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I'm in Oxford, Crispy. I think it's thawing now - although apparently it has rained tonight - I hope it doesn't freeze later

That sounds good Rexmas. I like a white Xmas as much as anyone else, but this year has been one of the worst i can remember since the 60s.  Reckon we will have more to come as this years downfall was early.
Crispy Christmas
I was posting on here when it happened and didn't feel thing Crispy  The local paper said it was strong in this area, I didn't even know it had happened  No damage

We had an earthquake here in ne lINCS two years ago was 1.30 am I was still up doing our VAT return- it was really rather scary. A very unique experience.
Soozy Woo
The rain seems to have washed most of it away, but if it hasn't all gone and then freezes overnight then it's gonna be skate city tomorrow. I wanna go out dammit

Think positive Karma. It has all gone from here and not freezing. Hope you have the same and are able to get out. Nowt worse than being afraid to go out for fear of falling.
Crispy Christmas
I was posting on here when it happened and didn't feel thing Crispy The local paper said it was strong in this area, I didn't even know it had happened No damage that I know of

Had you been on  the Xmas water ? This may have numbed your sences.   At least it made the news--- you should be proud to have nade ot through. You could --Big it up---and make a bit of money from the press.
Crispy Christmas
I'm not even allowed out in my blasted wheelchair let alone try and walk in it. Apparently it would be (*puts on posh voice and adopts sarcastic tone*) "A verrrry foolish thing to do and could tie up an ambulance that is needed elsewhere".

Oh that's alright Missus, you just shove me away like my name's Anne bleedin Frank. I'll start a diary or 6 while I'm waiting for the thaw shall I? Swines.

(Sorry! )
Had you been on  the Xmas water ? This may have numbed your sences.   At least it made the news--- you should be proud to have nade ot through. You could --Big it up---and make a bit of money from the press.

I'm not tempting fate, it may have shook some tiles lose on my roof, knowing me I'll slam the front door and they'll fall on my head.
We had an earthquake here in ne lINCS two years ago was 1.30 am I was still up doing our VAT return- it was really rather scary. A very unique experience.

I bet it was. We know nothing here of eartquakes. I think about those who have to cope with death and destruction after major earthquakes abroad.-- must be horrendous for them.
Crispy Christmas
I'm not even allowed out in my blasted wheelchair let alone try and walk in it. Apparently it would be (*puts on posh voice and adopts sarcastic tone*) "A verrrry foolish thing to do and could tie up an ambulance that is needed elsewhere". Oh that's alright Missus, you just shove me away like my name's Anne bleedin Frank. I'll start a diary or 6 while I'm waiting for the thaw shall I? Swines. (Sorry! )

Make a break for it Karma. Run the sods down who get in your way,
Crispy Christmas
Wish I could! Nah, it's not worth risking it and setting myself back by another 6 months (I'm very, very slowly (allegedly) recovering from spinal surgery). Just youse lot be careful you hear!
Hope you get the upper hand Karma. Think positive annd NEVER give up. You are a winner ( as i have seen on here) so keep up the positive thinking, and cus everyone you want on here.   Best wishes--- and i mean this.
Crispy Christmas
Spongey don't be sorry woman! I try to laugh at most things these days or see a cynical side to everything

Cheers Crispy I'm alright, I know what's what and this could take years to sort out if at all, and as long as I know that reality then I can deal with it. It's just when the medics fail to tell you stuff that it's annoying and a bit of a headf**k, but I'm over that hurdle. What will be will be, leaving it in the hands of whoever's upstairs.

Anyhooo, I'm being nice and that's not like me. So stop it


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