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Couch to 5k - it has revolutionised my life!  I've gone from someone who detested running to someone who absolutely loves it!  I geniunely thought I couldn't run - I avoided it as much as possible at school and have done ever since - but now I've found I actually can!  It is amazing and I would recommend it to anyone who needs to get fit, lose weight or just to try and see if they can do it.  Its a NHS structured programme I happened to find when I googled "I can't run". I need to pass a police fitness test to become a Special Constable - I've already passed the application stage and the assessment day and this is the only thing stopping me from progressing.  I failed the first fitness test and have two more bites at the cherry before having to re-apply in six months and I'm determined to do it!!

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Originally Posted by Rexi:

Now that is spooky Bolton ... I've been thinking about taking up running. I cycle a lot, but I have an urge to run. I've just googled it, and have bookmarked it for a good read tomorrow (whilst sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea and a bikkie )


Glad you posted it

Hope you find it useful - I started running with my husband and soon got disillusioned because I tried to do too much too soon.  This programme is designed for even the most unfit and overweight people to be able to do - it starts with 60 seconds running and 90 seconds walking for a total of 20 minutes for one week before progressing to week 2 which I've just finished.  I start week 3 on Friday - 90 seconds running, 90 seconds walking then 3 minutes running and 3 minutes walking x 2.  The aim is to be running 5k in 30 minutes and it should take 9 weeks, although you can repeat weeks if you feel it necessary.  Hope you try it - its great!

Bolton Fan

oooooh!   thank you for this!!!



I have always been really crap at running..    both my friends at work run, they are addicted to it, and I really envy them, but thought I just couldn't do it.


I have got so unfit over the last two years, initially cos I had to sit and do nothing whilst waiting for an operation on my back to free a trapped nerve, but I had that op a year ago and have never really got going again, cos being unfit it hurts to suddenly get active.


Then the dog got ill, so even the longer dog walks stopped for a while.


Dogs been getting better & I have been shocked at how difficult I have found the longer walks.



I am sooo gonna do this!!!


Funnily enough one of my running friends had said something about starting off running a bit, then walking a bit..     but I thought she meant run a mile, walk a mile..     90 seconds!!  that soooo sounds much more doable!  


Yes, this was my new years resolution LAST year as you can see... i didnt even do the first day, but i downloaded the guide.


How far can you run now bolton fan, and do you find that you can feel your fitness increase over just a few weeks, or is it your stamina that is increasing?


I do wish i could get my arse in gear to do this.

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:
Originally Posted by zazz:

I will do it with you on my days off, Gypsie!! aslong as you go infront....

Im not going to do it with you, i would literally wee myself laughing.


my friend is turning into a right Paula Radcliffe...     initially it was just her bladder that would want to join in the fun, so she planned her runs so there were known hidey bushes on the way where she can have a wee.


However, the last year or so her bowels have been getting in on the action!



I've told her..   If I drive past & spot her white bum sticking out of the bushes at the side of the road I will beep my horn & put my headlights on full beam!!  


oh no now im paranoid about needing a wee


I bought a stopwatch for this very task (again last year) and i put it in a drawer under the stairs. The only purpose this stopwatch has had is to go off every evening for the past year for about 2 mins of beep beep..beep beep..   I still havent even got round to turning it off


Im goinna dig that stopwatch out and ruuuun...  I think

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

oh no now im paranoid about needing a wee


I bought a stopwatch for this very task (again last year) and i put it in a drawer under the stairs. The only purpose this stopwatch has had is to go off every evening for the past year for about 2 mins of beep beep..beep beep..   I still havent even got round to turning it off


Im goinna dig that stopwatch out and ruuuun...  I think


I have a stopwatch in the kitchen drawer that does exactly the same thing!!!  (the beeping every night)



I bought it for timing stuff in the kitchen though..     but retired it when I got a proper timer thing.


my friend uses an app on her iphone for all her timings, beepings & stuff.   she has a special strap for it on her arm.    On her other arm she has a flashing light thingy I bought her for christmas..   after her telling me about a couple of cars that got a little bit too close to her whilst she was out running.


Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I'm soooo gonna start off doing it in the dark 



OMG - me too


And perlease everyone ... surely wees and poohs only happen to some people? I'm going to be running in town - I don't want to have to carry a tesco bag like all the dog walkers


my friend doesn't bag it!!!    This is why I will beep & headlight her if I see her!   Told her...  you will be giving us dog walkers a bad name! 


(she does carry a packet of Handy Andy tissues with her though )



Gawd...  are we all gonna be back here in 2 months discussing the merits of the she-wee?

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

Yes, this was my new years resolution LAST year as you can see... i didnt even do the first day, but i downloaded the guide.


How far can you run now bolton fan, and do you find that you can feel your fitness increase over just a few weeks, or is it your stamina that is increasing?


I do wish i could get my arse in gear to do this.

Well I am just about to start week 3 which involves - 5 mins brisk walking to warm up, 90 seconds running, 90 seconds walking, 3 minutes running and 3 minutes walking x 2 - so I will run for a total of 9 minutes.  Yes you do feel fitter - I remember the first run of week one which was for 60 seconds and there's been a vast improvement already.  Although I must say I am still very doubtful that I will be able to run for 30 minutes non stop.  Hopefully as I progress I will feel more confident!

Bolton Fan

I think this programme should be used in schools.  I don't know what they do in PE/games these days but when I was at school (over 30 years ago now) it meant competing against each other in athletics which was mad!  I was just over five feet competing against girls five ten, five eleven sometimes with legs up to their armpits - and I wondered why I could never hope to beat them!  I thought it was because I couldn't run and that has stayed with me all my life - until now.

Bolton Fan
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

No, because of balance problems I have.

I have balance problems!  I find it really really hard to walk in a straight line and am forever stumbling on the treadmill and almost falling off unless I keep my head down a bit and slightly tilted (yeah I must look a right Richard).


I can't run though so I might give this thing a go!

Originally Posted by Rexi:

I'm going to start on Monday ... I really am


I would start tomorrow, but I need to watch Corrie

Well did you start??  


I started it.  I didn't realise how unfit I was until I tried the running part.  Stopping smoking would be a better place for me to start but I'm still giving this programme a go.  I'm doing it on the treadmill which is supposedly easier than outside running but I'm still struggling!  I'm only on my third day tomorrow though  


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