Having finished their
Flawless Task, some housemates seem a little unhappy with their
prize of a luxury hamper, to say the least!
As the housemates sulked and moaned their way back into the House, Brian and Ulrika crept off to the Kitchen in preparation to cook the dinner.
Alone, Brian caught wind of the unhappy housemates, and posed the question: 'Do you think Big Brother thinks we're the most ungrateful housemates?'
'I don't know, but I can't stand them moaning out there - the task's over, so stop the moaning!' barked Ulrika. 'They've given us something lovely, can't they see that?' she questioned.
'I've got a bad back, but I'm making food for everybody!' said Ulrika with slight sense of martyrdom.
The fiery TV presenter then heeded a word of warning to Brian: 'Keep them out of here while I'm cooking - because if they start sounding off I'll...'
SHE IS SUCH A HOOT .............NOT