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Yes.. I did't expect to like him, but I do.   I honestly don't see what all the fuss is about.   He's brusque, no nonsense, dare I say 'common'?    He cooks, he cleans, he doesn't faff about preening himself or posing in his underwear - I think he's an ordinary guy.   He's gone in there to do a job (work for BB) and he's done it, I think he's been professional.   As for the bullying, I've never heard such nonsense  - if he's such a bully why has not had one single nomination.. and please don't say because they're scared of him.   'Celebs' above all, should know that he's hardly going to deck anybody.
Yes.. I did't expect to like him, but I do. I honestly don't see what all the fuss is about. He's brusque, no nonsense, dare I say 'common'? He cooks, he cleans, he doesn't faff about preening himself or posing in his underwear - I think he's an ordinary guy. He's gone in there to do a job (work for BB) and he's done it, I think he's been professional. As for the bullying, I've never heard such nonsense - if he's such a bully why has not had one single nomination.. and please don't say because they're scared of him. 'Celebs' above all, should know that he's hardly going to deck anybody.
Vinnie has behaved in the way I expected...but I didn't expect him to do all the housework and cooking for the other lazy gits. He's done a job in there, hasn't moaned about the tasks like most of them. He isn't an ego on stilts like Sisquo, or barking mad like Stephen, or bland like most of the others.
Yes, he was a thug on the football pitch apparently(I don't watch football)...and there's a black mark against him for the blood sports, but in the house, I don't think he's done much wrong...and he hasn't bullied anyone. That Sov would have tried the patience of a saint and he's certainly not that

Usually plays nasty characters in his films
You see.. I can see why people say he's nasty because of his behaviour on the pitch (and now, thanks to that Blizz in RL)  but the amount of people who quote the 'nasty character' thing is hilarious!   I suppose you all 'hate' (for example) Anthony Hopkins too?

I appreciate the opinions of those who knew about his assault charges - but I stand by my view of how he's been in the house (I didn't know any of the RL stuff), and I don't think he's been nasty in there.
Kaffy, the films I have seen with Vinnie in, he portrays a violent type character. I'm not saying he's going to bash someones head in with a car door in the house, but I'm sure when a director needs a thuggish type chararcter Vinnie's name would be very likely on the list. So, the thuggish type character follows him. He's not exactly going to play Darcy in the next version of Pride & Prejudice is he.
Anyway Kaffy, you support him, so you are going to defend him like a dedicated fan and I admire you for that!
Ok, he's no saint but he has been easy fodder for the red tops all through his career.  Yes, sure he's had a few punch up's in RL too, but it was always easy to label him and put him in the thug across-the-board bracket. 
The man's easy copy as they say in the press. 

Look at him:  thick eyebrows, furrowed brow, deep set eyes.  He's not a matinee idol... and neither was Charles Bronson but no one asked him to play Mr. Darcy either. His gruff, and as Kaffy said, "brusque" tone is just that.  He's not poetic, he hasn't got a soft lilt to his voice but then again, he'll say it as he sees it.

He's earnt his money from humble beginnings and good luck to him.  A docu years ago (when he was still a player) revealed he loved living in the countryside, was a family man and had a generous heart.  He applied himself to his sport, believed in effort and teamwork and had the never say it's over til it's over attitude.  He isn't flash, doesn't get caught out with wannabee slappers and does his best with the basic talents he's been given.

Yeah, pick and point and fume over him because he IS infuriating.  But he's a do-er.  Sitting around in a doss hole has no appeal to him - and I'd be the same.  In the BB house I'd do ANYTHING to keep myself occupied.
Let someone cook for me?  No chance.  I've seen the cr@p dished up under the title of "Dinner" in that house over the years.  I'd rather eat dry bread, thank you.

The man likes control and order.  It's what keeps him sane.

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