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I was a huge Nikki fan but seeing her again, she irritates me for the first time. She can't seem to say or do anything without pulling a face these days. I don't think she is putting it on, but it's not nice viewing.

Makosi is not as sassy as she used to be.

Nadia!!! Nadia comes over a quite greedy and grasping... she spent ages qiizzing Michelle about  fees and what the headlines were saying. Quite greedy.

Nick is lovely... never thought that first time around.

My opinion hasn't changed on the others. Brian, Chantelle, Victor, are still great and Michelle and Preston are still OK. Ulrika is still miserable, bossy know-all cow... rates herself as a bit of  mimic.. but she is crap.

How have your opinions changed? (If they have)

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Agree with erinp about Michelle Bass - she's grown up a bit and seems a good laugh these days.
Victor - thought he was an aggressive chump in BB5, but a few years' wisdom has improved him too. Funny, decent and thoughtful.
Nadia - loved her in BB5, can't stand her now. She's lost all her humour and her ego's gone off the scale.
Nikki - couldn't stand her in BB7, but apart from occasionally trying the old tricks (Nikki's bed... I can't get it to woooork...) she's calmed down a lot.
couldn't stand Nadia 1st time - don't like her much this time

Loved Brian 1st time he was always my fave winner - not sure now he makes me laugh but not liking him as much as i though i would

loved Victor 1st time - love him more this time he is my fave all time housemate

Michelle - not so sure last time - this time i find her quite amusing

Preston - yawnville and still is

chantelle - she seems nicer this time
greenandpink ~ Chantelle to win. offline 2,059 Forum Posts Today at 10:53 AM Last Edited: Reference: Seeing Victor back in the house, reminds me how good BB used to be. true. Brian and Chantelle make me feel that too.
I like Chantelle and am warming to Brian, which I thought I would never do.

Ulrika, has a face like a slapped a***. She is exactly the same as she was last time, miserable, moany and snidey.
Have you changed your mind about anyone after seeing them agan in UBB?
Yes.   I like them all less.

They have returned by invitation and they all behave as if they have something unique to offer.
They are all "performing" as they used to, but this time they are over-acting their roles.
It all seems contrived, set-up, (scripted almost), and predictable.
I've always liked BB because of the unexpected dynamics which can occur, but this UBB is unrolling to a plan, making it predictable and uninteresting - and rather corny.
So, yes, I have changed my mind - I dislike them all.
Incidentally, I am watching very little of it; I have never watched less.

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