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Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:

Holy crap! Does she never shut the feck up? So on top of her disgusting snide reference to Luke A, she did it again! At the dinner party when Luke A is talking about how much he wished he's had his gender reassignment earlier she chirps up, in a sing song way, "But you've had the best of both worlds.." Luke A muttered back "no, I really didn't"... 


Can you credit the ignorance of the woman?! 

How could she even begin to understand  She's a product of her bigoted public school education....Having said that, the 'maintained sector' kids are probably doing worse, pretending that they're cool with it when they really aren't


Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Just how old is Caroline?  Someone remind me please

19 or 20 I think Cos.

Remember that.....they're babies.. and how were you doing at that age?

I was doing a hell of a lot better I can tell you that for nothing Supes!  I had at least managed to negotiate a wide social circle of close friends who remain so to this day. By all her own accounts, Caroline only succeeds in alienating people.  Caroline doesn't seem to come out of whatever cocoon she has tried to wrap herself in. 

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:

I was doing a hell of a lot better I can tell you that for nothing Supes!  I had at least managed to negotiate a wide social circle of close friends who remain so to this day. By all her own accounts, Caroline only succeeds in alienating people.  Caroline doesn't seem to come out of whatever cocoon she has tried to wrap herself in. 

It's the towel around the head,

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Give over 

Was employed at a London Bank since aged 16.

Got married at 19

Expecting my first planned baby at 20.  

I was married at 19  Cosi,had my eldest son 2 weeks before my 20th birthday,12 weeks later unexpectedly got pregnant again,

I managed to keep a wide distance for 15 months 

I had my eldest on my mum's birthday. 


Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:

I was doing a hell of a lot better I can tell you that for nothing Supes!  I had at least managed to negotiate a wide social circle of close friends who remain so to this day. By all her own accounts, Caroline only succeeds in alienating people.  Caroline doesn't seem to come out of whatever cocoon she has tried to wrap herself in. 

It's the towel around the head,

Cheap but excellent. 

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

She's not a people pleaser which is good,but she does need to use some tact , diplomacy and realise she has to take the feelings of others on-board before she runs that mouth.

Lee, I agree, but, whether, I agree or not, she is probably the most straight forward person in there.....and that's sometimes not nice.

IMO Supes she steps well over the being straight line when it's so caustic and damaging to others,straight and self centred not a good mix it becomes anti social .That aside she's not always straight,she's quite good at being sneaky too as proven when evicted HM's were shocked to discover how she'd been acting in there.

Ha Ha, I agree, we've all been subject to that behaviour! 

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:'s turned into Jeremy Kyle.


Should I tell you about my drug years now then?  

Hahahahahahahahaha,that accounts for ninja foxes doing the circuit,

When I say 'drug years now' I'm inferring I may have meddled in the past.  The ninja fox happened. And it in no way resembled the large ginger cat from upstairs, right! 

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Supes:

I can't bliddy believe I'm defending Caroline, BUT, seeing as I am, then I'll go for it....


I don't know what this madness is but stop it right now!!!!!!!!!!!111!

It's not a full moon tonight, is it?    



Supes, think about it for a minute.  None of us have any idea how long the digs and snidey comments have been going on for.  But Becky..???  Seriously?

She really thought she was going to laud it over Luke A (am meh about him for the record).  He told her he didn't care what she said about it him - i.e good or bad - in the DR.

Now, is he wrong to be saying it (finally!) like he sees it.... just like Caroline does?




Checks madness and full moon temperature!!!

Yes, you're certainly right about the digs and snidey comments, on both sides

Take a look at Luke's face in that argument with his eyes and that left dipped angry eyebrow....he says it with his face, she says it with her gob.. imcho of course!

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Just how old is Caroline?  Someone remind me please

19 or 20 I think Cos.

Remember that.....they're babies.. and how were you doing at that age?

I was married with 1 baby and having another,I wouldn't change that for the world although tbh I did ALL I could to steer my kids and niece down a different path,it worked.

Good for you...but, if you were them ???


I dont think it's anything to do with age or education. You can find the most mature head on the youngest shoulder sometimes. I spent 5yrs in boarding school so i wouldn't blame that environment either. Caroline is an endulged young woman and seems to think she can get away with anything by either laughing about it with her cronies or apologising but not reforming. She is rude beyond measure. Nothing straightforward about her, she never says what she means to anyones face, just in snide jeers to her peers. She will have a rude awakening one day but by then it will, no doubt, be too late for her to redeem herself. Sad really, but i just cant feel sorry for her.

Originally Posted by Bethni:

I dont think it's anything to do with age or education. You can find the most mature head on the youngest shoulder sometimes. I spent 5yrs in boarding school so i wouldn't blame that environment either. Caroline is an endulged young woman and seems to think she can get away with anything by either laughing about it with her cronies or apologising but not reforming. She is rude beyond measure. Nothing straightforward about her, she never says what she means to anyones face, just in snide jeers to her peers. She will have a rude awakening one day but by then it will, no doubt, be too late for her to redeem herself. Sad really, but i just cant feel sorry for her.

