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yeah.. you have to string all three together... 

Aimee... this will either be really really simple... or a right bleedin mare!!!

I once removed some of our leads to clean behind the telly area... I was gonna label them, but it looked so simple I didn't bother.   We had no Sky tv for a fortnight cos none of us could suss it out.

Good luck!
back of the tv to the back of the virgin box. I also found this online

Your virgin box should have two scart sockets,if you only have one scart socket on the tv then...Put a scart lead in the one marked tv on the box and plug it into the tv,then from av1 on your dvd take a scart and plug into the other socket on the box.If you cannot get the dvd to play when the box is on then switch the box off.
back of the tv to the back of the virgin box. I also found this online

Your virgin box should have two scart sockets,if you only have one scart socket on the tv then...Put a scart lead in the one marked tv on the box and plug it into the tv,then from av1 on your dvd take a scart and plug into the other socket on the box.If you cannot get the dvd to play when the box is on then switch the box off.
Have you sorted it? I think mine is like that... connect the DVD player to the virgin box with one scart lead, then connect the virgin box to the tv with the other scart lead. See if that works

Sorry, I'm not at my flat so I cant check how its set up! I think that should work though You have to turn off the virgin to get the DVD player to work though, although, when I turn mine on, it switches the sky box off automatically
Reference: Aimee
this is when you need a man
oh don't you beleive it Aims...  I thought, given that my hubby is way more addicted to the telly than I am, that that would incentivise him to actually get a booklet out and work it out.   He did kinda try a couple of times. 

But if you want something doing... you gotta do it yourself (I did in the end.. with the booklets... starting from scratch on my own in the quiet daytime)
You can buy a multi scart adapter of which you plug in the main scart into the hole at the back of the tv and then the scart from virgin box into scart socket on adapter and then the dvd scart into the second hole on adapter.

But if you just want to watch a dvd just unplug the virgin scart at back of tv and plug in your dvd scart and you can watch dvd simples.....

One word of advice, even if you have adapter with dvd and virgin in it, the minute the dvd player is turned on it overrides the signal from any other receiver.
Sheep in a Jeep

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