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Charmer asked me to post this for him because he can`t do linky thingys...


The Daily Mail
Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Is Haribo Corrupting Our Nation's Children?

The other day, while doing our weekly shop, I bought for my two children, Benjamin and Ofelia, a packet of Haribo Maoam lemon-and-lime confectionary. It was only after I was leaving the check-out that I noticed the appaling illustration on the packaging.

This consists of a lemon and a lime locked in what appears to be a carnal encounter. The lime, who I assume to be the gentleman in the coupling, has a particularly distasteful expression on his face.

I demanded to see the shop manager and during a heated exchange my wife became quite distressed and had to sit down in the car park. I was told to register my complaint with the manufacturer.

I'm glad I spotted this before my young children, who are both very sensitive. My wife and I have always tried to maintain their innocence - and to think our years of careful parenting could have been wrecked by, of all things, a sweet wrapper makes me livid.

I received a reply from the company saying that the wrapper design had been introduced in Germany in 2002 with a view to making the fruit figures "more modern and lively" to "better appeal to the consumer".

It said: "At no point was it intended to create sexual images". It had been shown to a number of children and adults of different age groups, none of whom has made any comments referring to the sexual content.

I consider this response less than satisfactory. As a member of our local church, I'm now urging other members of our flock to boycott Haribo products until this illustration is removed.

Simon Simpkins, Pontefract, West Yorks.

Laugh Laugh

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Originally posted by Scotty:
Charmer asked me to post this for him because he can`t do linky thingys...


The Daily Mail
Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Is Haribo Corrupting Our Nation's Children?

The other day, while doing our weekly shop, I bought for my two children, Benjamin and Ofelia, a packet of Haribo Maoam lemon-and-lime confectionary. It was only after I was leaving the check-out that I noticed the appaling illustration on the packaging.

This consists of a lemon and a lime locked in what appears to be a carnal encounter. The lime, who I assume to be the gentleman in the coupling, has a particularly distasteful expression on his face.

I demanded to see the shop manager and during a heated exchange my wife became quite distressed and had to sit down in the car park. I was told to register my complaint with the manufacturer.

I'm glad I spotted this before my young children, who are both very sensitive. My wife and I have always tried to maintain their innocence - and to think our years of careful parenting could have been wrecked by, of all things, a sweet wrapper makes me livid.

I received a reply from the company saying that the wrapper design had been introduced in Germany in 2002 with a view to making the fruit figures "more modern and lively" to "better appeal to the consumer".

It said: "At no point was it intended to create sexual images". It had been shown to a number of children and adults of different age groups, none of whom has made any comments referring to the sexual content.

I consider this response less than satisfactory. As a member of our local church, I'm now urging other members of our flock to boycott Haribo products until this illustration is removed.

Simon Simpkins, Pontefract, West Yorks.

Laugh Laugh

Laugh Laugh
Originally posted by Scotty:
Charmer asked me to post this for him because he can`t do linky thingys...


The Daily Mail
Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Is Haribo Corrupting Our Nation's Children?

The other day, while doing our weekly shop, I bought for my two children, Benjamin and Ofelia, a packet of Haribo Maoam lemon-and-lime confectionary. It was only after I was leaving the check-out that I noticed the appaling illustration on the packaging.

This consists of a lemon and a lime locked in what appears to be a carnal encounter. The lime, who I assume to be the gentleman in the coupling, has a particularly distasteful expression on his face.

I demanded to see the shop manager and during a heated exchange my wife became quite distressed and had to sit down in the car park. I was told to register my complaint with the manufacturer.

I'm glad I spotted this before my young children, who are both very sensitive. My wife and I have always tried to maintain their innocence - and to think our years of careful parenting could have been wrecked by, of all things, a sweet wrapper makes me livid.

I received a reply from the company saying that the wrapper design had been introduced in Germany in 2002 with a view to making the fruit figures "more modern and lively" to "better appeal to the consumer".

It said: "At no point was it intended to create sexual images". It had been shown to a number of children and adults of different age groups, none of whom has made any comments referring to the sexual content.

I consider this response less than satisfactory. As a member of our local church, I'm now urging other members of our flock to boycott Haribo products until this illustration is removed.

Simon Simpkins, Pontefract, West Yorks.

Laugh Laugh

Originally posted by Scotty:

Is HARIBO corrupting our children

Laugh Laugh

candy being sexually offensive?

ha. have you SEEN British TV???

and furthermore, you WATCH big brother AND post on a forum about it, and you're a parent?

I saw a group of 10 year old kids discussing housemates from this year's BB.

TYPICAL. What the heck are 10 y.o. CHILDREN doing watching big brother? If I had kids, I'd be too tired to stay up and watch car crash TV. I haven't even watched in over a week because this year's show is so banal and trite. And when I turn it on and ride my exercise bike, I have to endure Sophie in a challenging task... geography.

Maybe if Sophie's mother had helped her with her homework rather than with her boob job, she'd know where FRANCE is on a world map.

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