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I'm not going to read the entire article because it is far too long, but I can tell just from reading the first few paragraphs that it is tripe.

However, I do feel in retrospect that it was wrong of Big Brother to put Steve through such a long task in which he had to stand for the duration, given that his false legs become painful if he is standing for long periods. After spending close to an hour trying to get the bullseye, they immediately had him back doing it again. Steve's legs are in a lot of pain this evening.

If they had provided two dart boards (one for standing and one for sitting/wheelchair) then fair enough, but they didn't. 
It's a load of old hooey....outrage indeed.  I wish Paul Dacre would just feck off back to the bowels of hell.  Him and his rag are responsible for 95% of stupidity in the UK.

BB did everything right, they gave him a chair and asked if he was good to go...that's BB displaying reasonable adjustments and equal ops right there.  The Mail should just go and do what it's wetting itself to do and become the BNP newsletter.  It makes me want to hurl.
It's a load of old hooey....outrage indeed. I wish Paul Dacre would just feck off back to the bowels of hell. Him and his rag are responsible for 95% of stupidity in the UK. BB did everything right, they gave him a chair and asked if he was good to go...that's BB displaying reasonable adjustments and equal ops right there. The Mail should just go and do what it's wetting itself to do and become the BNP newsletter. It makes me want to hurl
good post, I would love to know who actually buys it, I can only imagine the jeremy kyle lot reading it
What hypocritical crap the Mail spouts.

If this had been a competition in a village fÊte or Forces event and someone had raised those concerns, the Daily Mail would be decrying it as 'political correctness gone mad' and 'the nanny state'.  They'd be getting their quote from Steve to prove how 'liberal do gooders' were ruining everyone's fun. 

As the Daily Mail snootily disapproves of BB in general, different rules apply.
good post, I would love to know who actually buys it, I can only imagine the jeremy kyle lot reading it
It's the country's second most popular newspaper after The Sun (I'm amazed anyone still reads that rag), surpassed the Daily Mirror in the 1990s and sells far more copies than the Daily Mirror these days.  Most popular newspaper for ABC1 (all the middle classes and skilled working class) and ABs (middle classes) .

We are a nation with no taste!
Well, I'm not surprised at the Mail printing this tosh, but I am surprised they found an RNIB "spokesperson" (albeit an unnamed one ) to support it. Firstly, the RNIB is supposed to support equal participation (they were heavily involved in supporting Mikey's inclusion in BB9, remember), and secondly, there have been blind darts players for years...
Just to show how ridiculous this is, here's another Daily Mail story from 3 years ago...
Eugene's Lair
good post, I would love to know who actually buys it, I can only imagine the jeremy kyle lot reading it
i always picture the typical mail reader as the first person in the street that has bought their council house.

The type who live in the same area as scum, but see themselves as being a cut  above and aspire to middle classness, although their children will probably turn out to be scum

They probably have big flouncy curtains with them swag thingies and uplighters  and have a jar of sun dried tomatoes in their kitchen cupboard for show, but haven't got a clue what to do with them.

I doubt if they would ever deign to appear on Jeremy Kyle, but watch it to up their daily tut quota before they start a frenzied dusting of their Capo di Monte ornaments
I used to be a Daily Mail reader... I had some of those views...
Thankfully life has taught me that there is no such thing as black or white and now I get called a lefty because I am perpetually arguing on a local paper website which is full of  Daily Mail readers - actually it's worse because it is unmoderated.
I  dared to go on there a few weeks ago and suggest that mass indoctrination of children at a week run by born again Xians was not necessarily the way forward..

Lordy I was called a few names...
Mathematics offline 1,451 Forum Posts Today at 12:09 AM Last Edited: I'm not going to read the entire article because it is far too long, but I can tell just from reading the first few paragraphs that it is tripe. However, I do feel in retrospect that it was wrong of Big Brother to put Steve through such a long task in which he had to stand for the duration, given that his false legs become painful if he is standing for long periods. After spending close to an hour trying to get the bullseye, they immediately had him back doing it again. Steve's legs are in a lot of pain this evening. If they had provided two dart boards (one for standing and one for sitting/wheelchair) then fair enough, but they didn't.
I agree Maths.

Oh and I am a Daily Mail reader

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