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The operation went well, though they made a huge mess of his face.

With no dressing (for quicker healing), he was able to see the damage that same evening. He had the op at 4, came our of recovery at 7, and was home by 9!! They had prepared us for a 2 or 3 day stay. He was very down and in a lot of pain and unable to move his face for about 4 or 5 days afterwards, but started picking up on Sunday. And was back to his "normal self early this week. Stitches out on Wednesday and follow up appointment with the surgeon were our dates this week We had been told a 2 or 3 week wait for the tests on the skin they removed so were not expecting to be told by the surgeon on Thursday that the skin they removed was tumour-free!! That means that they have got it all, and he just has 3 monthly checks now. He returned to University an hour later!!

The scar runs all the way under his eye to his hairline and then all the way down his face to his jaw, so it is big, but now the swelling has gone and the stitches are out it really isn't all that awful, and of course in a couple of months it will be completely healed and he can start to treat it with bio-oil which I am told is wonderful stuff,


I am so happy - we all are and now I can look forward to our Silver Wedding in less than a month!!


Great news all round this week too as other son got a first at uni for his presentation on drugs (cocaine) and another good mark for an assignment on hate crime (almost a first) - and to think he nearly didn't get in, Ditty and Ducky!! Just need him to get a job now, but I can't ask for too much at a time!!


Also hubby had his MOT results today (he will be 60 next year) and the GP told him that he was healthier than himself (GP is mid-40s!!)


AND my footy team got promotion and may well be league champions today if they win.


It's lovely to have so much to be happy about again - just hope I haven't overdosed this week and come falling back down with a crash next week.



Oh - and if you've stuck with me throughout this very very long post, you deserve a medal.




*claims medal* 



Nah Moomin...   tis lovely to read a post so full of good news.    Am so very very happy that your boy is through this & on the road to recovery.  Thank you for coming back & letting us know how he got on (have thought about you all many times over the last few weeks) 


And...  other son aceing his way through uni too! 


Happy Days!! 


Oh & Happy Anniversary for next month 


Oh Moomin - what an ordeal you've been through. Must have been a very scary time for you. Glad to hear that things are beginning to look up. I really don't know how I would have coped - the thing is you have to be strong and positive for your kids but underneath you must have been screaming.


Hope your anniversary celebrations are fab.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Moomin:

 told by the surgeon on Thursday that the skin they removed was tumour-free!! That means that they have got it all, and he just has 3 monthly checks now. He returned to University an hour later!!



I am so happy - we all are and now I can look forward to our Silver Wedding in less than a month!!







wonderful news - I am so pleased to read this  


hope you have a lovely anniversary 


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