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Yeah Real, I've just double posted in another thread coz I was to eager with me clicky finger when it didn't go through first time
We are now in a society where everyting has to happen now--- push a button-- and instant action. We don't have time to wait nowadays --- we want it NOW    Not good for blood pressure though- and alcohol consumption
Understandable though.... the dissing of the prawn cocktail has gone on for long enough!
*shameface* hahahah   We must make a stand!  It's all the food groups covered in one tiny meal innit! *feels the prawn cocktail lurve*
Sarum offline 1110 Forum Posts Today at 02:55 (Edited: )
Would you look at that.  It's just lush that is.
f I knew how to use FB I'd be happy to invite you but FB is a mystery to me lol.
Shit--- Don't know who i am now friends with now then  Oh well-- i'll find out i guess.  FB is good though YR and you just need to sign up-- i have loads of FMs from here on my Friends list.   Now't sinister about it-- Just enjoy the Farming-- playing Bejewelled-- and generally getting dark rings under yer eyes from doing it.
LoriVIP For Employees online 912 Forum Posts Today at 02:00 (Edited: ) Hi, all: I haven't heard of any issues that our servers may be having, but it's possible. Let's see if it's just a temporary little glitch. I'll keep tabs on this topic, so if you keep having trouble, post in here, OK? *looks at watch* shouldn't you roustabouts be in bed??
Lori.... It's been a nightmare tonight with "internal error" messages etc;.. I meself signed in and then went to Big Brother UK-- and i wasn't signed i there?? Signed in again----- and the sam happenend???? closed my browser-- FF and opened and tried again and managed to get here... Other FMs keep getting kicked out and have to re- log in..
f I knew how to use FB I'd be happy to invite you but FB is a mystery to me lol.

Shit--- Don't know who i am now friends with now then Oh well-- i'll find out i guess. FB is good though YR and you just need to sign up-- i have loads of FMs from here on my Friends list. Now't sinister about it-- Just enjoy the Farming-- playing Bejewelled-- and generally getting dark rings under yer eyes from doing it
Heehee, I have an FB a/c which I set up after an invite from a friend, since then I've gotten emails from friends I know but loads from people I don't know, how do those peeps know about me lol  I can't figure out how to respond to those I know, do I do it it on my page or theirs
Yellow Rose
Heehee, I have an FB a/c which I set up after an invite from a friend, since then I've gotten emails from friends I know but loads from people I don't know, how do those peeps know about me lol I can't figure out how to respond to those I know, do I do it it on my page or theirs
Just post on their wall, or look for( send Message) to them on their site..
I thought it was size issue
So did I, but it's not....

There are two ways to tell a shrimp from a prawn;
Shrimps carry their eggs around, stuck to their abdomen, til they're hatched, but prawns just release them into the water (which isn't a lot of help unless you're a marine biologist) and the other way is to with the the armour plates on their bodies; prawns have their armour plates overlapping front-to back, but shrimps have their second abdominal plate overlapping at the back and the front, like a saddle.

Isn't Google wonderful?
just to confuse matters... different countries call different prawny things the different names!

Languestines are a bit of a dissapointment imo.   Sharp hard shell.. so difficult to deal with...  stupid pincer things.... and what looks like a right tasty bit of prawn is often not that tasty.

the little cold water prawns are the tastiest ones to eat straight from the shells.   They are soooo yummmmm!

ArghhhhhhH!   I am going to dream of prawns at this rate!

Ahhh Ahh-- but where do the Languestines come in??? These are sommat to do with prawns-- might just be a posh name to charge extra in restaurants?? Hey and good news on the FB link Lori--- Microsoft are introducing Twitter, FB, Talk FM and sommat else to the XBox 360 on Tues. Why turn a gaming console into a ?????? can't think of a name for it-- They put a Sky player on it a couple of weeks ago??? My XBox is for gaming..

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