the uncontrollable laugh.( in that situation she hadn't been snidey to sara, for once she hadnt done anything wrong)

other times she has had this same reaction, when she has been nasty or bitchy, but the reaction  when she has been told, is exactly the same, and yesterday when she hit herslef in the face,  again the same reaction.


so it's not  directed at anyone  in particular, but i think  an uncontrollable reaction to a cricumstance.


summat not right, mark my words...


I get the same feeling, I've watched her talking to people and to BB in the DR and sometimes she just looks really strange..the only way I could describe it is she's not quite right in the head....

   Seriously - stick 30 - 40 years on her and she'll be the batty old witch of her village....children will dare each other to ring her doorbell and run away and daytimes will find her shambling around jumble sales in old cardies that are buttoned up wrong, stockings wrinkled round her ankles, with a weird hat on her still straw like hair, mumblin to herself and living in a  house that's overrun with junk, probably with half a dozen cats.   

,,oh how I miss ringing those type of peoples door bells....


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