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Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:


I would say no Col, but I agree with you...Hague is talking out of his can't throw threaten pea shooters at the Russians 

Surely Putin (the bare-chested, bare-riding, bare-fisted angling) twat is mot going to back down, if anything, it's the chink in the armour he's be bending his short legs for at the Kremlin chappel.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:


I would say no Col, but I agree with you...Hague is talking out of his can't throw threaten pea shooters at the Russians 

Surely Putin (the bare-chested, bare-riding, bare-fisted angling) twat is not going to back down, if anything, it's the chink in the armour he's be bending his short legs for at the Kremlin chappel.


cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:


I would say no Col, but I agree with you...Hague is talking out of his can't throw threaten pea shooters at the Russians 

Surely Putin (the bare-chested, bare-riding, bare-fisted angling) twat is mot going to back down, if anything, it's the chink in the armour he's be bending his short legs for at the Kremlin chappel.

I don't understand the legality of it or why he's getting involved - though that description of him probably explains it!

Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:


I would say no Col, but I agree with you...Hague is talking out of his can't throw threaten pea shooters at the Russians 

Surely Putin (the bare-chested, bare-riding, bare-fisted angling) twat is not going to back down, if anything, it's the chink in the armour he's be bending his short legs for at the Kremlin chappel.




he won't Col, he kept quiet for the Olympics, this was always on the cards 

I think that there is a high concentration of ethnic Russians in Crimea, plus it's quite strategic.

One of the more amusing points was when the Russians accused the revolting Ukranians to be Neo-Nazis. One thought this to be a typical piece of Russian propaganda. Then Newsnight interviewed some of the people behind "The Coup" (sic ) and found them to be Neo-Nazis.

Probably a good opportunity for that Michael Bubble one to rerelease his "Crimean River" gramophone record.
Garage Joe

Well, the Crimea's always been a tricky one because of Russia's Black Sea fleet being based there.

However, there's also the matter of the Budapest Memorandum of 1994, where Russia agreed to "Respect Ukrainian independence and sovereignty within its existing borders." The other signatories, who are expected to help uphold the agreement, were Ukraine, the USA and *ahem* the UK...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

Well, the Crimea's always been a tricky one because of Russia's Black Sea fleet being based there.

However, there's also the matter of the Budapest Memorandum of 1994, where Russia agreed to "Respect Ukrainian independence and sovereignty within its existing borders." The other signatories, who are expected to help uphold the agreement, were Ukraine, the USA and *ahem* the UK...

Well. there it is then.

cologne 1

I think Putin  is working the odds quite well.


If you look at it from the establishment point of view, the pres of Ukraine has runaway to Russia because Ukraine has been taken over by a militant mob and the pres is asking Putin for help.There are already agreements in place that allow Russian military on the ground in Crimea,so you have to ask yourself is Putin actually doing anything illegal? - I would think not.


It's ratcheted up the verbals and the EU has been taken by surprise,the west has been out manoeuvred, our sympathies may lie with the protesters and the pro EU mob,but in essence does a militant mob have any legality at all?


Just heard on the news, that the referendum scheduled for the summer in Crimea, has been brought forward to the end of March.This should establish whether or not Crimea will become fully autonomous.

It seems that one of the first things the new gov. in Kiev did was to bann the Russian language, even in Russian speaking areas of Ukraine, like Crimea.I don't think the new gov. has endeared itself to the population there.


The easiest way to look at it...... Anything to the west of the river Dneiper is Ukranian, pro Europe, and voted for the chick with the pigtails wrapped round her head.
Anything to the east is ethnic Russian and they had their bloke kicked out recently. It has been like this since the collapse of the USSR.
Logically, and peacefully, Ukraine needs to split in two.
Garage Joe

There are Russian interests in the Crimea, Black Sea Fleet, Military Base and a Military Airport as well as the civilian one. To add to that, The people are very pro Russian and actually are Russian, having been handed to Ukraine when the USSR was broken perhaps Putin has every right to make his presence felt in the province and taking a firm stance might enhance his reputation at home, which is currently lounging somewhere below the Doldrums


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