
couldn't help feeling what a drip John Le Mesurier was
Yeah, Iknow what you mean, Pengy - but at the same time I thought it was more a case of him being sooooooooooo laid back and open minded too. I want to describe him as rakish but that's not the right word. Permissive, maybe but with a sense of commitment...?
Bohemian but with middle class trappings, style and appearance?
'Calculated vagueness' is a good description as I don't think he came across as distant or uninvolved.
I dunno! It's driving me to distraction trying to find the right words

Anyhooo.... I thought Robert Bathurst played him just right; nicely understated.
Ruth was good too; good casting to have Marcia Warren play quirky Esma Cannon (who obviously wasn't as scatty as she's portrayed in films).
Not sure what I thought about the production - a bit dark perhaps? But as the script mainly dwelt on Hatttie's disasterous relationship with Schofield I suppose other aspects of her life were shown purely to 'set the scene' so to speak.
I've seen a programme on Hancock which detailed some of the Joan/John/Tony merry-go-round but again, it was more aimed towards Hancock....Joan and John Le Mes were played as minor roles.
I *think* I enjoyed it but I'm not sure it sated my expectations.