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They also seem to struggle to express their dislike.
Lisa, Kris and Karly for example just simply hate him. They are at the point of being totally intolerant of almost anything he says and does.
Horrible position for Freddie - damned if he does and damned if he doesnt.
But their inability to show tolerance says more about them than it does about Freddie.
Karly said to Freddie in tonight`s show something like "Wherever I go you`re are THERE."
Yes Karly it`s called Big Brother. Do you want special arrangements for youre self?
But it is their closed minds which is both sad and infuriating.
They hate Freddie just for being Freddie.
Awful unpleasant people.
Originally posted by brisket:
They also seem to struggle to express their dislike.
Lisa, Kris and Karly for example just simply hate him. They are at the point of being totally intolerant of almost anything he says and does.
Horrible position for Freddie - damned if he does and damned if he doesnt.
But their inability to show tolerance says more about them than it does about Freddie.
Karly said to Freddie in tonight`s show something like "Wherever I go you`re are THERE."
Yes Karly it`s called Big Brother. Do you want special arrangements for youre self?
But it is their closed minds which is both sad and infuriating.
They hate Freddie just for being Freddie.
Awful unpleasant people.
If he stays away from them he is nominated for ostracising himself from the group and not joining in. If he tries to talk to them and join in then he is THERE ALL THE TIME. He cant win.
I don't see any ugliness in Sophie.

I see a young housemate getting dragged into agendas none of which are of her making. Anyone that watched her on the LF throughout the Italy task will have witnessed that she is there to enjoy the BB experience. Well said Marcus for pointing out to Freddie how good an effort she had put in during the task...
Cold Sweat
Originally posted by fookat:
yes hes there all the time cos they are all in a small house 24/7! shoud he just lock himself away from them? jesus that Karly talks utter shite.

Funny to see her and Lisa capitulating when BB asked about Freddie in the Diary Room.

Maybe the penny may drop that what they are doing is not popular...

I didn`t really think they capitulated - I thought they were still trying to justify themselves "Oh well, we`ve got to live with him - he`s in the house, we`ll have to try and put up with him" ......... what! as if he`s the problem AAArrrrrrrgg Shake Head
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
Originally posted by Deegs:
Good OP. But I think he's in danger of overplaying his hand. He's made his point, and should now back off just a little.

I agree ... it was bearing on the overboard tonight with freddie ... I was glad to see him confront Karly, but it did get to a 'OK it's getting a bit pointless and cringey' point ...

He has the measure of them ... he just needs to use it effectively ...
Karly said to Freddie in tonight`s show something like "Wherever I go you`re are THERE."
Yes Karly it`s called Big Brother. Do you want special arrangements for youre self?

She really irritated me too brisket when she said that - stupid little madam.

The house is pretty tiny so you're going to keep bumping into each other somewhere or other. In the BB House, there is nowhere to hide and get away from the others for very long.

Karly even interrupted Siavash when he was sitting on the toilet on one occasion I do believe and she never even had the courtesy of apologising and leaving - she stayed put apparently and chatted to him.
Originally posted by fookat:
yes hes there all the time cos they are all in a small house 24/7! shoud he just lock himself away from them? jesus that Karly talks utter shite.

Funny to see her and Lisa capitulating when BB asked about Freddie in the Diary Room.

Maybe the penny may drop that what they are doing is not popular...

cologne 1
It's all very narrow minded ......why dont they simply take the time to get to know him. we can't all be the same and sometimes taking the time to get to know people who you'd not normally associate with can be very enlightening. It's sad that they are all so closed minded (if that's a real expression) .......can't think of a better one at the mo.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Jeggo:

It can only be because he exposes their short comings and ugliness.

unfortunately he exposes his own as he does so

Yes he may have a good heart, but he's very like sree in that he instantly disregards any criticism levelled aginst him. Unlike Sree he does listen, but doesn't really ask himself whether there could be any substance to the complaints...he just analyses them away as being the other person's fault.

I don't like team Twat either, but I can imagine how irritating this must be...If I was there I would be walking away from him all the time too

he does himself no favours Frowner
Originally posted by Poolshark:
They are too thick to be able to argue with him on his constructed peacefull intelligent level, but won't admit to it, that's why they walk away.

I'm sure that by walking away Lisa feels she's being seen as having "got one over" on Freddie but in reality she walks because if she stays he'll run rings round her, stupid girl.
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
Originally posted by Jeggo:

It can only be because he exposes their short comings and ugliness.

unfortunately he exposes his own as he does so

Yes he may have a good heart, but he's very like sree in that he instantly disregards any criticism levelled aginst him. Unlike Sree he does listen, but doesn't really ask himself whether there could be any substance to the complaints...he just analyses them away as being the other person's fault.

I don't like team Twat either, but I can imagine how irritating this must be...If I was there I would be walking away from him all the time too

he does himself no favours Frowner

I think he takes on board what some people say to him, i.e. Siavesh and Marcus, but how can you take on board irrational comments. I really think he should steer clear of the thickos - they are never ever going to understand each other. He has tried, they haven`t. He should give up on them as a lost cause.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]

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