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The cheek of him telling Sisqo that "his family and children are watching" so how dare he talk about him?
SO are everyone elses family watching when Vinnie is sticking the knife in their backs

He is a garde A hypocrite, a very horrible trait in a person...
The Devil In Diamante

vinnies always been devoted to his wife and kids, some of the things said about him will make his wife ill again i would imagine, vinnies vinnie hes looked after them all well i think, hes been bossy i wont deny that, but hes not a totally horrible person i dont believe,

vinnies vinnie hes looked after them all well i think, hes been bossy i wont deny that, but hes not a totally horrible person i dont believe,
Have to say I agree with you. can't believe how out of step I am with peeps on here ......................vinnie has been vinnie from day one and I dont think all the cleaning and cooking has been to gain control. He's a mature man used to being busy and didn't want to sit around talking about farting and sexual encounters.

All this talk of how Vinnie is gunning for Sisqo ............errrrrm am I missing something? - since being nominated sisqo has taken on a one man crusade to bring Vinnie down and made no bones about it.
Dont get me wrong - I'm no big Vinnie fan and dont particularly want him to win but he's been consistent from day one......Sisqo on the other hand has shown two very distinctive sides to his personality - that is duplicitous IMO and I dont want him to win.
Soozy Woo
There's nobbery all round in that house Scotty....I've never disliked an entire set of HMs more
Kaytee  I only dislike, and I`m being polite  the nob that is Vinnie Jones, (s) nobby Stephanie and now Dane..for crawling up the nob`s backside
I dont think all the cleaning and cooking has been to gain control
but after last nights HL show - i do think it is to make himself indespensible (sp?)

he even commented at the end - how can you treat somebody like that who has been doing or your cooking and cleaning? (or words to that effect)

i just couldnt forgive him for the animal hunting so perhaps i am biased
Either Vinnie Jones knows that he is lying (in which case his deliberate lying makes him a detestable person.)
Or he does not realise and believes he is describing things as they really are (in which case he must be the least self-aware housemate there has ever been on Big Brother - and that is saying a lot!)
Odious man. Quite immature too really - his debating/arguing style are worthy of an infants school playground.
How ironic,Vinnie being "Picked on ",that man has picked his targets, ridiculed them, isolated anyone who went against the opinion of the "A-Team,controlled the food,Hms couldn't venture into the kitchen ,that's Vinnie's territory,when he did take a stroop he put certain people in charge,no debate ,Vinnie decided who it was to be ,then he took a chair placed it just outside the kitchen and shouted instruction and criticism,until they through the towel in and Vinnie got "his" kitchen back.
Actually .....i'm picking the phone up and voting Sisqo out. Yes Vinnie is an unlikeable chatracter but he hasn't gone all out to bring another HM down. He simply speaks his mind 9not everyone agrees) Sisqo is so up himself it's not true says it all when he actually says he feels the need to apologise ........please remember we dont see all the footage and Sisqo has been nominated (not always with Vinnies backing) other HM's see things we dont. Vinnie hasn't been nominated ......what does that say?
Soozy Woo
Sisqo fought his fight bless him but the lord that is vile vinnie I'm in charge and all his  sycophantic dogs of war picking at Sisqo the lad did'nt stand a chance, even mealy mouthed Nicola called Sisqo a tosser, I find Vinnie a despicable wimp,  a liar a hypocrite and the biggest control freak to have ever graced BB.

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