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Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
This woman is borderline pedophile - seriously.

No she isn't. It's a sexual offence because she's in a position of authority and the lad is below 18 and that's illegal. Had she not worked at the school then she would not have been doing anything illegal. Paedophilia is about pre-pubescents and shouldn't be polluted as a term with pubescent teenagers.

That's hebephile...makes not a jot of difference to me, they're all people, male or female who sexually offend against children
If a male member of staff had done this everyone would be outraged. Why do people often think it's different when it's a woman? It's exactly the same.

I would be equally disgusted, if it had been a male.

I just find it really unacceptable, that when a pupil dares to come forward and out this kind of behaviour from a so called teacher .... there is little, or next to no support whatsoever, for the pupil.

I'm not sure where you will find the help your daughter deserves LMS ... but this is hardly what you would call justice is it Disappointed

I bet your daughter is begining to wish she'd kept her mouth shut .... but why should she ?? ....... this teacher is every parents nightmare ...... it's terrible Shake Head
Originally posted by Bethni:
I've read the whole thread and am deeply toubled for you and your daughter.
Can i ask though....why did you and your daughter get involved with the whole thing about reporting it to the school? Has your daughter's B?F no parent's? Why didn't he report it himself?
Do you know, I never even thought about that! I think probably he was worried about what would happen. When my daughter told me I just said immediately that she had to do something. It was just after that woman at the pre-school was arrested for doing all sorts and although the 2 things arent comparable, I just knew that if anything else happened and we had done nothing, then we would be in the wrong too.
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by electric6:
To have kids from the school on her f/b account was also veeeeeeery wrong IMO.

Whilst not "officially" wrong it's unprofessional and only setting herself up for trouble (well,if losing her job wasn't enough, the reckless bint!) Eeker

It is very possible that she is 'grooming' them, in which case that is a sexual offence
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Had he been 14 or 15 then it still wouldn't have been paedophilia. The age of consent (currently 16) is arbitrary. A physically mature 14yo could easily look and behave like a 16 or 17yo. Paedophilia is about children, pre-pubescent children, because those children are not sexual beings by definition. Attraction to early to mid teenagers is hebephilia, and mid to late teenagers is ephebophilia. It sounds like a technicality but I think it matters as pre-pubescent children are not sexual beings and it is completely obvious that that is so and therefore there is no defence at all.
Fair enough, but I just put my thoughts and views and opinions based on what the OP said. I am sorry if anyone has got offended. Frowner

As I said, if anything I have said has offended anyone, then I apologise,.. I guess it was a bit of an 'assumption,' and may have been out of order, but I really do believe it. Sorry electric 6... it's just what I think and I can't change that... I do get where you are coming from, and I totally respect your views and thoughts hun Hug But I truly believe that someone like this woman would not care if the lad had been under 16 y.o.. the OP already said that it's possible it may have started when he was 15.

Nevertheless, I don't like bad feeling, so here's a hug Hug and bye bye again everyone, and thanks for the nice words for my auntie electric 6 . Wave
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
This woman is borderline pedophile - seriously.

No she isn't. It's a sexual offence because she's in a position of authority and the lad is below 18 and that's illegal. Had she not worked at the school then she would not have been doing anything illegal. Paedophilia is about pre-pubescents and shouldn't be polluted as a term with pubescent teenagers.
Fair comment, but I know it isn't 'actually' pedophillia coz he is 16, that is why I said 'borderline.' I said that because if he had been 14 or 15, I don't think it would have made any difference to her. Ergo she is a borderline pedophile IMHO. I think she would quite happily and willingly go for someone as young as 13 if he was 'fit' enough. JMHO of course based on what the OP said about her. Smiler
And he could well have been only 15 when the texts started. I'd have to check, but its possible.

The 'abuse of trust' offence applies to young people under the age of 18, so it doesn't matter either way
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Good post and I agree. And I still stand by what I said, that people like this who go for SCHOOL kids (16 or not) would probably not think twice about going for someone 2 or 3 years younger if the opportunity arose. Still struggling to understand why this was such a shocking thing to say.. it's just my opinion. Confused

The fact that he was a school kid, makes not a jot of difference in the eyes of the law.

It's the fact that she was a TA that would make any sexual contact illegal.

He is legally old enough to marry a 60 year old if he wants.
Originally posted by electric6:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Good post and I agree. And I still stand by what I said, that people like this who go for SCHOOL kids (16 or not) would probably not think twice about going for someone 2 or 3 years younger if the opportunity arose. Still struggling to understand why this was such a shocking thing to say.. it's just my opinion. Confused

The fact that he was a school kid, makes not a jot of difference in the eyes of the law.

It's the fact that she was a TA that would make any sexual contact illegal.

