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I am not able to reply on here with quotes as i am useless with IT and this site but thank you all again, so much.
 I can see yourpoint croc, I am just so devasted. she was so young and so happy.

I had another killed here afew years back and it was the same spot hwere I found Ruby. That time some one else saw it happened and the driver just drove off, did not even check if the cat was alive. the lady whosaw it stopped and picked up my cat who died in her arms. she put him on my verge and then drove and asked a neighbour my phone number (I was out) and rang me later to tell me what had happened.
so this time, i even imagine it was the same person, not knowing makes me look at any one round here with suspicion.Its the utter hopelessness of it all, I can't do any thing. I can't make her better and I cannot have her back.
I see the wildlife killed on the roads all the time as well, I fantasise about winning millions and having the major roadsides done with wire. I have seen some places that it is done, especially where there are Deer. so many foxes and badgers  killed. I had a fat little  squirel lived here a few years back, he was gorgeous but found him flattened in the road one day.

My thoughts and heart go out to you FMN as it is heartbreaking to lose a much loved pet. One of our much loved cats died a month ago and daily we miss her presence so very much. We've had pet losses many times in the last few years, many times because apart from other circumstances we've also taken in sick cats and kittens that would never have a long lifespan because of Leukemia or Aids, it always hurts like hell when we have to lose them, including other much loved ones who died from different circumstances, but we know we gave them all the happiest and most loving life we could before they had to leave us.

It's bittersweet at times but I'm glad for the happy memories of such unconditional loving companions, in the end whether our losses are animals or humans all we have left are memories so I appreciate the happy ones. It's painful enough to lose pets through disease or old age but when animals die because of the act of someone else it brings another painful dimension into the loss doesn't it. I know that no words of mine can heal your pain but I send you my love and a ((((((Hug)))))) and understand how you're feeling xxxxxxxxx

Yellow Rose
Am so sorry Forgetmenot, my heart goes out to you  at your loss of your dear little cat, I would feel exactly the same as you do, I know the roads you are talking about and how they drive like maniacs, am not very far away and same problem here on the estate where I live , I am a nervous wreck checking on my 3 (older now so can't hear as well as they once did) when they are out of sight, as you say its the helplessness, I believe in spirit though and am sure your little cat is watching  yu and not wanting you to be so heartbroken, thinking of you

I'm so sorry Ive had the same happen to my cats in the past and I know how devastating it is. I fear for my cats all the time on the roads as I used to live in a quiet area but now unfortunately live near busyish roads and i tried to keep them in all the time when I first moved here but they are used to their freedom and would cry for hours to go out.

Having said that I used to live i the countryside and yet still lost two cats on the road
thank you somuch people for taking the time to talk to me. I appreciate it very very much.
she used to race indoors if you heard a car and I was beginning to feel it was all going to work. I had taken her every day for weeks to spend time in a cat run so she got used to every thing. she was so funny, few weeks ago she was doing her "help" WOW, noise spent ages trying to find her. she was in the branches of a tree, all of two feet off the ground and could not get down yet  10 days after that she was on the barn rook twice and I had to get a ladder to coax her dwon. I am 67 and ladders and me are nota good thing. so many stories insuch a shorttime, she was just magical and I just hurt every where. my heart physically hurts and i feel sick. I have lots of dogs and a another cat who was from the RSPCA but love them all individually for them selves.
I evn tried to say that poem when i buried her, the one about "Do not stand at my grave and weep, for I am not there.." but I could not remember any more. I kept saying sorry, sorry sorry when i buried her, my fault, so sorry. today i fucking hate every one..
I had a crap childhood and life has not been easy but my animals have always been my friends and consulation for the hard times.why do people not understand animals are living creatures with hearts and souls and feel pain andthey bring get joy and comfort to people?
I could not keep her in for ever, she deserved some freedom and she used to race about like a dog.. so full of life and joy.. so tiny and so dainty to look at with beautiful markings.
she pulled the funniest weirdest faces at things, like sniffing the air to see what the weather was like, whether she fancied her dinner or was going to demand something else.
I have always wanted topaint but only recently started andwas going to take loads of action photos of her so i could try and do paintings.
Just feel deperate to have her back, kept thinking she was not dead really she was just asleep but i knew, you can telland I knew when i got up and she was not there and the bloody gate was open.

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