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The age old clichΓ© 'let sleeping dogs lie' may be old, but it is as true today as it was when it was first uttered. And you'd think that Halfwit would understand the meaning of it by now, but possibly not as he got himself into another row with Bea.

Halfwit was lying in bed contemplating the past 24 hours, when Bea walked and started to do her make-up...

"Did you really think I was picking on Lisa the other day?" Halfwit asked.

"No," replied Bea. "Did I say that?"

So Halfwit unwisely decided to pursue the issue. "That's how people would have taken it when you said I've had the advantage of being the cleverest person in the House and winning arguments with people," explained Halfwit. "You must be aware that a lot of people are paranoid and suspicious about my intelligence, especially given the way things played out this morning, Lisa definitely felt I'd upset her," Halfwit added.

It would have been the smartest thing to walk away, but Halfwit added that he'd been offended by the fact that Bea saw him as Marcus's terrier who would snap and bark at his enemies, prompting Bea to turn up the heat.

"That's what I found you to be in the situation yesterday," replied Bea, before turning on a more patronising tone. "Now Freddie, are we in a situation where, for the third day running, you are going to be maintaining negativity," she asked rolling her eyes.

"No, not at all. I'm very in favour of promoting positivity," replied Halfwit. "But, the things you said to me last night have massively reinforced any negative feelings people have had towards me."

"Take some responsibility Freddie," hissed Bea, "you having a go at me did you no favours. I thought Marcus struggled with cause and effect, but I think you struggle even more," she added snidely.

"So, I called you out on something," replied Halfwit, "and you punished me by selling me down the river."

"Stop causing trouble Freddie. Stop looking for it and stop causing it," Bea snapped back at him with crocodile tears forming in her eyes.

"Leave it out and stop meddling," she shouted before Halfwit upped and left.

Hey Bea, go easy on the fella...

Put down the bone!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by tupps:
I'm beginning to think his back off and leave it button isn't working. His need to have protracted discussions about things would get on my lils I must admit.

I don't much like the guy. But, to be fair, she has acted like a voracious barracuda over a couple of his mistakes. And she did, indeed, go on to sell him down the river.

If someone I considered a friend did that to me, I'd want to get down to the nitty gritty of why too.

Then I'd probably smack her one! Laugh
Originally posted by evviva!:
Originally posted by tupps:
I'm beginning to think his back off and leave it button isn't working. His need to have protracted discussions about things would get on my lils I must admit.

I don't much like the guy. But, to be fair, she has acted like a voracious barracuda over a couple of his mistakes. And she did, indeed, go on to sell him down the river.

If someone I considered a friend did that to me, I'd want to get down to the nitty gritty of why too.

Then I'd probably smack her one! Laugh

Sure.. talk about it.. get what they are thinking and where they are coming from out on the table.. but he/she did that last night. Why does he feel the need to pick over the bones all the bliddy time? That is bliddy annoying.. I'm not saying either of them are right or wrong because we haven't seen the argument.. but FFS that would do my swede in and I'd probably get to the stage where I told him to **** off with the sharpest of pointiest sticks.
Originally posted by Scotty:
"you having a go at me did you no favours"

"Having a go" meaning giving her a few home truths that she didn`t like.

It`s a very telling thing to say. What she`s doing now is dishing out spiteful revenge.

Sadly Beas been a real disappointment to me.
I loved her at first for her straight talking but recently shes morphed into a spiteful little girl who turns on the tears for sympathy.Not nice at all Shake Head
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Scotty:
"you having a go at me did you no favours"

"Having a go" meaning giving her a few home truths that she didn`t like.

It`s a very telling thing to say. What she`s doing now is dishing out spiteful revenge.

we haven't seen the argument though Scotty.. just the aftermath...

True, I`ve read some of the detail only and heard some of the aftermath on LF. I`m not blinded to Freddie but I can`t see him "having a go" at her tupps but we`ll wait and see. She`s had a go at many people and they haven`t exacted the revenge that she`s now laying on her "friend" Freddie. She`s extremely disloyal, jumping over to Lisa`s gang (all the ones she can`t stand the sight of) and stirring the pot. Who needs a friend like her?
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Scotty:
"you having a go at me did you no favours"

"Having a go" meaning giving her a few home truths that she didn`t like.

It`s a very telling thing to say. What she`s doing now is dishing out spiteful revenge.

we haven't seen the argument though Scotty.. just the aftermath...

hi tupps wavey
i have to say i usualy agree with a lot of your post but on this one we will have to agree to disagree if someone spoke to me the way she did to him last night i would want to get to the bottom of it to Hug
mrs d
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Freddy is a sensitive soul, so it would've been playing on his mind. He admits that he analyses situations (probably too much), so he would have been going over and over this in his mind.

