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When I was a kid, everyone used to say that if you fall off say a cliff in your dream, but don't wake up before you hit the floor, you die in your sleep.


Well recently I've had a dream where I've fell out of a plane, but in the dream I hit the ground before I woke up and guess what........... I'M NOT DEAD!!!

All that happened was I felt my legs go up into my body and heard every bone in my body break, then when I did wake up I was shit scared to move in case I was paralysed.

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Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



if you'd fell out of a plane...the last thing you'd be worried about is walking, in fact you'd not be worrying about anything 



I'd be worrying about when I hit the ground, but hey......that's just me 


that's on the way down...the heart attack would have killed me by then 


Dreams are supposed to be a re-construction of past events when you thought of things that could happen. Take them with a pinch of salt - they are re-constructions of things that we recently thought of or maybe happen in the future, derived from things that we have seen in the past. The brain is a massive computer that stores info to surprise us when we least expect it or amaze us when we wake up to something that we never thought about previously.   Memory is something none of us( even scientists will ever understand).


I've never hit the bottom in a falling dream but I do regularly dream that I'm walking along the street and am very close to the edge of the pad and I slip and stumble off the pad.  I don't fall down but I am off the pad and it always wakes me in that split second with a big jolt.  Hate those dreams because they seem to only happen at the beginning of my sleep stages.

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Antiope:

I dreamt I was dating William Shatner once.  He was quite a gentle lover..if a little free and easy with his teleporter.



I lived to tell the tail.


Class.  Conclusive proof that cigarettes maketh the man.


Slightly dubious Nazi salute at 2.25 but the interpretive dance at 3.50 more than makes up for it.


i also had a very lucid dream once of drowning. I was only young, about 11 or so, but i remember it as clear as day. In this dream i was struggling and a hand was darting into the water trying to grab my hand as i was sinking. In the end i decided it was too much like hard work and relaxed and watched the hand. And in my dream i remember thinking , this is what drowning must really be like. 


it was dead peaceful and a very strange dream

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

noooooo i get that too soozy i often dream im choking on a pin or a sausage and i wake up screaming and saying 'no no no this time i really did swallow it' its mental. I think its anxiety. Im sure ive googled that before.

How funny - my experience is exactly the same in that I think OMG - this time it's real - it's not a dream.


Last week I was choking on a 'set square' - why on earth would I be dreaming of a 'set square'

Soozy Woo

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