its on ch4 tonight at 8pm
is it worth watching i have read the book
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Not seen it, but plan to be watching later with a drop of the ole rum!!
its either stay in with some wine or go to the pub. the book is good i hope the film doesn't ruin it
haven't seen the film but have been told it's not as good as the book...the book was excellent
I loved the book - hated the film
I liked the book, but I don't fancy the film from what I've seen on the trailers.
I really want to read the book but i know i wont get round to it, so i will watch it later.
ooh i don't think i like the sound of that. i hate it when a film isn't as good as the book.
but i did like the trailers
Its on at 9 by the way on c4. I hope it is good because i havent got a dvd out to watch if its poo
I'm probably going to watch the film but I hated the book.
Its on at 9 by the way on c4. I hope it is good because i havent got a dvd out to watch if its poo
oops thanks for that where did i get 8 from
oh thanks for the reminder, myself and his nibbs made a date to watch this last week.
Book was a great book to read, loved it.
I didn't like the movie at all
I didn't like the movie at all
I will be watching as there really isn't much else on - I didn't get all the raves about the book - I read it (before everyone went ga ga about it) and found it okayish!
It's very rare that a film adaptation is ever as good as the book. The worst case of this I can think of had to 'Flowers in the Attic'
I thought it was good and even Mr stonks sat through it without falling asleep and thought it was good....
I remember making a thread about it on here... everyone seemed to like it, personally I thought it was abit boring.
It's very rare that a film adaptation is ever as good as the book. The worst case of this I can think of had to 'Flowers in the Attic'
It really was, the film was atrocious.
I've heard good reports of the Lovely Bones film, and will be watching it.
I'm probably going to watch the film but I hated the book.
i read it in a day
i couldnt put it down
*last time i pick a book up when ive had to superglue something*
nah-i really enjoyed it
ive had the film for ages but not watched it
The book with the exception of the ending (imo) was fantastic and had me gripped until the end. The film is a bad adaptation, although if you have nothing to do for a couple of hours this will pass the time.
Nuff said
I want to watch it, but just found out it doesn't start until 9 pm.
I want to watch it, but just found out it doesn't start until 9 pm.
Thanks Col.
I`ve read the book. I loved it but somehow, it seemed unfinished.
Watching now.
I`m not impressed so far. A bit Hollywood.
I`m not impressed so far. A bit Hollywood.
Nor me but's getting a bit ooooooooooooooooooooh aaaaaah now!
Well .................the book was okayish ...............................the film is pretty darn crap IMO!
I gave up when he was cleaning the bathroom.. not impressed at all...
I gave up when he was cleaning the bathroom.. not impressed at all...
Is there really another hour and a bit of this?
Okay. Susan Sarandon just appeared. I'd watch her open an envelope. I'll give this another 15 minutes.
I suppose there must be Suzy - I don't think it made the jump from book to film.
It doesn't help the I can't see Mark Wahlberg as anyone other than Dirk Diggler...
Im enjoying it! a lot more than i thought i would
Im enjoying it! a lot more than i thought i would
I'm not
OK the book was a bit off the wall but .....................this is a bit silly IMO. I like realism - can't be doing with this - very silly IMO ...........all this breathless voice talk over and slow mo stuff ...............................................SILLY, SILLY, SILLLY!
I suppose there must be Suzy - I don't think it made the jump from book to film.
It doesn't help the I can't see Mark Wahlberg as anyone other than Dirk Diggler...
I do love me some Marky Mark. Yum
I havent read the book and so really didn't know what to expect. I know i usually hate teh films of books though, with the exception of atonement. I thought that film was better than the book, or maybe more enjoyable.
I do love me some Marky Mark. Yum
down girl... is it gonna be cave woman tonight?
I do love me some Marky Mark. Yum
down girl... is it gonna be cave woman tonight?
that could work
Right I'm buying that Ministry of Sound 80's Groove compilation. I think I'm giving up on the movie though. I did try!
Looks wonderful - the imagery is breath taking
Wish i'd seen it at the cinema
Looks wonderful - the imagery is breath taking
Wish i'd seen it at the cinema
I wasted about an hour of my life on it tonight.... I'd have been well sick if I'd paid for the privilege.