Ta for that Bethni. 

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Just how old is Caroline?  Someone remind me please

19 or 20 I think Cos.

Remember that.....they're babies.. and how were you doing at that age?

Give over 

Was employed at a London Bank since aged 16.

Got married at 19

Expecting my first planned baby at 20.  


Edit:  And I had a joint mortgage.

That's why we can't scoff Cos: Oooo you were posh, bank clerk at 16!

Me: butchers from 13, plus bingo hall from 14, (3 nights a week plus 12 hrs on Sat and 3 Sun's in 4,) Tbf, I had a week and a half off for my A levels...! Uni.....god knows how, worked here there and everywhere!...First mortgage at 21...... But I'd still probably have been a complete arse if I'd have been in the BB house at that age!



Originally Posted by Bethni:

I dont think it's anything to do with age or education. You can find the most mature head on the youngest shoulder sometimes. I spent 5yrs in boarding school so i wouldn't blame that environment either. Caroline is an endulged young woman and seems to think she can get away with anything by either laughing about it with her cronies or apologising but not reforming. She is rude beyond measure. Nothing straightforward about her, she never says what she means to anyones face, just in snide jeers to her peers. She will have a rude awakening one day but by then it will, no doubt, be too late for her to redeem herself. Sad really, but i just cant feel sorry for her.

I think differently, her parents patently disapprove of her being in the BB house... I may be wrong, but I have no sense of her being 'loved' never mind 'loved unconditionally'..What's indulgent about that?

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Just how old is Caroline?  Someone remind me please

19 or 20 I think Cos.

Remember that.....they're babies.. and how were you doing at that age?

I was doing a hell of a lot better I can tell you that for nothing Supes!  I had at least managed to negotiate a wide social circle of close friends who remain so to this day. By all her own accounts, Caroline only succeeds in alienating people.  Caroline doesn't seem to come out of whatever cocoon she has tried to wrap herself in. 

Me too... and those of you who have had babies at that age and have brought them up to be upstanding citizens, well done...

Of course, none of us are bitchy, use dry humour or are sardonic in any way, even now we're very grown up, so that's alright 

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:

Holy crap! Does she never shut the feck up? So on top of her disgusting snide reference to Luke A, she did it again! At the dinner party when Luke A is talking about how much he wished he's had his gender reassignment earlier she chirps up, in a sing song way, "But you've had the best of both worlds.." Luke A muttered back "no, I really didn't"... 


Can you credit the ignorance of the woman?! 

NO, but I can understand those who can't understand and ask questions, however wonky they are 

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Give over 

Was employed at a London Bank since aged 16.

Got married at 19

Expecting my first planned baby at 20.  

I was married at 19  Cosi,had my eldest son 2 weeks before my 20th birthday,12 weeks later unexpectedly got pregnant again,

Married at 19 first baby aged 23 - looking back I was young but I knew all about sensitivity and how to treat other people in a civilised manner.


19 is young but it's not a baby - bad manners due to age can be excused (whilst being taught) up to the age of about four IMO.

Soozy Woo

My daughter came into the room as Caroline was saying to Luke you've had the best of both worlds and said she's so rude and that other girl just burped at the table (ash), they are so rude, thats from a 17yr old brought up by a single parent, just goes to show that money and the best education aren't always the best, if Caroline was my daughter i'd be evicting her myself from the house

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Bethni:

I dont think it's anything to do with age or education. You can find the most mature head on the youngest shoulder sometimes. I spent 5yrs in boarding school so i wouldn't blame that environment either. Caroline is an endulged young woman and seems to think she can get away with anything by either laughing about it with her cronies or apologising but not reforming. She is rude beyond measure. Nothing straightforward about her, she never says what she means to anyones face, just in snide jeers to her peers. She will have a rude awakening one day but by then it will, no doubt, be too late for her to redeem herself. Sad really, but i just cant feel sorry for her.

I think differently, her parents patently disapprove of her being in the BB house... I may be wrong, but I have no sense of her being 'loved' never mind 'loved unconditionally'..What's indulgent about that?

Perhaps it's because they love her that they really didn't want her to go into BB. I'm sure that they foresaw that she may not come across well - if they tried to advise her (maybe because they love her) she quite clearly ignored their advice. What can a parent do? I have no idea whether she's loved or not TBH. I'm not really sure how we'd know.

Soozy Woo

Caroline's lack of sensitivity and empathy for others is staggering.

Her bitching and snidey remarks are endless.

Her habit of targetting one HM, and encouraging others to do likewise, amounts to bullying.

Her sneering, arrogant, condescending attitude to those outside her little group is appalling.

I can't think of one redeeming feature this girl possesses - imo, speaking your mind is not a redeeming characteristic when it is used to hurt and belittle others.

I can't stand her!


If Luke A could maybe try to take things less seriously, he could have laughed at Caroline's ill-judged attempt to minimise his 'regret' at not changing sooner.


He's capable of joking about it to people like Adam, but is hyper-sensitive with others. There was no need to be so condescending towards Becky, simply for using the word 'change'. This then set Caroline off into embarrassed giggling mode. 


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