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Bloody hell! My best friend and I work in the same organisation. We made an agreement around 3 years ago that if we heard of anyone talking about the other one behind their back we would tell each other.

Well I heard (from a very reliable source) that a manager, who she holds in high regard, has been bad mouthing her behind her back to other members of staff. I sat on it for weeks trying to decide whether or not to tell her because I know she trusts him and also that she's very sensitive and would be quite upset about it. But I also didn't want her trusting him and telling her private information when he bad mouths her to other members of staff and isn't generally trustworthy.

I did tell her months ago that I didn't trust him, as I've heard him bad-mouthing other members of staff behind their backs - even his favourite colleagues that he has managed for years!

Well I've just told her and now I'm wondering whether I've done the right thing. She's now really very upset!

I love her to bits and couldn't live with myself having this information and not telling her while she makes herself vulnerable in her discussions with him.

I'm wondering now if I should have kept my mouth shut, but I would feel like a traitor for not telling her as we're so close and I know her family etc etc.

Bloody hell! I'd rather not have been put in this position. Frowner

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by cup:
I know it is hard because she is upset

but without question i would want to know

She could tell him something personal and he could blab and make a fool of her

She will be thankful to you when she gets over the hurt and she will

Your a good mate,and what a twat as a manager what goes round comes round he will get his comeuppance one day his big mouth will land him in it with the wrong person

Cup, that is EXACTLY what I was thinking! She could tell him something and jeopardize herself! Were she not my best friend and any other colleague I would have kept schtum Nod
Originally posted by Mike Strutter:

It cannot be worse than a mate saying ....

I know shes been around the block a few times and shes a right slutty one ..
But I Love Her ,

as you eat the wedding cake at his wedding...
an look over at her eyeing up her next target ..Frowner
Now thats upsetting ...
But do you say listen mate shes a dirty slut who loves it ...
you are a Loser !
or ....
as I did an chomp on the wedding cake smiling sweetly waiting to pick up those broken,
so many pieces .... lol

I've had a little too much wine to get that analogy. Soz Big Grin

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