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i went on a pain a management course due to back injury (a fall down a flight of stairs  we had to be hypnotised every week for 3 it never worked once
Sorry to hear about your accident Dame. I trust you're better now . Did they seriously believe they could make your pain disappear through hypnotism or am I misunderstanding the situation?
I am the timidiest person ever.. and on holiday I got picked to go on stage (bullied to go)... (many years ago).... to be hypnotised.... does it work ?? for me yes... I was on all fours pretending to be a dog and sniffing other dog's bums !!!!! an  audience member picked up my daughter and made her 'fly'... and I stood up and said ' what the hell is going on ' ? ... I heard everything the person said, and knew what I was doing.. but it felt like it was normal to do it  !!!! very weird experience.. !!
Would I do it again for fun ?? probably... cos it was fun...
I have never been hypnotised for anything serious.. maybe I should try it for weight loss
Sorry to hear about your accident Dame. I trust you're better now . Did they seriously believe they could make your pain disappear through hypnotism or am I misunderstanding the situation?

Thank Prom, this was years ago and I still have problems, but it was my own fault.

No you're not misunderstanding the situation, this was a course run by one of our hospitals and they really thought I/we could control the pain through hypnotism  It may have worked for some, I don't know, it certainly didn't for anyone that was on the course with me.In fact not one of us were actually hypnotised, so we were all none the wiser 
I promise u... if I didn't want to do it.. I wouldn't of done it... I am so shy and hate even going through a door first... it's very surreal.. You are sitting there (on stage on holiday, not  nothing serious) and you know u don't want to do it... (as I didn't).. but u hear the relaxing speech and the count down.. and then they talk to u... and u do it !!!!!!! and u know u are doing it !!!!
If I was watching in the audience and watching someone on all fours sniffing a a dog.. I would think 'wtf.. are they doing, stupid feckers'... but I did it !!! .. a very weird experience .... for a holiday gimmic... I know nothing of serious stuff to cure things.. as such
I tried it once for weight loss but I am the type of person who can't give up control and let myself be under someone else's 'power' so it didn't work for me.  My brother in law went to the same guy to stop smoking and it worked for him.  However, I was never as glad it didn't work for me when the hypnotist was later arrested for indecent acts while having ladies hypnotized

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