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Yes son bought me one for Xmas.. I am still finding my way around it, but I really like it... and it's very simple both to use and to download books . There are 3 types of fonts, several font sizes, the screen is easy on the eyes , as it is not backlit,  the instructions are fairly easy to understand, oh and there is also a text to speech facility...... Hope that helps a bit
Divvent tark ter me aboot kindle! Wor've been tryin' ter upload wor bux on th'amazon site aal threw holidayuz! Seriously, i can't see the point. They hold more books than you can ever read. Taking a couple of books abroad isn't an issue. One can buy lots of books second hand/charity. Maybe mrs jer and me are tighter than a duck's arse, and that's water tight.
Garage Joe
I've got one Karms..  I love it - but if you need specific books better check they're available as Kindle editions before you part with the readies.       I love it for reading in bed - you can snuggle down with only one hand outside the duvet and no need to turn pages.    It does highlight text and stuff, but I've never explored that cos mine is just for recreation.     The only thing I'm still getting used to is not knowing how far through a book you are - you can't pick it up and see if you're half way through or whatever.   Beats trying to balance a heavy hard back to read in bed though!

Got one for Christmas and its by far the best present I've had for years.  I'd recommend it to any avid book reader, especially ones like me who hate clutter and end up surrounded by hundreds of paperbacks.  I had reservations at first but now I can't imagine doing without it - all those books at the touch of a button, reading heaven!

Bolton Fan

nothing better than a book - I hate reading anything off a computer screen

advertisers convince you that you need but guess what - you really don't.

Hi Issy - I wondered about the 'feel of a book' aspect too - but I find it doesn't bother me, and it's not like reading off a computer screen at all - it's not backlit as Baz says, and the cover, if you have one, folds back on itself so holding it is just like a holding a book (only easier).   Of course you don't need one - but then there's very little in life we do actually need.   I wanted one though... and I love it.     Ideal for people like Croc's hubby who might find themselves with a bit of spare time, it can fit in a bag and go anywhere. 

Edit.. that's came out all scrunched up on my screen... (wouldn't happen with t a Kindle
Bolton.. yes, I tend not to read books twice so the advantage of not having them lying around is great.    Most of them are slightly cheaper as kindle editions too.

nothing better than a book - I hate reading anything off a computer screen

advertisers convince you that you need but guess what - you really don't.

Hi Issy - I wondered about the 'feel of a book' aspect too - but I find it doesn't bother me, and it's not like reading off a computer screen at all - it's not backlit as Baz says, and the cover, if you have one, folds back on itself so holding it is just like a holding a book (only easier).   Of course you don't need one - but then there's very little in life we do actually need.   I wanted one though... and I love it.     Ideal for people like Croc's hubby who might find themselves with a bit of spare time, it can fit in a bag and go anywhere. 

Edit.. that's came out all scrunched up on my screen... (wouldn't happen with t a Kindle
Bolton.. yes, I tend not to read books twice so the advantage of not having them lying around is great.    Most of them are slightly cheaper as kindle editions too.
Lets see if it posts properly this time

nothing better than a book - I hate reading anything off a computer screen

advertisers convince you that you need but guess what - you really don't.

Hi Issy - I wondered about the 'feel of a book' aspect too - but I find it doesn't bother me, and it's not like reading off a computer screen at all - it's not backlit as Baz says, and the cover, if you have one, folds back on itself so holding it is just like a holding a book (only easier).   Of course you don't need one - but then there's very little in life we do actually need.   I wanted one though... and I love it.     Ideal for people like Croc's hubby who might find themselves with a bit of spare time, it can fit in a bag and go anywhere. 

Edit.. that's came out all scrunched up on my screen... (wouldn't happen with t a Kindle
Bolton.. yes, I tend not to read books twice so the advantage of not having them lying around is great.    Most of them are slightly cheaper as kindle editions too.

Rexi         If it doesn't work this time, it's your fault.

nothing better than a book - I hate reading anything off a computer screen
advertisers convince you that you need but guess what - you really don't.

