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Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

How many times is there going to be a Helen apologises vid before they chuck her out. .


Wonder if she realises she may be the problem not the other people as she has had to apologise so much. . doubt it tho..

Exactly Ollie !!! Hope you're feeling a bit better today though

thanks Baz. .am better than the other day when the pain was doubling me over and I couldn't even think straight . .am tender and have swollen left side of face still but am now on 7 day course of really strong antibiotics which I don't get on that well with so still not feeling too great..


I think this is the point I am supposed to say 'but at least I wasn't booed on the way in'. . oh the 'good' ol days of BB

Mount Olympus *Olly*

When sober and after a warning Helen does become very aware of what we the viewers might be thinking. Does she really think that we're stupid. I think Jale has her number - she's not fool enough to antagonise her but I don't see them being buddies.


I do however think the offer of being there to listen was very genuine. She is a nice lady I think - I 'm guessing that she's had more than her fair share of c*ap and hasn't always handled it well but she has done something about it. I think she is very measured in her outlook and responses and is at peace with herself. Helen would do well to Look and Learn.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

When sober and after a warning Helen does become very aware of what we the viewers might be thinking. Does she really think that we're stupid. I think Jale has her number - she's not fool enough to antagonise her but I don't see them being buddies.


I do however think the offer of being there to listen was very genuine. She is a nice lady I think - I 'm guessing that she's had more than her fair share of c*ap and hasn't always handled it well but she has done something about it. I think she is very measured in her outlook and responses and is at peace with herself. Helen would do well to Look and Learn.

Trouble is Soozy, Helen doesn't do Look and Learn, she's too busy shouting and abusing to listen long enough to learn anything. I can't see her changing at her age. Someone should have washed her mouth out with soap long ago. I don't think even an asbo would set her straight now.

Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

When sober and after a warning Helen does become very aware of what we the viewers might be thinking. Does she really think that we're stupid. I think Jale has her number - she's not fool enough to antagonise her but I don't see them being buddies.


I do however think the offer of being there to listen was very genuine. She is a nice lady I think - I 'm guessing that she's had more than her fair share of c*ap and hasn't always handled it well but she has done something about it. I think she is very measured in her outlook and responses and is at peace with herself. Helen would do well to Look and Learn.

Trouble is Soozy, Helen doesn't do Look and Learn, she's too busy shouting and abusing to listen long enough to learn anything. I can't see her changing at her age. Someone should have washed her mouth out with soap long ago. I don't think even an asbo would set her straight now.

Sorry I meant Jale is the good listener and nice woman - I just read back - not sure if it's clear that I meant that.


I have no sympathy for Helen.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

How many times is there going to be a Helen apologises vid before they chuck her out. .


Wonder if she realises she may be the problem not the other people as she has had to apologise so much. . doubt it tho..

Exactly Ollie !!! Hope you're feeling a bit better today though

thanks Baz. .am better than the other day when the pain was doubling me over and I couldn't even think straight . .am tender and have swollen left side of face still but am now on 7 day course of really strong antibiotics which I don't get on that well with so still not feeling too great..


I think this is the point I am supposed to say 'but at least I wasn't booed on the way in'. . oh the 'good' ol days of BB

 Get well soon Olly.


Theres not even a good BB to take your mind off it 

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

When sober and after a warning Helen does become very aware of what we the viewers might be thinking. Does she really think that we're stupid. I think Jale has her number - she's not fool enough to antagonise her but I don't see them being buddies.


I do however think the offer of being there to listen was very genuine. She is a nice lady I think - I 'm guessing that she's had more than her fair share of c*ap and hasn't always handled it well but she has done something about it. I think she is very measured in her outlook and responses and is at peace with herself. Helen would do well to Look and Learn.

Trouble is Soozy, Helen doesn't do Look and Learn, she's too busy shouting and abusing to listen long enough to learn anything. I can't see her changing at her age. Someone should have washed her mouth out with soap long ago. I don't think even an asbo would set her straight now.

Sorry I meant Jale is the good listener and nice woman - I just read back - not sure if it's clear that I meant that.


I have no sympathy for Helen.

 Yes i understood, Soozy It was the last bit I was answering about Helen being well to look and listen.... I don't think she has the social grace to listen to anyone, she talks over them and forces her vile opinions down their throats, she gives no one a chance in a conversation. I have zero sympathy for her either  

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

How many times is there going to be a Helen apologises vid before they chuck her out. .


Wonder if she realises she may be the problem not the other people as she has had to apologise so much. . doubt it tho..

Exactly Ollie !!! Hope you're feeling a bit better today though

thanks Baz. .am better than the other day when the pain was doubling me over and I couldn't even think straight . .am tender and have swollen left side of face still but am now on 7 day course of really strong antibiotics which I don't get on that well with so still not feeling too great..


I think this is the point I am supposed to say 'but at least I wasn't booed on the way in'. . oh the 'good' ol days of BB

Awww ....glad you are a bit better though

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Who you liking this year Soozy?

No one really's a bit lame to say Jale and Christopher as I think they still have time to bugger up.


I'm finding it an incredibly depressing series and am close to giving up. I watch telly for entertainment - it's boring me TBH - can't stand the constant aggression.


Same here

Big Brother Xtra @BigBrotherXtra ยท

Big Brother Helen Wood faces the boot over aggressive behaviour and foul language

Sexy Helen, who once bedded footballer Wayne Rooney, 28, has told to cut down her aggressive behaviour and foul language.

She was given a free pass to the final but that could be torn up after contestants complained to BB bosses about her behaviour.

Helen was rapped by producers for making threatening gest- ures at Matthew Davies, 23.

During the explosive row, she raged: โ€œI want to smash someoneโ€™s head in.โ€

Almost 300 viewers have now complained to TV watchdogs Ofcom about her aggressive outbursts.

โ€œToya said to the producers that it might get violent. She said she felt physically cornered โ€
Steven Goode

The beauty salon boss from Bolton had previously been warned for bullying.

Bosses have now told her if she steps out of line again, she will be kicked out of the Channel 5 house.

The housemates think producers will have to remove her as she cannot control her temper and might get violent.

We can reveal Toya Washington, 29, has already told BB chiefs she was afraid of Helen.

In a late-night chat, Steven Goode, 23, let slip: โ€œToya said to the producers that it might get violent. She said she felt physically cornered.โ€
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Big Brother: TV bosses sending in alcohol to 'keep housemates interesting'

Last night the gang were not given any booze in a bid to calm down heavy-drinking Helen.

TV bosses were clearly worried that if they drank beer and wine it might end in a fight.

Hated Helen reckons the group are jealous of her pass to the final. She said: โ€œIt shouldnโ€™t be a burden but it is, judging by the way people look at me.โ€

โ€œIโ€™m sick of these preachy bastards. We didnโ€™t come here to listen to Nelson Mandela.โ€


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