He is legally old enough to marry a 60 year old if he wants.
fair enough sweetie Hug Bye bye Smiler
Originally posted by pussycatj:
would just like to say that my 14 year old looks like a 16 year old *shrugs*

Can I piggy-back onto this point? That's the trouble, if the woman was not working at the school and met a 16yo and it went sexual then it would not be illegal at all and certainly not paedophilia. If the 16yo turns out to be 14 and looks and claims to be 16 then who's to say that it wasn't an honest and unfortunate mistake. That's never going to happen with a true child and that's why I think the word should only be used for those sort of offences otherwise it waters it down.
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Had he been 14 or 15 then it still wouldn't have been paedophilia. The age of consent (currently 16) is arbitrary. A physically mature 14yo could easily look and behave like a 16 or 17yo. Paedophilia is about children, pre-pubescent children, because those children are not sexual beings by definition. Attraction to early to mid teenagers is hebephilia, and mid to late teenagers is ephebophilia. It sounds like a technicality but I think it matters as pre-pubescent children are not sexual beings and it is completely obvious that that is so and therefore there is no defence at all.
Fair enough, but I just put my thoughts and views and opinions based on what the OP said. I am sorry if anyone has got offended. Frowner

As I said, if anything I have said has offended anyone, then I apologise,.. I guess it was a bit of an 'assumption,' and may have been out of order, but I really do believe it. Sorry electric 6... it's just what I think and I can't change that... I do get where you are coming from, and I totally respect your views and thoughts hun Hug But I truly believe that someone like this woman would not care if the lad had been under 16 y.o.. the OP already said that it's possible it may have started when he was 15.

Nevertheless, I don't like bad feeling, so here's a hug Hug and bye bye again everyone, and thanks for the nice words for my auntie electric 6 . Wave
Dont worry pixie, thanks for your input. Im sure she would have to have had a police check to start at the school. Im a carer and I had to have one before I could start looking after my old folk. But this may have been her first job with kids. And her last I hope!
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Bethni:
I've read the whole thread and am deeply toubled for you and your daughter.
Can i ask though....why did you and your daughter get involved with the whole thing about reporting it to the school? Has your daughter's B?F no parent's? Why didn't he report it himself?
Do you know, I never even thought about that! I think probably he was worried about what would happen. When my daughter told me I just said immediately that she had to do something. It was just after that woman at the pre-school was arrested for doing all sorts and although the 2 things arent comparable, I just knew that if anything else happened and we had done nothing, then we would be in the wrong too.

The only advice i can think of then that may help your daughter is to get her B/F's parent's involved now.After all he is their son, it should be their place to raise concern's on this matter....keep your daughter out of it from now on and let the school work with the parents to resolve the matter. if your daughter still get's harassed i would suggest taking the matter to the police and let them deal with the school.
Frowner Hug OMG your poor daughter, it is grooming but this woman is obviously smart enough to delete her Facebook account to try and get into trouble, but wouldn't the people there have her details and could recall the accoint if the police get involved?. It's good that the school are doing all they can, maybe they should get someone in to talk to the kids about the dangers of social networking sites or to make them feel aware of people trying to groom them.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by Little Miss SpursBig Grinont worry pixie, thanks for your input. Im sure she would have to have had a police check to start at the school. Im a carer and I had to have one before I could start looking after my old folk. But this may have been her first job with kids. And her last I hope!
Valentine for you too and Valentine for electric 6. OMG It's getting dark. REALLY AM GOING NOW Laugh
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Fair comment, but I know it isn't 'actually' pedophillia coz he is 16, that is why I said 'borderline.' I said that because if he had been 14 or 15, I don't think it would have made any difference to her. Ergo she is a borderline pedophile IMHO. I think she would quite happily and willingly go for someone as young as 13 if he was 'fit' enough. JMHO of course based on what the OP said about her. Smiler

Had he been 14 or 15 then it still wouldn't have been paedophilia. The age of consent (currently 16) is arbitrary. A physically mature 14yo could easily look and behave like a 16 or 17yo. Paedophilia is about children, pre-pubescent children, because those children are not sexual beings by definition. Attraction to early to mid teenagers is hebephilia, and mid to late teenagers is ephebophilia. It sounds like a technicality but I think it matters as pre-pubescent children are not sexual beings and it is completely obvious that that is so and therefore there is no defence at all.

But this has nothing to do with the 'age of consent' 'though, the woman has committed offence(s) under The Sexual Offences Act, there is no 'defence' that the young person is a teenager
Originally posted by Bethni:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Bethni:
I've read the whole thread and am deeply toubled for you and your daughter.
Can i ask though....why did you and your daughter get involved with the whole thing about reporting it to the school? Has your daughter's B?F no parent's? Why didn't he report it himself?
Do you know, I never even thought about that! I think probably he was worried about what would happen. When my daughter told me I just said immediately that she had to do something. It was just after that woman at the pre-school was arrested for doing all sorts and although the 2 things arent comparable, I just knew that if anything else happened and we had done nothing, then we would be in the wrong too.

