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Don't get that argument videostar - sorry. Would that argument have been used if Josie had been voted out weeks ago? Why would BB want josie to win over say Corin for example?

I think it developed over the weeks,  im sure Josie didn't go in on week one as their chosen HM, but with the "weight thing" that keeps getting brought up and her "relationship" with Skippy it brought her to the forefront of the show for the producers.

Davina on BBBM and on the eviction show wont hear a single negitive word against her but yet happily slates other HM's, on E4 when they do the promo's for BBLB they show only clips of Josie one liners.
Prom, Videostar , my point is this,
Would you have been saying this if Josie had been out weeks ago and there were different finalists and Corin and Sam had been voted out ? It is just a very sad coincidence,
The GBP  voted them out because they are silly and didn't think things through.BB gambled and it didn't pay off.
To be honest I  would rather Josie won than Sam anyday.I didn't want Sam to go but he did not deserve to win.
Oh dont get me wrong Josie wasn't ever nominated by her fellow HM's so thats hardly BB's fault.

Other HM's haven't been looked after by BB like Josie has, i've seen her say and do mean things that has been overlooked by the producers, so even if Josie were to be up for eviction it's doubful she'd ever have gone.

Her popularity went sharply down when she was nasty to Keeva.
Would you have been saying this if Josie had been out weeks ago and there were different finalists and Corin and Sam had been voted out ?
That's not really the point. I'm not hating on Josie here I just wanted a better final. Vote to evict always pitches fans of the big characters against each other and the big characters lose. Vote to save is all about who the public want to WIN not who they want to lose and at this late stage that's a much fairer way of doing it.

BB decided a vote to save would pit Josie against the big guns, so they did a vote to evict. they don't usually do that at such a late stage. I don't hate Josie but it will be a very, very hollow victory for her now when she wins.  She was hand-picked. She's surrounded by four total bores she would have to do something absolutely spectacularly bad not to win now.
BB decided a vote to save would pit Josie against the big guns, so they did a vote to evict. they don't usually do that at such a late stage. I don't hate Josie but it will be a very, very hollow victory for her now when she wins.  She was hand-picked. She's surrounded by four total bores she would have to do something absolutely spectacularly bad not to win now.
Why do they want Josie to win?
What has Josie got that makes her a BB winner then?
I agree it is a boring final but that is hardly Josie's fault.
Had there had been a vote to save then we may well have ended up with John James in the final and he could have possibly won.
That may have been a reason why BB did vote to evict,
It's clear that pretty much all the BB presenters want her to win, and as I said Davina wont hear a bad word said about her AT ALL, thats a bit odd for someone who is meant to be interviewing chavs on the BBBM show, shes meant to listen to their opinions, not to shut them up if they mention Josie.

If you watch the BBBM show (and I wouldn't blame you if you didn't) they do spoof funny clips making fun of the HM's, they never make fun of Josie like they do with the's like shes above all that, a saint. lol
At least Josie did say something to JohnJames and keeva
Her fall out with Caoimhe was nothing to do with her bitching,Josie often sat while her and JJ tore others to shreds,the fall out came because of the  night Caoimhe was drunk and got in JJ's bed or something equally daft....I had no time for Caoimhe whatsoever, but Josie was OTT in relation to that imo.
Reference: Lee
Her fall out with Caoimhe was nothing to do with her bitching,Josie often sat while her and JJ tore others to shreds,the fall out came because of the night Caoimhe was drunk and got in JJ's bed or something equally daft....I had no time for Caoimhe whatsoever, but Josie was OTT in relation to that imo.
She had already had several 'words' with John James, about the massive bitching rants he and Queefer enjoyed.
End of the day, Josie has been herself - her glorious thumb sucking, nose picking self. That must be very hard to do in a house full of attention seeking paranoid wotsits.
I disagree that BB wants her for the winner but even if that were the case, I would far rather she won it than just about any of the others ( with the exception of Corin).

She picks her nose - OMFG. We ALL do - I refuse to believe otherwise.
Reference: Prom
You'll be telling us next she was unaware at how horrible JJ was to all the girls
She told him he was an idiot for judging Rachael so harshly, she told him to stop arguing with Sunshine, she told him Corin was a lovely person, with a heart of gold. I don't remember anyone else telling him, apart from Corin, who later apologised, as she thought he was shouting at her!

And he calmed down, a hell of a lot, for a fair few weeks.

Next time he flipped at a woman? She tells him straight!
Reference: Lee
The fall out with Caoimhe had nothing to do with bitching as you know Bliz,nothing....Caoimhe left,he continued his bitching and bullying to anyone who was prepared to listen,including Josie.
I wasn't blaming his bitching on Queefer.
I was saying that Josie didn't realise that Queefer was a bitch, until she sat and listened to her and John James bitching!

Josie continued to tell him to stop being an idiot, every time he bitched, so she's guilty of listening and disagreeing, basically!
osie continued to tell him to stop being an idiot, every time he bitched, so she's guilty of listening and disagreeing, basically!
Josie is besotted with JohnJames - sad but true. Yes she did tell him what she thought but was always too scared of taking it too far in case he left her
I really hope she sees him for what he is out in the real world,
Reference: Isadora
Josie is besotted with JohnJames - sad but true. Yes she did tell him what she thought but was always too scared of taking it too far in case he left her I really hope she sees him for what he is out in the real world,
Yes, she is, but I don't think she's ever looked scared of him.

I think she would just rather laugh at his stupid rants, unless they are directed at the person concerned, in which case she gets more serious with him.
The reason I don't like Josie is cos if I was to meet her in a pub (unlikely in Bristol ) and she carried on the way she does in the house (loud, ignorant, talking about her pissy pants and her minge and whatever else) - she wouldn't be my cup of tea at ALL. I'm no snob, Christ I'm as much of a geeza bird as the next one - but to me, there are limits. She just doesn't seem to have any. Any nice qualities she possesses are overshadowed by her negatives.

Oh and also I'm fed up to the back teeth of her attention seeking and self-pity stuff as I said somewhere here earlier. Completely understandable in the beginning, but 70+ days on she's STILL looking for compliments and when she gets them, says 'oh shut up, you cant be serious', then does it again with someone else. Her constant need for the latest view on John James' feelings does my head in aswell. If she was that unsure, maybe she should have stayed clear and kept things light until they got out. Even on the HL tonight she was nagging Dave about what he said and when he said it, and then got all snipey and spat her dummy out when he didn't shout that he loved her back. How many times did she repeat that?
Last edited by Karma_
This year we're all just waiting for them to give bumpkin girl the cheque.
If she's as unpopular/gross/chavvy/crude/fake/boring/humourless/attention seeking/self-pitying etc etc. etc. as some think, she won't win, simple as, they'll vote for someone else and they will win.  
We q possibly would have got a different result on Friday if it had been a vote to save, but we didn't, time to move on!
Josie is in the final because that's what the hms voted for,not BB, most folk thought that they would vote for Steve, if they had, then do doubt some would be saying that he was their 'chosen one' He could have then be added to the list of hms who have previously been described as BB's 'chosen ones':  Ben; Sam; John James at different points
Pete Bennett BB7 was pretty much a conjob...but this year has been a scandal...the way BB planned how last weeks way of evicting all of Josie's competition was a clear sign that they want Josie to win.
And the cherry on the top? The beautifying day to make sure Josie looks her best as she receives her cheque.  I really think they have taken the mickey out of us this year.

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