Quite a natural thing to do, I think.

Freddie's downfall will be (a) smugly banging on about how he's still there after being nominated so many times; (b) flying off the handle and getting aggressive and patronising when anyone says a word against Bea and (c) his undying loyalty to Marcus who is a foul mouthed, controlling little gimp.
Lord Lucan
Originally posted by mrs d:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Scotty:
"you having a go at me did you no favours"

"Having a go" meaning giving her a few home truths that she didn`t like.

It`s a very telling thing to say. What she`s doing now is dishing out spiteful revenge.

we haven't seen the argument though Scotty.. just the aftermath...

hi tupps wavey
i have to say i usualy agree with a lot of your post but on this one we will have to agree to disagree if someone spoke to me the way she did to him last night i would want to get to the bottom of it to Hug

Hiya wavey No problem petal.. Hug I just find it hard to say she was completely unjustified without the context. It is in Freddie's capability to be quite scathing and quite annoying when he argues.. just as it is in her capability.. I'd really love to see the uncensored argument that kicked this all off. Nod
Originally posted by Scotty:
True, I`ve read some of the detail only and heard some of the aftermath on LF. I`m not blinded to Freddie but I can`t see him "having a go" at her tupps but we`ll wait and see. She`s had a go at many people and they haven`t exacted the revenge that she`s now laying on her "friend" Freddie. She`s extremely disloyal, jumping over to Lisa`s gang (all the ones she can`t stand the sight of) and stirring the pot. Who needs a friend like her?

I can see him doing it.. I felt, when he was arguing with David and Lisa that he was justified in saying what he felt, but it was overdone to me.. in a theatrical type way, if you know what I mean.. and he was a bit of a dog with a bone. I just wonder how that argument panned out and how it started.. so I'm not coming down on either side. That said, I do think he should leave it alone and not rake over the bones ad nauseum.
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Let's face it, Bea runs rings around all of them in discussions/arguments/debates.

Clever Freddie and Always Right Marcus have both been left lost for words by Bea, in the last couple of days.

She's awful when she's in the wrong, but brilliant when she's got a point! Glance

I have to say.. that's why I like her and think she's a great value HM. She balances them out and provides a foil.
Originally posted by tupps:

I have to say.. that's why I like her and think she's a great value HM. She balances them out and provides a foil.

She has certainly shaken it up in there!

I thought she was great at first, when she sorted kenneth out, but then went off her, as she revealed more of her personality.

I think it's really rattled Marcus though, so it's all good. Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
Last year Rex was running rings around EVERYONE and he was very popular with the viewers so it's good to see a woman running rings around the likes of Marcus and Freddie. Isn't it interesting how Bea is hated more than Rex.

There are shades of Rex in a skirt.. the difference with Rex was he did most of it with a glint in his eye.
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
Originally posted by tupps:
"...You must be aware that a lot of people are paranoid and suspicious about my intelligence..."

Oh listen to the arrogant twonk Roll Eyes

Intelligence, my arse Moon Even Charlie is running rings around him Laugh

Get off your high horse sweetheart, the altitude is rotting your braincell Crazy

Now THAT does make me laugh Laugh
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
Originally posted by tupps:
"...You must be aware that a lot of people are paranoid and suspicious about my intelligence..."

Oh listen to the arrogant twonk Roll Eyes

Intelligence, my arse Moon Even Charlie is running rings around him Laugh

Get off your high horse sweetheart, the altitude is rotting your braincell Crazy

Now THAT does make me laugh Laugh

I`ll join you squiggle. Laugh Laugh
Originally posted by evviva!:
Whether she's right or wrong is debtable in most cases, depending on circumstances and whose side you're on.

What I have a problem with is WHY she has to do and say everything in such a carping, hectoring, self-righteous, pointy-fingered and po-faced way??!Roll Eyes

Yes, she can be like that! Crazy

What I love seeing is Marcus not being able to bullshit her with constant contradictions, as he normally does with others.
She actually remembers what he said three sentences ago and pulls him up on it! Laugh

He really can't cope with that! Thumbs Up
Originally posted by evviva!:
Whether she's right or wrong is debtable in most cases, depending on circumstances and whose side you're on.

What I have a problem with is WHY she has to do and say everything in such a carping, hectoring, self-righteous, pointy-fingered and po-faced way??!Roll Eyes

'cos she's a Wanker innit? Schimples Razzer

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