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So you lovely people I have a problem.  I bought this pooter in August 2008 with an extended two year warranty.  Two weeks later it stopped working and as it was in guarantee I sent it back to Acer for repair which they did.  Then in May 2009 it crashed again and had to be sent to them again.  This time it needed a new hard drive.  The same thing happened in July.  Now 2 months later I'm having the same problems I had just before it crashed the last two times.

This leads me to think there is a problem with the machine.  If it crashes again I will need to send it to the company that I bought it from as it will now come under the extended warranty jobby.

My question is, with all these problems in just over a year (this will be the fourth problem with the machine) would I be justified in asking for a new or replacement lappy as this one obviously has serious problems?  I know I can keep getting it repaired for the next two years but I'm seriously ticked off as I paid quite a lot for this lappy and the inconvenience of it breaking so often is really annoying me.

Could I ask for a new one or how many times does it have to break before I can show that this is a problem that can't be fixed with repeated new hard drives?
I've looked around and I can't see that this particular model is a problematic one so I think it is just my machine which is a dud

Any help greatly appreciated

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Jackson - It will be ok for a bit then it either freezes totally or it goes black.  I then have to wait until it runs out of battery and fire it up again.  Then it tells me that windows didn't shut down properly and should I open it normally!  It also keeps making suggestions as to what the problem might be but nothing on the microsoft site seems to fix it

It kept doing this the last few times and each time it required a new hard drive so like I said I think I have a dud

Thanks for the link I shall peruse it now
i had similar probs,pengy, they replaced the hard drive, then it started switching itself off and freezing, i had the same message as you  , turned out it was the motheroard all along, doubt i needed the new hard i had fitted. now i have a new motherboard  and it's  like a comp should be.
could be they replaced your hard drive, because   seems to be the option that cures most things but really needed to replace the motherboard.
Pengy ... the consumer rights thingy... I can't advise on (though I could on the legal side of it if you really wanted - I would ask Mr Ditty... you'd better shout if you want me to ask him the legalities of it)...

But.. re: Acer laptops   -  absolutely crap aren't they?    My son has one...   we chose the best spec we could for the money, and when he has moaned about its performance I have offhandedly replied its cos he has so much crap running on his desktop, or that blips happen etc.

A few months ago my laptop was poorly so I was forced to use his!   It really was horrible... the hardware and the software.    We won't get one again.

I've had loads of laptops... and apart from the obvious purrrrrr ones (Vaio's & Toshiba's).. the ones Mr Ditty & I have now have been the best budget laptops ever... both are made by ASUS.
Mine is an AcerAspire 6935...  Best machine I have had so far... (Gulp) worried look

If you have given the company every chance to fix a problem and it keeps re occurring you are within your rights to ask for a replacement.. It falls within the fit for purpose laws.. Yours is clearly NOT fit for purpose.. Mention that & the fact they have failed to fix the machine.
In my opinion it is an overheating problem or PSU (power supply) problem.

If they are repairing your lappy each time they should also be sending you a report of what has been fixed & what has been tested.

Also only ever buy Dell or Asus. Dell are just all round good & Asus have a instant 3 yr warranty & if something does go wrong they send a courier to pick it up & give you a loan or replacement instantly.

You are within your rights to ask for a replacement or (not sure about) your money back.
Bought a new Acer comp a couple of years ago,unforunately my niece got flim fliammed by an assistant to buy one with a Micro Tower.I wasn't with her..hummph! ONE WEEK later it went on the fritz,bloke came out and said the hard drive was boogered,and replaced it.It lasted 14 months before crashing and freezing.Didn't have the warranty,got a local bloke in a comp shop to fix it.Soon as I showed it to him,he stated "Oh Dear a Micro Tower" Seems they overheat and crash easily.Paid ÂĢ65.00 to repair it,a few months later it crashed and went tits up again.Kicked it out.Back on an old Packard Bell tower  now.Not impressed by ACER at all.Our old comp "E-Machines" lasted nearly 6 years.
Reference: James
Ahh pathetic Computer World... I sometimes go in there to upset the sales people by asking questions about computers..
when I've got time to kill & am just meandering round the shops I will go into PC world & pretty much do the same. I will also ask if I can see inside the case & what sort of parts they have in them. The one that really kills them is when I ask about fans & size. Its probably the cheapest thing on the computer & they only come in a couple of sizes & can also be seen from outside the case most of the time. But still they have to go ask someone cause their not sure.

Bliddy idiots work in an elec/puta store & have no idea

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