Its worth it just to see the glorious scenes
Is she in the safe!!!
Whut the . . . bizarre
I liked it am i totally on my own
He got away with a dozen murders!!
Disappointing end - is that how the boook ends too?
He got away with a dozen murders!!
Disappointing end - is that how the boook ends too?
You sort of wish the film would go on, or there was going to be a sequel.
I enjoyed it for the most. It held your interest, but it definitely needed more to the ending.
He got away with a dozen murders!!
Disappointing end - is that how the boook ends too?
Yes. Unfinished.
I quite liked the film but just like the book, there`s no definite ending.
Unfinished? Wot dew ewe meen?
I liked it am i totally on my own
I quite liked it too
I enjoyed it, and I thought the ending was great.
well i started his thread and sorry to say but we went out to the pub!
sorry i haven't replied before but just came in and read this thread and there is a lot of different opinions .... so i need to see it myself really.
my 19yr old daughter watched it and said it was scary!!! she never read the book and now wont because she thinks it would be depressing!! Not what i was thinking, i never thought it would be scary or depressing (apart from the being murdered bit)
i think i will re read the book and then buy the film.
I thought the book was excellent. Watched the movie for the first time last night and didn't think much of it. It didn't do the book any justice at all, it left loads of important stuff out. I thought they covered the ending in the movie much better than they did in the book having said that. It really showed him dying a slow and painful death, which may not be our type of justice, but it was nice to see all the same
They left loads of lovely touches out, like the actual passage of time, what the 'in between' was really like...the part where she met other people who had died during her time there, including the family dog. Didn't the mother have an affair with the policeman? They didn't go near that either. Also, I thought they found the bracelet? I knew he threw the main part away, but I thought someone found the part he kept?
I liked it, because his nibbs was quiet the whole way through the film
but they did leave whole chunks of the book out.
Oh Mark whatsit can't act.
Unfinished? Wot dew ewe meen?
Dunno Renton. I`d had a sherry trifle.
drunkard LOL
It looked beautiful and i know it was subtlely done but twas unsatisfying
I thought her role wud be to lead her family to the truth - wot was her role - i couldn't see one
drunkard LOL
It looked beautiful and i know it was subtlely done but twas unsatisfying
I thought her role wud be to lead her family to the truth - wot was her role - i couldn't see one
But they found the book?
drunkard LOL
It looked beautiful and i know it was subtlely done but twas unsatisfying
I thought her role wud be to lead her family to the truth - wot was her role - i couldn't see one
But they found the book?
Yes that was quite an exciting part, when her sister found the book, but i was expecting a bit more reaction to the book, but that didn't happen.
Also it was left open about the Parents reaction to who it was, after the Father had gone to all the trouble of realizing it was him as well, but helpless to proof it. Well i was left wanting more in these area's.
Yes they found the book - but it passed off almost as an after thought - no big reveal, no sudden chasing him out of town, he hardly had trouble escaping either
The dead girl didn't lead them to the book - so i struggle to see her role
drunkard LOL
It looked beautiful and i know it was subtlely done but twas unsatisfying
I thought her role wud be to lead her family to the truth - wot was her role - i couldn't see one
But they found the book?
Yes that was quite an exciting part, when her sister found the book, but i was expecting a bit more reaction to the book, but that didn't happen.
Also it was left open about the Parents reaction to who it was, after the Father had gone to all the trouble of realizing it was him as well, but helpless to proof it. Well i was left wanting more in these area's.
That's where the book is much better. There's a huge reaction in it when they figure out who the killer is and there's a whole 'I can't believe he's been on our street this whole time' kind of thing. Also there were a few more things in the basement
Her role in the movie was a bit played down, in the book she's able to connect with them more. As far as I remember she had a kind of 'mentor' in the in between world who showed her how to connect with people and she guided the sister towards the killer's house. She was also able to connect with the friend who saw her soul run by. I dunno why they left all that out.
The film was good-ish but long winded and the end disappointing and flat, but the book was kind of boring IMO. Probably made the mistake of seeing the film first.
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