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Hi all - not been around for a bit. I've got a problem and this is the first place I thought to maybe get a few ideas...

Recently I have been seeing a man (some of you may remember) that found me over on FB.  He was my first b/f at aged 16.  Anyway - I had been seeing him as in nothing going on just friendly chat and the odd hug.  Recently he had a big bust up with his wife and he ended up here for a few days.  His wife emailed me, assuming we were having an affair, basically saying, 'you've got my husband so you can have his debts too'.  Since then, they have patched things up, rowed again, he's been back and now he's gone home again.  However, I AM getting bailiffs letters, phonecalls etc etc from debt companies looking for him.  He has never ever lived here and never will.  What can I do??  She has given these companies false information, she has given out my home address and phone number and is surely defrauding these debt companies??  Is this a police matter?  I've tried several times to contact the CAB but they're always engaged.  I am absolutely furious as I owe NOT ONE penny to anyone and everything i have got is paid for.  These are NOT my debts and are nothing to do with me!!

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what was that supes??  Croc, I have thought about doing that, but I decided to open one of the letters a few weeks ago and it was a notice that bailiffs were coming out in 48 hours - so I have decided to open anything that comes here now just in case!!!  Something else I have thought about was to fone a debt advice line (will have to do it tomorrow now) - to see exactly how illegal what she has done is (if that makes sense) - maybe they will be able to help me?
Hay Barmy Clearly this friend has relationship trouble and i doubt him staying over is helpful to either of you. Firstly i would address your friend and simply tell him you think it only complicates matters further when he stays at yours after a bust up with the misses. Who could blame her for thinking something is going on. Secondly i would ask your friend to get in touch with these debt collection companies and give them his registered, current address. If he is a friend and not just using you as someone to run to when he has a fight with his wife, he should get this sorted quicker than you can say please. Hope this post does'nt sound too harsh
thanx Kelly - I have had a word with him and he has managed to sort some of it out.  what is worrying me is that today I had a letter (addressed to him but at this address) - it was from John Lewis saying he owed over ÂĢ1500 and he needs to pay by 25 March.  I txt this info to him today and told him to sort it.  There is no phone number on the letter for me to let them know, so I can only TRUST that he will do it.   If he doesnt then the next thing will be a summons at this address again - i'm terrified of this address being blacklisted over something that is nothing to do with me as my credit rating is excellent.  I really dont need the stress
I personally think that she is just trying to get rid of some of the debt from their address and she doesnt care who gets it
Or maybe she simply sent them to where he was living. This guy seems a complete loser/tosser imo, who, if I remember correctly seems to be taking you for a ride/taking advantage of you
First of all hun dont panic. Worst case scenario if the minimum amount is not paid on time the current creditor will either seen out another deadline/ask for full amount to be paid or sell the debt on to another debt collection company. This cycle will continue for years if nothing is done so dont panic about summons and things just yet. If you do however get baliffs at the door DO NOT LET THEM IN! Even if they say there dying for a pee. Simply tell them the person they are looking for does not live here and never has. Debt collection companies hire specialist companies to track people down so they dont escape the debt. However blacklisting your address is not something you can do much about until you either speak to CAB to sort it or he sorts it.
oh I totally understand Kelly - I've had some quite viscious emails and stuff from her (totally understandable - I would be the same probably) AND I've had to turn every fone in the house off before now because of her relentless calls - but to get his debts sent to me the very same day he moved to his parents is going a bit far dont you think?  She doesnt know me or anything about me.  Maybe things have been said/done in their house, but I'm innocent in all of this really (naive maybe to bloody see him in the first place)
and his wife KNEW he had gone back to his parents house
I'm confused Barmie, maybe she was too and thought that he was staying at yours/having an affair but telling her he was at his parents? You did say in your original post: Recently he had a big bust up with his wife and he ended up here for a few days.  It seems a long time ago since, again if I remember correctly, she got him to delete you and your family from his fb 'cos she thought he was having an affair with you, like Kelly I really can't blame her for thinking that
yes Supes that is what happened - she made him delete me and my daughter and two of my brothers.  He re-added me again after a while, then she found out.... he created a new account (yes he sounds like a complete shit!!) to talk to me.  I told him OVER AND OVER again to leave me alone, to go home and sort out his problems.  Eventually he told me that he wanted to be with me and all that sort of stuff and I told him it wasnt possible because he was married etc etc and I basically booted him out of here.  A week or so later he turned up on my doorstep saying he'd left her and was back at his parents house
Blimey Brummie, I really don't know what advice to offer. Is she still contacting you? is she ringing a mobile or landline? I know you can report nusciance calls to the phone company and if they persist get the Police involved...also, can't you pass his Parents address on to the bailiffs? Why should you get all the blame....honestly, i'd speak to the Police about the phone calls and harassment, maybe they'll have a word with her....
The Devil In Diamante
h I'm completely pissed off with him Supes - been completely taken in havent I??  Most worrying is that he is back home with his wife (fair do's) - but its these debt letters that I'm more bothered about
Just keep sending them back with 'not known at this address' on. My friend bought a flat that her nephew used to rent (from the previous Landlord), he had loads of debt and they sent stuff for ages, it eventually stopped when she kept sending them not ever let anyone in though...
The Devil In Diamante

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