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What DID said under no circumstances let any debt collectors in!!! Once they have entered a property peacfully they are then legally allowed to hire lock smiths to get in again if they think the property in there is by rights theres.
They walked into my friends kitchen a few months ago, she was late with her COuncil Tax, and had been down to the Town Hall to pay cash but they wouldn't let her as it had been 'passed over'....they wouldn't leave, wouldn't let her speak to anyone of their superiors on the phone etc...she managed to get hold of the Lady at the Town Hall who she had tried to sort the payment out with, but they still wouldn't listen and she paid them to get them out of her house...

....they even told her they'd say she LET them in, she didn't...their word against hers....she told them that if they didn't leave after she had gave them what she had in her purse, she could say much worse (if you get my drift), two blokes and one Woman...they went after they had taken payment,but she was shaken up!
The Devil In Diamante
Why would she do that DID? He's back 'at home,' with his wife
Ahh, sorry, must've missed that part

Barmy, he sound like a proper creep, you never know what he is saying to his Wife, I once went out with a bloke for 4 years, he lived a double life for the last 2 of them and told his other GF that I was stalking him He is probably not helping her paranoia at all...
The Devil In Diamante
first thing that crossed my mind was how do you know it was her that gave the debt collectors your address.. from what you've said about him I'd think it was him that did that to get them off his back at home..

Also as far as your address being blacklisted I thought the law had changed so a person was blacklisted not an address, due to problems people with good credit had when moving to a new property that had previous debts listed against it..

lesson to be learnt here I think.. don't mess with married/attached men 
Mount Olympus *Olly*

And this, folks, is why I don't join Facebook.
Although if I did, I think I'd know better than to get suckered in by a married man who wanted to be 'friends' without his missus knowing, then blame her for getting angry when she found out.

Flippinell, Brummie, please be more sensible in future - and stop acting like you wouldn't be just as annoyed as this loser's wife, if you were in her shoes.

Yellow Rose is quite right - ignore all post addressed to him except to return it. And keep an eye on your credit rating.

The Devil In Diamante 5460 Forum Posts Yesterday at 2:39 PM (Last Edited: Reference: What DID said under no circumstances let any debt collectors in!!! Once they have entered a property peacfully they are then legally allowed to hire lock smiths to get in again if they think the property in there is by rights theres. They walked into my friends kitchen a few months ago, she was late with her COuncil Tax, and had been down to the Town Hall to pay cash but they wouldn't let her as it had been 'passed over'....they wouldn't leave, wouldn't let her speak to anyone of their superiors on the phone etc...she managed to get hold of the Lady at the Town Hall who she had tried to sort the payment out with, but they still wouldn't listen and she paid them to get them out of her house... ....they even told her they'd say she LET them in, she didn't...their word against hers....she told them that if they didn't leave after she had gave them what she had in her purse, she could say much worse (if you get my drift), two blokes and one Woman...they went after they had taken payment,but she was shaken up!

DID you should tell your friend to report this to the police as it is illegal then report it to the council. They should care what kind of companies represent them!
Reference:Sexy Kelly
DID you should tell your friend to report this to the police as it is illegal then report it to the council. They should care what kind of companies represent them!
She phoned the Woman at the Council (who she'd tried to pay the cash to) while they were there...her word against theirs Kelly, she was just glad to get rid of them, and glad her Son wasn't home. She lives in a Bungalow and could've just come out of the Bathroom half naked 10 minutes earlier....they didn't care that they were intimidating her one iota!

They said that they had sent letters etc, which they hadn't, they also said that they had spoken to her on the phone, and had called round and seen her hiding, she asked what date this was, they pulled out a notebook and gave her a date....this was impossible as she was in Koala Lumpur at the time and had the plane tickets to prove it.....
The Devil In Diamante

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