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Agree with everyone who says she acts like a stroppy teenager. It's pathetic - she can't take the slightest criticism without going off on one - if there were stairs to the bedroom in that place she'd be stomping up them every five minutes.
That tantrum about her hair was stupid, especially compared to the slagging that Ivana and Stephanie just brushed off and laughed about.
Really does prove the maxim that the older you get, the less you give a shite about what anyone thinks of you!
To be fair, it was another hm (can`t remember who but Big Daddy Vinnie told them off for it ) who said she could have the corned beef.
On other occasions though, she does seem to have a lack of awareness that others might be as hungry as her. She displays an air of entitlement. Is it selfishness? I don`t know.
I get a feeing that she can`t stand being in a controlled environment
so she rebels in silly ways. The BB house is not a good place for Sov imo.
Remember a housemate called Kitten from an earlier BB series.
I think there are some similarities between Kitten and Sov.
I think Sov believes she is the world's first (and perhaps only) anarchist.

Little does she know that she is far from the first and this sort of behaviour is tedious in the extreme.
A bit immature, though; I'd have thought she would have grown out of it by now.
Vinnie decided the corned beef would be used for a meal in the seems to me that he doesn't include the group in his decision making apart from Steph maybe, who won't go against him.  Altho' I don't agree with some of Sov's tantrums I prefer to give her the benefit of the doubt while in the BB house as it doesn't reflect real life whatsoever in that pressure cooker gold fish bowl environment.  Besides I do prefer to watch a rebel rather than a sheep
Well most of the people I know my age are students, or have just recently graduated and got jobs. Haven't really kept in touch with people my age who have gone off, got married at 20 and had kids already.

So my judgement is only really based on the people that I socialise with, but then again that still doesn't make Sov extraordinarily immature for her age imo.
Crunchy  Nuts
cherylstolemylollipop (Save Our Sov) 640 Forum PostsToday at 20:10 (Edited: ) Seriously right, I duno what world you lot are living in, but most 24yr olds I know aren't proper grown up mature adults. I'm 23 so know and socialise with loads of people around the 24 age mark. You do get the odd serious mature one, but Sov isn't as abnormal as people on here like to make out.
Most 24 year olds that I know, irrespective if they are students or not, (by the way is 24 not a bit long in the tooth to still be a student (unless medical) certainly do not behave like Sov, that is a teenage stoppy mare. She's a right royal pain in the arse and needs to wise up big style. Her bad manners are socially unaccpetable in any sphere of life.

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