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I am just too angry and sickened for words.

Paedophile ring abused 30 girls, youngest aged 5

Paedophile ring in Cornwall 'abused at least 30 girls'

James Machin, John Barrett, John Wrey Barrett (middle) passed two girls to Machin (left) and Wrey (right)

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A third man involved in a paedophile ring which police say abused dozens of girls has been convicted of sex crimes.

James Machin was found guilty at Truro Crown Court of 10 sex offences relating to girls under 13. Two others were convicted of sex abuse charges in 2008.

Police described the abuse by the men in the Camborne area, found in a three-year investigation, as "horrific". One victim was five years old.

Inquiries began in December 2007 after a victim's parent raised concerns.

Abused at house

Two girls were abused by the same three men, the court heard.

John Barrett, 49, from the Camborne area, abused two girls, who were aged five and seven when the crimes first started, and passed them on to John Wrey to do the same.

Barrett was jailed for 14 years and 6 months in 2008 for 16 sexual offences.

β€œStart Quote

They are despicable, horrible, nasty individuals who preyed on vulnerable young children”

End Quote Det Insp Simon Snell Devon and Cornwall Police

Wrey, 55, from Hayle, who was arrested at the same time as Barrett, is serving a five-and-a-year sentence for his part in the abuse after he was also convicted in 2008.

On Friday a jury of seven men and five women decided, after two days of deliberations, that Machin was also guilty of similar sex offences against the girls which Barrett had passed on to him.

Machin, 54, from Falmouth, who was arrested in June 2009 and had denied all 10 counts, has yet to be sentenced.

However, the judge, Christopher Elwen, said it was likely the sentence would be longer than Barrett's 14 years.

The court heard that the men left messages for each other in public toilets.

It was also told that Barrett and Machin took two young girls to a house at Flushing, near Falmouth, where they abused them.

The girls were given cigarettes and sometimes had to sniff drugs during their ordeals.

The court heard that hours before Barrett was arrested, he phoned Machin to warn him that the net was closing in.

Machin then tried to cover his tracks by steam-cleaning the inside of his black Mercedes van.

Alan Wills Alan Wills abused the same two girls as the three other men

He also tried to erase the hard drives of two laptops which contained child pornography.

Another man, Alan Wills, also abused the same two girls.

No link was established between Wills and the others, the court heard, but the pair of victims were abused by all four men.

Wills, 46, also from Camborne, was jailed for 16 years earlier this month for abusing a total of seven victims.

Devon and Cornwall Police said the inquiry, named Operation Lakeland, was one of the largest and most complex sex abuse investigations it had ever dealt with.

The chief investigating officer, Det Insp Simon Snell, said detectives had spoken to 30 victims and that there were real concerns there could be more.

Speaking after the Machin case, he added: "They are despicable, horrible, nasty individuals who preyed on vulnerable young children.

"My heart goes out to those children.

"I don't think they will ever get over this absolutely appalling abuse by the men involved."

Reporting restrictions which had been in place have now been lifted.

The gang passed their victims around to each other. How the hell would any child ever be able to get over something like this??

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Sadly, stories like this emerge from time to time and it always upsets me. But this, for some reason, has really got to me. The kids were duped with sweets and then sometimes drugged before getting sexually assaulted ffs. How the hell can ANYONE think that is ok behaviour and sleep at night? I just can't comprehend how the human mind can have no conscience to this degree.

I know this is a common argument on Gaga, but I really do fail to understand how these people deserve ANY human rights or offers or rehabilitation.
The only thing worse than reading about horrific inhuman crimes such as these is reading about how they've finally been put away and will be 'rehabilitated'. Scum of the Earth. Send them to the electric chair and if that's enough to deter even one of the scumbags who commit such crimes that's good enough for me.
I rather just execute them... saves us having to fund prisons By the looks of things prison isnt even that bad, they even seem to get TVs in there. Its alright for them not having to pay bills.
The only thing worse than reading about horrific inhuman crimes such as these is reading about how they've finally been put away and will be 'rehabilitated'. Scum of the Earth. Send them to the electric chair and if that's enough to deter even one of the scumbags who commit such crimes that's good enough for me.
I'll have to say what's always said to me when I share the opinion you just have of paedophiles. "everyone deserves a second chance, two wrongs don't make a right, it would make us just as bad as them.....blah blah blah" 
The village my granddaughter (13) lives in has 15 peodophiles being re-patriated into society. The parents in the village are not allowed to know who they are or where they live in case of reprisals, but, of course, the children are still going to the park, the weir etc. Where is the justice?
That's just unbelievable. When they inevitably reoffend you'd expect heads to roll but they never do. It makes me sick.
When I first started working at our local PCT...  doing Risk Management, one of my first jobs was to sort out various departmental risk assessments...    I was approached by a [very nice] lady... she was a some sort of psychiatrist ... a manager from the newly merged Learning Disabilities Trust.   She was asking me if I could formalise some form of risk assessment document for the placement of paedophiles in the community.

I was gobsmacked...  (twas my first week in the job)....     I did however, assume that the risk assessment would be based around the risk the "client" would pose to the community.  Oh No.   The assessment was to assess the risk TO the "client" (paedophile) FROM the community.

Too twisted for me.  Fortunately I didn't have to go any further than the initial conversation with this woman (I was swamped with so many other requests from every direction).

Shocked me though!
it was like this woman had been so deeply entrenched in this politically correct culture for so long that it didn't even occur to her how twisted what she was asking was
Politically correct is a cancer on society in so many ways I could be here all night and never list them all. It's seriously depressing if you think about it. I force myself not to.
That was the last job I had.   It broke me!   (though the cracks were caused by the previous job in the main hospital trust...  same sort of crap)

5 years its taken me to  pull myself together...     and 5 years its taken me to have enough confidence in GPs & hospitals to actually go and sort out something I should have had seen to years ago.

Bad idea.... working in Risk Management in the NHS
I had to switch the news off last night, as I couldn't listen to all the details.
I remember watching a programme about paedophiles (I think it was on CH4) a few years ago, and the scary thing was these people did not think they were doing anything wrong. They came out with phrases like "we love children" and "it isn't wrong" - I can't begin to describe how horrified I was.
I believe in rehabilitation for some criminals, but I think it is nigh on impossible to rehabilitate paedophiles. There are programmes in jails for the rehabilitation of paedophiles but they don't seem to work.
I'm afraid I belong to the "lock them up and throw away the key" brigade. We need to protect children from this evil.
me too Yogi, I can't even read Karma's first post in full
Neither can i.

Peados have something wired up wrong in their heads, how on earth can that ever be 'rehabilitated'?

Innocent children cant defend themselves and dont ask for these things, the money spent on prison and rehabiltation of these 'people' should be spent on their victims! helping them try to get over what happened to them, as for the punishment well i suppose a quid in electric to fry the f*ckers is the cheapest way.... OR better still let their victims parents and families get hold of them thats free and would be a fitting punishment i think.

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