Hi Issy - I wondered about the 'feel of a book' aspect too - but I find it doesn't bother me, and it's not like reading off a computer screen at all - it's not backlit as Baz says, and the cover, if you have one, folds back on itself so holding it is just like a holding a book (only easier).   Of course you don't need one - but then there's very little in life we do actually need.   I wanted one though... and I love it.     Ideal for people like Croc's hubby who might find themselves with a bit of spare time, it can fit in a bag and go anywhere. 

Edit.. that's came out all scrunched up on my screen... (wouldn't happen with a Kindle
Bolton.. yes, I tend not to read books twice so the advantage of not having them lying around is great.    Most of them are slightly cheaper as kindle editions too.


Must be my brower Croc.. i tried IE and Firefox.... I'd delete the first ones but I can't 'reach' the delete tab for scrunched up text! 

Rexi.... anomalies.. does that mean that there's going to be a prehistoric monster jumping out of my screen any minute?  (and that will only make sense to fans of Primeval, sorry) 


My order was delayed from Amazon ,first it was to be dispatched on the 27th Dec arrive on the 29th Dec.(purchased as a gift ,had to download a picture and info from the web site)
Now received an email saying that my Kindle will not arrive until 5th Jan ,not happy .
The one thing I do know is ,its not like reading of a computer screen.Its just as if you are reading a page of a book .
I purchased the one at ÂĢ109,3G,no wifi.

Cheers Baz.Found this reply to a similar question on another site.
The 3G + wi-fi model is the ÂĢ149 one. The cheaper one you might see on the amazon site is wi-fi only. As others have said, if you don't have wi-fi, it would be best to get the 3G + wi-fi version, because then you can get books directly onto the Kindle device itself, using the 3G (which is the mobile phone network - in the UK it is provided by Vodafone). amazon pays the 3G charges (at least in the UK - I'm not sure what happens if you take it elsewhere). Otherwise, you have to plug it in to your computer and drag books over to it (it shows up as a mass storage device, and I found it quite complicated, although kind people on here helped me  ) 3G would definitely be easiest because you just click the "buy" link on the page with information about the book you're interested in, and it appears like magic  .

Prices vary depending on what you want, and they seem to change almost daily with some books. I'd suggest having a look at the available books on their website and seeing what you think of the selection. They have lists of the bestsellers and a lot of those are under ÂĢ3, but they go up and down, so really if you see something at a decent price, buy it because it could be dearer tomorrow. Some people have complained that some books they had hoped to buy (mostly sci-fi, from what I've read) aren't available, but it depends on what you like. They certainly have a lot of bodice-ripping romance, if you're interested in that . At the moment I think they say they have about 400,000 books available in the Kindle format, but that will probably increase if it really is as popular as they say, because that's a huge market for publishers.

You can have a look at the user guide on the amazon site as well, if you want some more information before you make up your mind. If you scroll right down to the bottom of the amazon page with the Kindle on it (either Kindle will do) they have links to the user's guide and also the quick start guide.
Last edited by Former Member
It's not an advertising ploy, I need one because the books are too heavy to hold to read and it affects my spinal and nerve probs.

Apologies Karma - that was insensitive.

I guess I am old fashioned , To me books make a house a home.I have books from my childhood, books that belong to my parents and books that I have bought myself as well those that have been gifts.
There is nothing like dipping into a book for the first time - new books have a special smell and I love the history of old books. When I move into my own house I estimate that I will have at least 5 bookcases full of my books.

I could never be without them - ever.
Edit.. that's came out all scrunched up on my screen... (wouldn't happen with a Kindle )  Bolton.. yes, I tend not to read books twice so the advantage of not having them lying around is great.    Most of them are slightly cheaper as kindle editions too.

Ah well you see I reread books over and over again.,..
I have two thirds of my living room wall covered in book shelves that are bursting with all kinds of books. I have a a cupboard in my bedroom full of all kinds of books, from small childrens classics right through to todays classics. My son bought me a Kindle for christmas and so far I love it. It is so easy to use, easy on the eye and easy on the pocket. Generally the Kindle books are far cheaper than paper books. you can fit it in your handbag, but the best thing for me personally is that I can hold it without it affecting the arthritis in  my thumb. I highly recomend it. 

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