The only advice i can think of then that may help your daughter is to get her B/F's parent's involved now.After all he is their son, it should be their place to raise concern's on this matter....keep your daughter out of it from now on and let the school work with the parents to resolve the matter. if your daughter still get's harassed i would suggest taking the matter to the police and let them deal with the school.
Ive just asked her and she said his dad knows but not his mum. (theyre not together) Im now gonna have to seriously think of phoning her myself, while at the same time not wanting to rock the boat for my daughter and the b/f, if he dont want his mother to know. But at the end of the day my daughter is my priority, so I may have no choice.
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Frowner Hug OMG your poor daughter, it is grooming but this woman is obviously smart enough to delete her Facebook account to try and get into trouble, but wouldn't the people there have her details and could recall the accoint if the police get involved?. It's good that the school are doing all they can, maybe they should get someone in to talk to the kids about the dangers of social networking sites or to make them feel aware of people trying to groom them.
Hiya Darlo Wave Im sure you're right. She even HAD my daughter on her F?B I found out last night! I asked her if she had ever had messages from her and she said she had ages ago, so it could be found if needed!
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Frowner Hug OMG your poor daughter, it is grooming but this woman is obviously smart enough to delete her Facebook account to try and get into trouble, but wouldn't the people there have her details and could recall the accoint if the police get involved?. It's good that the school are doing all they can, maybe they should get someone in to talk to the kids about the dangers of social networking sites or to make them feel aware of people trying to groom them.
Hiya Darlo Wave Im sure you're right. She even HAD my daughter on her F?B I found out last night! I asked her if she had ever had messages from her and she said she had ages ago, so it could be found if needed!

Hi LMS Wave

Yeah if your daughter hasn't deleted them they can be used as evidence. OMG can't imagine how you're feeling now Frowner.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
This TA was bang out of order and your daughter was completely in the right for reporting it.

The problem is, sometimes when you do the right thing...the innocent (your daughter in this case) will suffer the repercussions.Frowner

If she thinks she can cope with all these going ons in the 6th form and it won't affect her education, let her. But if she thinks it's just too much to handle....just let her choose another place. She shouldn't have to but it may be the best thing in the long run.

In the meantime I would tell the school what's going on cos they need to be there to back her up as she did the right thing.

The woman has behaved inappropriately for her position and committed a criminal offence that was intended to stop people in authority over young adult from playing on that relationship for their own ends. The lad is 16 years old, that is above the normal age of consent, and apparently very good looking. Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves here talking about grooming and the like as though she is a predatory sexual offender. She may well have just fallen for him in particular and rather rashly acted on it. Wrong, for sure, but let's be calm about it.
I'll be thinking about this now for ages Little Miss you say your daughter is your priority. she has been with this boy some time you say so i am sure his mother would probably welcome the call.Your daughter and yourself shouldn't have to deal with it alone.Why not invite her round ith her might help if you can sit down together and sort it out.Your daughter has been a brave girl coming forard like she has.... now her B/F should step in.
Your daughter did the right thing and I'm sure the authorities are looking into the womans background further so there might be more to come..
Tell your daughter to start 6th form and see how it goes, by then it will have most probably died down plus the ones saying all this might not go to 6th form with her, so she'd be throwing away part of her future for nothing....
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by Bethni:
I've read the whole thread and am deeply toubled for you and your daughter.
Can i ask though....why did you and your daughter get involved with the whole thing about reporting it to the school? Has your daughter's B?F no parent's? Why didn't he report it himself?

Nod I was also trying to think of a way of expressing this opinion.

Maybe 'cos it's v v difficult for boys to report this stuff whilst attitudes prevail that it's not abuse when it's female on male and think that somehow the boy should be 'flattered'/'get in there for a bit of action' with an older/experienced woman. Makes me so Angry
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by Bethni:
I've read the whole thread and am deeply toubled for you and your daughter.
Can i ask though....why did you and your daughter get involved with the whole thing about reporting it to the school? Has your daughter's B?F no parent's? Why didn't he report it himself?

Nod I was also trying to think of a way of expressing this opinion.

Maybe 'cos it's v v difficult for boys to report this stuff whilst attitudes prevail that it's not abuse when it's female on male and think that somehow the boy should be 'flattered'/'get in there for a bit of action' with an older/experienced woman. Makes me so Angry

Well at least he was able to tell somebody. Nod
Garage Joe
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
But this has nothing to do with the 'age of consent' 'though, the woman has committed offence(s) under The Sexual Offences Act, there is no 'defence' that the young person is a teenager

Exactly. It's an offence because of her position together with his being between 16 and 18, not paedophilia or child abuse.
Maybe 'cos it's v v difficult for boys to report this stuff whilst attitudes prevail that it's not abuse when it's female on male and think that somehow the boy should be 'flattered'/'get in there for a bit of action' with an older/experienced woman. Makes me so

Super i agree with you on this, but it worried the boy enough to show it to his girlfriend... he probably showed his friends too. I just think his mother should be told, i would want to know if it was my son. LMS daughter is going through hell now worrying over this, she must have someone else shoulder the responiblity now.
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
The woman has behaved inappropriately for her position and committed a criminal offence that was intended to stop people in authority over young adult from playing on that relationship for their own ends. The lad is 16 years old, that is above the normal age of consent, and apparently very good looking. Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves here talking about grooming and the like as though she is a predatory sexual offender. She may well have just fallen for him in particular and rather rashly acted on it. Wrong, for sure, but let's be calm about it.

Staff working in schools know that they shouldn't be social-networking with pupils and sending sexually explicit text messages to them. She knew she was doing wrong but still did it. I think you are being way too generous Daniel.

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